What would you consider the most ironic single page from cape comics, Sup Forums?

What would you consider the most ironic single page from cape comics, Sup Forums?

This would be it for me.

How is it ironic? He is the Ubermensch.

Ironic or iconic

Shit, I meant iconic, that's a fuckup

What is the eye closeup/pupil meant to represent?


A cumstain in his eye.
Which is what he sees.
And he's looking beyond the page, at you the reader!

>tfw no Val gf

The "Now it's my turn bub" page from Dark Phoenix was the first one I thought of but honestly the last page of Superman Beyond gives me chills every time. Superman will never begin or end. There is only "Previously!" and "To Be Continued"

Superman very objectively has a beginning, though

An user explained to me how the fact the close up does not cause Miracleman's features to become anymore detailed serves to illustrate the unnerving subliminal truth that what is seen is not entirely real upon close inspction as we later learn the memories were fabricated, and yet the Zarathustra quote helps allude to a juxtaposition in that the unreality that is Miracleman is soon to enter into the mundane world and bring into it all the impossibility of the fictional comicbook world like Miracleman/Moran had been made to imagine things were once.

The imminence of two worlds colliding can also be construed as you the reader are gazing into something gazing into you.


Is Thanos the Marvel Universe's embodiment of irony?

Yeah, obviously he literally does, but for all intents and purposes, for anybody experiencing their first Superman today, unless you're 80 and have been reading Action since 1939, Superman has always been there in your life. He's a legend, ergo there is always a "previously!"

>We will never get this moment, nor the payoff with Thanos becoming a farmer in the MCU because modern audiences would not be able to digest the pathos of a "talking grape"

But hey we'll get plenty of cameos and jokes from Rocket and Boom! Pow! Bash! action, right?

>>Literary distance between text and subtext
>>Literally irony

Typo win

feels bad. I really love Thanos Quest


No, fuck off, your shitty Morrison tripe has no meaning whatsoever behind it. It's all just a bunch of shallow garbage.

Spooks me every time.

Interesting, thanks user

Ah, this is the character Marvel based that retard Sentry on, right?

Yeah, the Jenkins mini has an uncanny resemblance to Moore's run, especially the beginning. The rest was stolen from an obscure DC character called Triumph.

Every time Morrison tries to break the fourth wall like this, it drives me crazy because it reminds me that I'm reading a comic, which just makes the scene feel even more fake.
I remember the Superman Thought Robot scene falling completely flat for me because I first read it with the book laid flat, rather than "cradled" in my hands.

After reading every now and then I start thinking about how deep does the rabbit hole go, if the characters thought they were real what's stopping the reader from being in the same situation, then I realize how boring it would be for someone to Write a story like mine



that ain't even the most iconic Thanos page

It's just a favourite of mine

My personal favorite.

just noticed the blood stain is the same as on Comedian's button

Rosarch still gets the last laugh in the end


Daredevil: The Man Without Fear

To a higher dimensional being, your life might be pretty interesting.


I know that’s Ultimate Peter there, but it would only be iconic with the real Peter, and he’s still alive.

What the fuck do these panels even mean? Like what's even the context? So he can see the world outside of the comic?


You have good tastes OP


Google the overman.

Rorschach wanted to die there and the number of people who don't get this is staggering.


>most iconic
>people posting shit that doesn't involve spider-man, superman, batman, or the x-men

have you ever talked to someone in real life?


fine, you big baby




And the red vapor/smoke as it drifts across the yellow doorway


Fan fiction doesn't count.


That's not a page, that's a variant cover, retard.

whats with the crowbar?

The gun in the holster is such a case of censorship making for a better final product.

I think it's one of Nite-Owl's hover scooter things tipped over

Fuck you he's living in a perfect world with my waifus

>American man confronts Illegal Alien
Quite possibly the most loud yet silent patriotic moment in comic book history.
Freedom intensifies in every panel.

He was dissing Roschach's return in modern DC comics.

This isn't supposed to be a You Cry You Lose thread!
DC missed a mark when they didn't give Jon the middle name Van or something.

You're really reaching, you could apply this to anyou fight against an alien. Cap doesn't care about representing Americans, he represents the dream. His parents were immigrants.

Twas in jest.

Doomsday Clock Rorschach is almost guaranteed to be a legacy character

Seems like he knew that, user. He said a perfect world.

I agree. That'd be the page.

see that would require Tomasi to be a half-decent writer

Right, because what DC needs is to keep stealing from single issue Moore stories. Read more comics.

His parents weren't illegal freeloaders.

He didn't create Jon you fucking idiot.

The original wasn't even that bad. Just a wide shot of them kissing in the middle of the room. The gun implies so much more.


and Jurgens is even worse

Obscure stories not set in the marvel or DC universes are hardly iconic. Read a dictionary.

People are just posting their favorite pages, none of this recent Morrison shit is iconic in any way

Steve was an artist living off a government paycheck

Jurgens didn't create Jon. Just stop posting.

>first appearance in Convergence: Superman #2
>written by DAN JURGENS
then who did, user

Right, this "page" (actually a single panel) is so iconic that 99% of people couldn't name the woman in the background.


Not sure how iconic this is, but I really like it.



World's Finest #154 (1965).


That guy wasn't called Jon though.

>Kal-El, Jr.
also that's pre-Crisis anyway so it's not even remotely the same character

like saying Silver Age Superboy is the same as Conner Kent

What a piece of shit. Mooch's off the government, then takes a bunch of experimental roids to become a superhero because he's a beta manlet, then acts like he's better than everyone.


where does he get m16s?

Miracleman is as much set in the Marvel Universe as Watchmen is set in the DC Universe. Are you going to claim that there are no iconic pages from Watchmen either?

>Miracleman is as much set in the Marvel Universe as Watchmen is set in the DC Universe
Except Marvel bought the rights to Miracleman while Watchmen was always a DC comic.

In Alan Moore's Captain Britain, he had one of the universes which The Fury visited by Miracleman's. Regardless of Marvel not getting the rights to print Miracleman until after the fact, it had already been established as part of the Marvel Multiverse by Moore himself.

What the fuck is this shit?

On the other hand, Moore had never established Watchmen as part of the DC multiverse, and only became such under Geoff Johns' pen as part of Rebirth.

He wanted to use the original characters for the story, it was DC that wouldn't let him have Blue Beetle, The Question, Peacemaker, the Atom, etc

Exactly. DC wouldn't let him use those characters, so he created new characters unrelated to any DC characters or DC settings. Rorschach isn't The Question anymore than The Fixer is Batman or Marvelman is Captain Marvel.

You know, out of all the pages posted here, I think and are the most iconic. As much as I love most of the pages you guys are posting, I doubt a lot of comic readers have seen or remember the rest of em.

that would be out of place though, Jon is named after Lois and Clark's fathers