I unironically want a Captain Planet reboot now

I unironically want a Captain Planet reboot now

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bruh ive wanted nothing more for the past 20 years

sure if they give it to the guys behind the Castlevania show

Environment conservation isn't a thing kids can be sold on now, it's really all about global warming but since the government doesn't want people to think it's real there's no reason to be an eco fighter.

trump can be a villain that tries to trick people into believing pollution and global warming aren't real.
That's sure to rake in the ratings!

But that's already on tv

>Show about a group of diverse kids saving the environment

Cuckservatives are just going to say it’s anti-white propaganda.

2/5 planeteers are white

Wow, what a great start for thread, now let's try to keep it on topic.

How'd you feel about Captain Planet's return, Sup Forums?

You think that’s going to stop the hicks?

This, also "green consumerism" doesn't really change anything. We're objectively doing better at an individual and community level than in the 90s, but major corporate oligarchs almost always have free reign and contribute way more to the problem than little Timmy forgetting to unplug his phone charger ever will. Just look at the Keystone Pipeline as a perfect example of this.

No no, that's Scott Pruitt. You're describing Scott Pruitt.

...who of course was appointed by Trump but, whatever.

More reason to do it then

No, you don't understand. Anything that's anti-racism is anti-white. It's like how anything your parents do for your siblings is a slight against you.

>want to teach kids to save the environment
>make villains more interesting yet give them no real reason to actually pollute beyond for fun
They couldn't have made it so the polluters were just normal people who ruined the environment because of pragmatic reasons or because they needed money to feed their families, and the Planeteers had to show them another option?


Captain Planet is about environmental issues, not social justice

So Captain Planet's skin is blue, right? So what's the red stuff on his chest? It's too small to be a shirt, but too big to be a bra.

t. literal child who has never watched Captain Planet before


>he doesn't know about the gang or AIDS episodes


we gotta make them social justice warriors!

kwame stands for black lives matter despite coming from africa where it wouldnt make sense

wheeler is a flaming faggot who wants to shove the lgbt agenda down everyones throats

linka is an hardcore feminist

gi is a vegan and animal rights advocate

ma-ti is everything else. transexual indigenous muslim refugee

I bet you're real fun at parties.

>not real

No, it's just that it doesn't matter when the Chinese contribute far more to it and the Chinese don't give a fuck about it.

Except China has been making more strides towards cleaning up their act by 2020 than the US had in recent years.

and China says why should they care when the West don't care


Ted Turner just needs to strike harder.

Overall the US has done more to cut carbon emissions than any other country, and China still puts out twice the greenhouse gasses that we do

This logic is retarded. "Why should America care if China doesn't?" Also it's fucking objectively wrong.

Well there's... This

I unironically want Brandon.

Anyone have a link to the episode?

When I was a kid my favorite part about Captain Planet was they gave you little ways to help the environment at the end of each episode so you could be an honorary planeteer

I guess we're denying reality

thats the logic almost everybody uses when it comes time to do something
"why should i do X when Y doesn't do it/do more"

Scare Glow, what are you doing there?

Did this really happen? That's so dumb. It concedes and assumes that racism is pro-white.

The logic only children use, and has nothing to do with this issue and is just an excuse to ignore that besides using energy to better improve the quality of life for most Americans, America is also far from the biggest problem in regards to pollution, even ignoring the fact the contributions that come from the west in renewable energy far outweighing anything from the rest of the world combined.

Oh god, that reminds me of the "anti-racist is white genocide" movement a few years back. The ones who wanted to petition the UN or something. I was never sure if it was legit or trolling.

where the hell are >OP
image and from??

From the new episode m8

It's hard to tell considering that they still pop up from thread to thread and they all really turn their brains off and repeat a set of phrases and never really engage in conversation.

>blaming the rest of the world for contributing to pollution and borderline "w-west is best!"
>doesn't realize most of the companies in these countries that are the biggest contributors (sweatshops, factories, etc) are owned by western companies that outsource to avoid said restrictions in the west

Must be nice to be a corporate shill

That's not true, Obama had them agree to roll back the emissions.

You honestly think China cared what Obama thought after they had him by the balls after loaning all that money?

>since the government doesn't want people to think it's real

Where have you faggots been for the last 40 years? Bogus enviromental causes are pushed by the state and the media oligarchs all the time.

Well, it was a surprinsingly sweet homage.

I was somewhat expecting Wheeler instead Kwame, though.

Citation fucking needed.

Citation gladly fucking provided.



Just a couple articles with more to come for you with just a google search!

Ironically the original show would be shat on relentlessly for being SJW libfag numale garbage now, even though it was made decades before most of those terms even existed.

Everyone Sup Forums related is 50% trolling, 50% legit. The issue is the people that troll eventually start to drink the koolaid.

Could Duke Nukem come back as a reformed villain now that Nuclear is accepted as a greener form of energy?


alternative energy pushers are still mostly anti nuclear

Is it sad that this was the first time in over fifteen years I felt emboldened enough to feel I could change things again? Even if for just a moment.

Rad needs leg day badly

I mean, they literally did have an episode specifically for for Gaia and the Captain to cockblock the two white kids specifically. Sure, we can point out that the West, (and China by extension as our global manufacturing base) produces far more CO2 and other waste products per capita by far than say, africa or the middle east. However, the only functional solution is basically freezing technologicla and economic progress somewhere in the late 17th century and commiting to measured genocide on a global scale.

This of course requires a level of either global government or catastrophic system failure which other powers would understandably work against. After all, the most successful environmentalist historically was probably Ghengis Khan. He managed to drop global CO2 by

reduce and reuse are the most powerful weapons you have in the fight against pollution

recycle is massively overrated

>It concedes and assumes that racism is pro-white.

You'd be surprised at how many people believe and support this line of thinking.

just a reminder: the government cant fix climate change only make it worse, and much of global warming is alarmism and the land we lose that was from rising sea level can be fixed via levy and we actually will gain more suitable living space in Greenland

White genocide isn't real.

But it should be.

At the cost of losing the tropical and sub-tropical areas.

>he hasn't realized the futility of fighting the solid state entity

Lot of Jews on Sup Forums today.

no great loss considering most of the ethnic groups from those areas are migrating to northern countries.

I'm thinking of my own country which mostly sits in the tropical and sub-tropical belt.

immigrate into the northern usury serfdom and subsist on our seasonal labor or die, slime.

I really got disillusioned when I found out how wasteful recycling plastic bottles was.

One of the major villains was Verminus Skumm, a rat mutant who manipulated humans into ever increasing wars in order to create conditions where his mutant children will thrive.

Most of the normal people involved were exactly that. Eco-villains were unique mutants or maniacs who manipulated normal people into using dangerous, polluting methods because they benefit from a shittier world.

How can government only make climate change worse but not better? It's like if you're on a train that can only go forward, can't you slow it down? Yes, you can't stop it, yes it will meet its destination, but slowing it down is still a worthwhile goal.

I mean Gi being an animal rights activist's a good hook to make her less bland, she could be the one who's a bit low empathy compared to Kwame's community building focus. She always was the one who cared most about the dolphins and shit.

I'm more sad about the flora and fauna that cant do that.

China acknowledge it as a problem. Go ahead and move the goalposts, but know that China publically agreed to reduce CO2 emissions.

by stifling free market innovation by giving subsidies that get rid of the incentive to make actually more energy efficient things.

Also most government environmental policies are short sited and make more pollution. The government needs to get out of the energy business in general remove all subsides

youtube.com/watch?v=jWbhhrRBHns here an example

>Is it sad that this was the first time in over fifteen years I felt emboldened enough to feel I could change things again? Even if for just a moment.

Yes, because optimism means nothing in the age of stupidity. The EPA is trying to make the environment worse, for fuck's sake.


I find it sad that the ONLY thing that triggered this episode was the typical tease towards Boxman

Did you bother reading either article you linked you retarded ape? Neither article refers to US companies, just Chinese goods being exported out of the country.

And if the government gets into nuclear?

Yeah man, but recycling gets pushed the hardest because it implies you shouldn't change your consumption habits

But it doesn't have to be so bad! Want soda but don't want to waste so much plastic? Use a reusable mug! Most gas stations will let you fill an Xoz mug for the same price as an Xoz cup!

and here I thought this was a OKreference thread
there's no new episodes this week, right?

>and we actually will gain more suitable living space in Greenland
Oh, phew! I dunno what I was worried about.

Did YOU?

>"By exporting their production needs to developing countries, researchers say, the United States, Japan and many Western European nations have managed to "outsource" more than half of their carbon dioxide emissions and evade responsibility for their share of the climate-altering pollution."

Also, gee, its almost like western company pursuits for cheap labor driving them to China is what REINFORCES their shitty practices.

Reminder that the most recent episode had the best waifu this show has produced so far.


The episode was cheesy, but in a good way. I thought it was very well done and delivered a good message to boot.

>exporting their production needs
You realize this just means importing Chinese goods right?
The article says nothing about US companies producing in China.

Next your going to tell me poor people wanting cheap products is ruining the world.

>grew up in high pollution commie block
>was actually pretty comfy
>eventually move to nicer first world area with clean air
>kind of hate it

I just want a comfy dystopic future where everyone looks like they're from STALKER.

>The article says nothing about US companies producing in China.

"Sure they COMMISSION the merchandise and OWN the factories and reap the majority of the benefits with their cheap labor but it doesn't fit my narrow definition of directly producing so it doesn't count. :)"

>Next your going to tell me poor people wanting cheap products is ruining the world.

People are poor due to plateauing wages from corporations wanting to keep labor cheap, which then fuels into the demand of cheap products that they supply. It's a manufactured demand, and acting like the same corporations that benefited from Reagenomics to this level are somehow solving the problem by exploiting their wage slaves makes it clear your libertarian leaning worldview explains why you refuse to see the black and white text in those articles for what it is.

The big problem is the 50's are gone. Want a 50's and 60s type economy, start a world war and destroy every other factroy

The problem with modern day "media sanctioned" environmentalism is it's disingenuous, targeted towards the wrong audience, and is essentially encouraging people to make small meaningless changes that ultimately will not make a difference and only succeed in alleviating people's consciences or guilt.

The biggest threat to the environment isn't consumers, it isn't "normal people" who drive to work instead of taking the bus, or people who throw out food they forget to eat, or people who use disposable plastic bags. The biggest threat to the environment is China, it's India, it's large, sketchy, companies and industries that are either ignorant or unsympathetic and use inefficient, inexpensive, measures to make poor quality products n' so forth and the modern first world conglomerates that outsource and support this kind of behavior because realistically they enable and simple don't give a shit about the environment.

And that's really the root of the matter: if you want environmental change, you're going to have to pressure your local governments to enforce stipulations, legislation, regulations, and provide incentive to make industries more environmentally conscious- if not to preserve the environment, but if only because environmentally conscious measures are usually lest wasteful, innovative, and less expensive in the long run.

Even then, EVEN THEN, if you're a nationalist or an anti-globalist, then it it's in within your best interest to support green-energy and environmentally conscious efforts as they're usually very invested in developing local, sustainable, methods that outright cuckold foreign exports, and de-value globalization efforts: you don't need to buy oil from the middle east or russia if you're running on solar, wind, or thermal energy, you don't need to buy food from fucking china if you're growing your own using indoor hydrophonics.

Environmentalism is a SMART choice, but people have been given the wrong impression by BAD publicity.

Who the fuck buys food from china?

I'd suggest that maybe leaning too much on outdated capitalist tendencies is what's casing this problem more than anything, but a) yeah, you're right, we'd still need to produce things no matter what and b) not here on all places, this thread's already got shitted up.

I'm sure we'll figure something. If not, I'm gonna live out these last decades or so being a moron and pursuing my dreams and shit. Maybe make a comic or cartoon,

Yeah. Basically most if not all of this.

This show is meme pollution.

This post is meme pollution.

Do you think chinese goods are made by chinese companies? China doesn't "make" anything. Everything they export is owned by external companies that use Chinese labor.

It will drive poor hardworking coal companies out of business, which is bad.

Thing is, everything the government does or could do is "bad" depending on who you are. People that talk about the government getting out of things just happen to be on the ass side of whatever the government is doing.

>Kwame laments that all the planeteers left to get real jobs
>the black guy doesn't have a job
Wow racist

Coal companies are going under. The jobs can't come back. Automation and lower needs for coal means it's gone and ain't never coming back.

3 posts in and thread ruined, gg no re

He does! It's being a Planeteer!

Though it's about as real as a job as writing for game journo websites