How did the right-wing populist wave miss Canada...

How did the right-wing populist wave miss Canada? It seems that my country is the only one in the west where far(ther) right elements have utterly failed to take root and the majority of the country (Upwards of 80%) are still leftist as fuck.

What was different here? Was our economy simply performing too well for anyone to want change?

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Wait until it becomes like Sweden and you'll see it spread like wildfire.

It diddnt miss us, do you live in the city and work at Starbucks?

Did you miss 8 years of Harper? That's as right wing as you'll get here and it's always been the case. Canada is a mostly centrist nation.

>Sup Forums tell me why my countrymen don't mindlessly hate brown people

Because we're one of the most highly educated nations on Earth.

You're not going to like this:
Justine Trudeau daddy is Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
He's a commie.
He modeled modern canada to be a socialist shit hole with lefty bullies.
That's how they work.
That's why canadians are brain washed to hate Americans and capitalism.

canadian economy has never preformed well.

Considering the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" was drafted in 1982 by him, and is basically "privileges" which can be taken away at any time.

First canadian thanksgiving was decided in 1957. 59 years ago.

canada is literally a new country from 60 years ago.

Anthem was changed this year too, different flag as well, it's all a joke

>How did the right-wing populist wave miss Canada?
It didn't. Stop looking at Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, or Ottawa.

Most Canadians are centrist, they're not far left or far right.

I've met more right-wing Canadians than left-wing Canadians btw, right-wing leafs tend to live in Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Maritime provinces and Newfoundland. The reason you don't see very far-right leafs is because leafs don't have a reason to be far-right, yet. We haven't been hit hard by the negatives of liberalism like western Europe or USA has, since Canada's been ran by centrists and conservatives for most of its lifespan. Trudeau's doing a good job at redpilling leafs, though. He's a laughing stock in the white parts of Canada and the white parts of Canada are realizing what really happens in Toronto and Vancouver.

also this

Sweden is 90% white, Canada is only 75%.

Good chunk of that 25% are assorted natives, however.

Wtf i hate trudough now

Also Sweden being 90% white is bullshit

>9.6 million people live in Sweden
>have accepted an estimated 2.5 million rapefugees (and that's being generous)

The right wing people in this country were all too eager to sell us out to the globalists and Chinese. The left wingers will do this too so it doesn't really matter. The problem in Canada is that there is no nationalist party.

With no alternative to globalism, people don't give a fuck if its Trudeau or Harper selling us out. End result is the same.

Snow removal and health care are communal activities. No right wing fucker is of any use in February.

You had a neo-con asshole when the rest of us had socialist fucktards.

I don't think the wave missed, Canada is just out of sync. They came through the Great Recession without what we had going on here so it's probably attributable to that.

you didn't hate him before you fucking idiot?

you brain doesn't preform well

>who is Adrien Arcand

The Reform Party was probably the closest thing we ever had in recent memory. The problem of course was it pretty much stayed in Western Canada. And then merging with the PC Party diluted it in a sense.

Oh yeah, the right wing populist movement hit Quebec pretty hard in the 50s with Maurice Duplessis.

NZ has pretty much zero right-wing presence in the media and other public discourse. The most right-wing people get in NZ is wanting lower taxes, but it doesn't happen so we keep our mouths shut and head down otherwise we get beaten up by roaming gangs of Chinese (who are tax exempt and receive tax-payer grants from our government to buy our land) and called racist by everybody in the media. Because maori poverty is caused by too low taxes according to literally every (((policy advisor))) in our country.

In fact, I am deeply concerned that NZ could go the way of Venezuela. Our 1 major party is "center-right" but also quite corrupt and anti-populist, while the two largest opposition parties are ultra-leftist and are combining forces. We're on a fucking razor's edge here, if our center-right party does something too jewish and shady in the next year, we might go full-socialist and put Canada to shame.

We're always 5-10 years behind the US. Harper was our Bush, Trudeau is our Obama. Soon brothers, soon (inshallah).

10 years and he was center right

Bring him back

>right wing

rude 2bh

To be fair, maritimers are racist as fuck. They sure do love their gibs though.

It is currently easy enough to escape the things causing the resurgence in populism. Also, the country is not in terrible shape. Give it 2 years of government spending and stupidity at the current rate and this will change. The Weed Man will try to defend his shit budgets with 'muh feminism' and few people will buy it.

If the conservatives are smart they see this coming and are searching for a strong candidate to come out of nowhere in 4 years time and kick out the libs.

Why didn't we listen?

Canadians are irrelevant and wield no power which is why center left neo-lib policies dominate the country

Dont think its fixable unless maybe their was some sort of revolution.

Country is still kind of white.

no you wont. canada is way less white then anywhere except america, and they wont and don't give a shit. canada pretty much encapsulates the jewish ideal nation.

I'm glad your country no longer has the Union jack you can all fuck off and die.

make Canada great again

>canada is literally a new country from 60 years ago

t. asian-canadian

Not for long.

My serious answer is that it's the harsh climate and massive amounts of land. It's just not very easy to put up a fuss in Canada, so people come in from all over, and then the winter is hard as fuck and you just don't want to fight anyone. Since there's never that much conflict between people--at least compared to other countries--the population begins to think that humans are basically good, and then you get the liberal party and multiculturalism. If we were a smaller country with warm temperatures it would probably be a powder keg (maybe things will change with global warming) but we aren't. All the volatility of human interaction is dissipated into the vast ethers. Also, our economy is pretty simple: We export all our resources to other countries at a pretty large discount. It's pretty hard to fuck that up, especially as resources start becoming more scarce. In that way, I think Canada is ruled more by nature than men. You could probably make a fuss about things, but mostly everyone's too cold and sad for revolution. I think that's why we are so kind when we see each other in person. It would be pretty heartless to give someone too much shit, because we know what they are going through. Things might swing right again, because of influence from America, but it will still be a pretty diluted anger that won't go anywhere, I suspect. Also, if you think about it, if the government doesn't create a safety net, a homeless person would basically freeze to death in a week. In hotter climates poverty is not such a big deal, but here it's a death sentence. Perhaps you can understand how that's less fair than being broke in Spain, for example. Oh also, we always get the best minds from around the world, and they are not going to vote against their own interests and are also very smart and productive (generally anyway). It's a really hard country to emigrate to, so there just isn't time for violence.

>beat up by Chinese
Dude, what?

>Things might swing right again, because of influence from America

It's the opposite we are so left because of the desire to not be america.

we weren't as fucked as Germany, England, Sweden, Belgium, etc. so the public was mostly apathetic to the social situation. although it's growing significantly as the libs cause more and more damage, and once their policies start putting people out of work and infringing on their lives, people are going to never vote liberal again in their life time, maybe they'll even start rioting.

my main worry here is the east. the prairies have been predominantly conservative for years, but our votes don't matter worth shit because Ontario and Quebec, which are mostly left wing, have ten times the people we do. the western separatist movement is growing rapidly since Justin Trudumbdick took charge and began driving the prairie's economys into the ground despite relying on our production and resources to fuel his fucking ridiculous budget plans. he's spending like a God damned 5-year-old with a credit card and the entirety of Canada will suffer as a result, paying his billions in deficit for the next few decades.

there's a lot more shit they did in the last year alone, but I'd be here all day if I covered it all and there's a 2000 word post limit.

americans have patriotism
europeans have 1000 year roots
there is no ground on which to cultivate a movement in Canada

it's dead. pray we get annexed

If the Liberals pass the election reform are we not doomed? A ranking voter system will have the majority putting Liberals and NDP 1 and 2. How can Conservatives get back into power?

Maritimes are a bunch of right-wingers who vote against their own interests solely because conservatives continuously fuck over their economy, lad.

this is extremely accurate

tfw the only right leaning person in toronto
it's lonely anons and dangerous