Neo Yokio

I'm watching this right now. What should expect?

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Probably the best ironic humor in existence

wait for the Abriged series

Big Toblerones.

a bunch of pretentious nonsense from folks who have long since stopped being relatable to the average person

How Jaden views the world



Haha. Just got to the part where Jayden and Charles visit "the grave". This is hilarious.

I like the way someone else put it:
>It's like an abridged series for a series that doesn't exist.

That pesky soviet

A Russian?

I get that the humor is subtle, but how come so few people get it? The economic/classist satire, the nuance of irony sprinkled throughout the episodes. Hell the fact that theyre promoting anti consumerism throughout all the blatant product placement seems to be a joke that goes over peoples heads. The art and voice acting is garbage yes, but the show is solid

I love the occasional line that sounds like it was recorded on a phone. It probably was.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Neo Yokio. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Kaz's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Neo Yokio truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kaz's existential catchphrase “You don't deserve the big toblerone,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ezra Koenig’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Neo Yokio tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>a show so obscure and acient that nobody can find it. Prettt much lost media
>somebody finds it and the first thing they do is make an abridged series of it.

I like this thought.

It plays itself way too well. I was in a watching it with a few friends and we couldn't tell whether it was trying to mock itself or not, especially considering Jaden voices the main character. It took an episode or two to let the idea of it just being an intentional shitshow sink in.

It still doesn't explain the fucking vape scene

I'm not even sure you can say they're outright promoting anti-consumerism. The demons have shown no signs of being misunderstood or anything less than pure evil, and they are clearly a Marxist force.

Sailor Pellegrino is kawaii.

>consumerism is bad
>but let's do product placement anyway

I doubt the show would've been made without it.

It uses deconstruction of anime tropes as a way to comment on and play with how strange celebrity and wealth is in 2017. It's actually pretty vicious in how hollowed out of any kind of meaning the show seems to view everything the characters are doing and everything they care about is. I think it compares the most to something like Adaptation, or that play Charlie Kaufman did. It has the same kind of loopy layers with how the characters in the story relate to each other, the story itself, and the creators, with the same alarmingly strong theme of suicide running through it all.

Is it really garbage voice acting if it was intentionally shitty?

I've heard it japanese dubbed and it just was not as fun without the awkward deliveries and whatnot.

It's already been Japanese dubbed?

Better pacing would help with some of the scenes. The voice acting is decent most of the time but bad deliveries stand out.

Mentioning a real world item isn't always product placement. A $125 bar of chocolate that's bigger than anyone, or even a decent sized group, could ever eat is very much a symbol of excess. Much like the diamond encrusted skull and 15 liter bottle of champagne, both of which are real.

So as I understand it, this is awful if you interpret it as Jaden Smith throwing his wealth around to get his own anime, but this is amazing when you interpret it as the product of a society where Jaden Smith can throw his wealth around to get his own anime?

I can't find anything. I think user is full of shit.

Check the archive, someone posted a YouTube link to a scene from the dub in a previous thread.

But user, this IS the abridged series.

>talks about needing to smoke
>good thing I need my vape
>takes one fucking smoke

It's bad.

>It's not funny
>I's not ironic
>It's not an action show
>it's not an anime parody
>it's not a comment on anything

Someone also posted the Toblerone scene on twitter too in japanese.

Could maybe one of YOU faggots post it? I can't find this shit

>ahh that was a good vape

The Aristocrats

I just visited Jaden Smith's twitter
He can't even advertise his fucking anime correctly

The midnight blue tux shit is hilarious.
This show honestly reminds me of the Boondocks at times.
Not because of black people in anime-like worlds, but the pacing.

it's actual nothing, which is worse than being just bad

>believing any of this
You seem to be the kind of guy who hates on Ghost Stories and dubbed hentai voice acting.

Its Boondocks + The Ghost Stories Dub

It's anti consumerism because they portray kaz and arcangelo as vain self-centered and unlikable while Helena is the only one who sees how stupid the city is. Another joke that's overlooked is how her revelation is seen as a fad.

Exactly, the Soviets.

Expect to learn that water ain't weak, yo.

Finished it.

It was decent. The worst part is some of the line deliveries but it's otherwise a decent story.

i hate anime but this show, is so bad that makes so good, is like get sick in a school week when you are kid. It's bad, yes, but you spend the time in your bed learning noting

You are wasting your time OP don't do it.

>6 episodes
>wasting my time
Do you even watch anime? 6 episodes is hardly a dedication.

Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies?

Then have the abridged series take itself deathly seriously.

He did absolutely nothing wrong.

He was too stupid to know how the family trust worked.


He turned his dad into a fucking raccoon and was probably going to kill him after catching him.

>watching abriged shit
>after 2009
This site has 18+ age restriction, lad

The guy at the grave is voiced by Ray Wise.


Considering he was even still alive since the time of the funeral, he was probably just waiting for the house to be entrusted to him.

This, not sure if is on porpouse like how starship troopers is an anti-facist movie where all the characters are facist.

DBZA > all official dubs of DBZ

Only nostalgia-blinded manchildren would disagree.

All the other ones are Youtube poop quality. You know, if you're into that.

Honestly the first part of DBZA is really standard abridged fare with some pretty good jokes spliced in here and there. It isn't until Namek hits that the show's quality actually starts to in some cases surpass the original series (though it's still very much standing on the shoulders of giants).

Yu-gi-oh Abridged has that "classic but antiquated" feel to it. Sword Art Online, like the original series, starts off very strong but gradually devolves into shit as the romance plotline starts to sink in.

There is not a good Naruto abridged series. is actually a really solid one-shot for Pokemon Origins.

>Why don't people get it?
It comes across as a production that was failing, and everyone realized it was failing, so instead of continuing it as a serious product, they made it stupid intentionally.

The animation is not skillfully bad. It's actually just bad. It's cheap, it has errors, it's bland, it's bad.

The voice acting is also just bad. Jayden Smith it terrible and has zero charisma. We know from past performance that this isn't him being ironically terrible. This is his actual skill ceiling. Whether they cast him as the lead for this reason is debatable, but they definitely didn't hire someone with range or ability to lead this show.

Because the animation is very simple and the lip synch is little more than a binary mouth open/closed, the original dialogue could have been ANYTHING. It probably wouldn't be hard to splice in more goofy content to try to save what might have been a serious project originally.

A lot of people think the show is bad because IT IS BAD. The pacing is glacial, and the good moments are spread far between each other. Even as ironic comedy it's not amazing.

>There is not a good Naruto abridged series.

Are there any decent abridged series for amine that aren't ones people grew up with or a big flavor of the month? Like anything that you have to actually have an outright interest in anime to watch?


He just wanted the house so he could fix it up because his dad was letting it turn to shit.

I see nothing wrong with turning him into a Raccoon for an indefinite amount of time.

I wish these girls were actual characters. Or at least the angry one.

Probably some really obscure ones out there that have decent jokes. But generally theyre usually only made for popular anime. The more obscure you get, the less abridged series there are for it, and sometimes they just might not be funny

Lol, no. You're giving the red scare schoolkid version of history. There's nothing 'utopian' about what Marx advocated, he was interested in a highly pragmatic solution to the structural issues of capitalism and the state, not some fairyland where everyone holds hands in some abomination of 'true equality' and gets gulaged if they try to better themselves. The actual USSR took the brunt of WW2 and yet made greater economic gains in the mid 20th century relative to where they were before than the US did. And this is despite not being "real communism". After capitalist reforms, Russia didn't really improve and many people there right now would rather be more socialist instead. Even taking all this into account, Marx's vision was created specifically for western, industrialized, democratic nations who would have the social, political and economic infrastructure to make communism a viable alternative to capitalism. Because, after all, the whole point of communism is to free people from state imposed private control of industry and replace it with actually democratic allocation, something which should be more viable now than at any other point in history.

Get memed

>Are there any decent abridged series for anime that aren't ones people grew up with or a big flavor of the month?

What kind of qualification is that?

Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series (episodes 4 - 20 + specials)
None Piece (ep 1-3)
50% Off

Are all fucking great. You're basically asking for a special snowflake series that is good yet not known, to which I ask, why? Why would you even want a parody like that?

I'm not interested in watching nostalgiabait or shitty entry-level stuff, even if it's being parodied.

There is not a good Naruto series.

I dislike how the poor oppressed people were introduced into the story suddenly in the last episode. If that was supposed to be a meaningful commentary of the capitalism vs communism theme, it should have been present since the beginning. Up until the final race scene, the show has been pointing towards consumerism being a wasteful cringy thing, but still overall positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. It was so alluring that the Soviet racer betrayed her motherland in a heartbeat when shown Western luxuries. As is, I'm not sure what the show is even trying to say about the issue, since the ending was so different from everything else up until that point.

I was watching it with a group of friends. We all laughed since the title card was "I'm starting to think Neo-Yokio isn't the best place on Earth" and when he actually says it it's over a five second scene. Also, we both know Season 2 will have her poor and destitute saying "this is just as bad as the Soviet Union", which will be incredibly in poor taste.

Why do you even want "pretentious weeb parody 123" in the first place? Do you get the point of a parody?


I don't even know what you're trying to say. You can have a funny parody without being pretentious or based on something super popular. I can't find it now, but the "Oh fuck who let Chaika drive" and other joke sub webms from that series are a good example.

>agrarian backwaters shitholes makes gains by rapid industrialization and imperialism, drvien by strong autocratic government
You're actually defending that authoritarianism is good for developing economies.
Which is in fact true, when coupled with certain policies. As seen in Brazil, Chile, China and Spain. But the one that kept itself following a communist agenda rather than a fascist or "state capitalist" one ended up... not existing anymore.

>brunt of WW2
In terms of manpower, and it only won at all due to food and equipment imports.

>Because, after all, the whole point of communism is to free people from state imposed private control of industry and replace it with actually democratic allocation, something which should be more viable now than at any other point in history.
And his point is that idiots like you get stuck at the Socialist transition.

Plus, Marxist Dialetics is not at all pragmatic.
Also, if you want to be consistent with the whole democratic shit, become an anarcho communist and stop adopting that shitty Tankie crap, you edgelord faggot.

YGO:TAS hasn't been good since LittleKuriboh started a patreon and forcing his fat, ugly, and - most importantly - untalented girlfriend into every fucking thing he does.

Please read what I actually posted again.

>Also, if you want to be consistent with the whole democratic shit, become an anarcho communist and stop adopting that shitty Tankie crap, you edgelord faggot.

I am, you seem to be under the impression that because I'm pointing out the inconsistency of American propaganda, that I'm actively pro 'right wing' communism, when for the most part I'm repeating points that Chomsky has made. I'm very much pro-anarchism.

>agrarian backwaters shitholes makes gains by rapid industrialization
>You're actually defending that authoritarianism is good for developing economies.
>Which is in fact true, when coupled with certain policies.

Yes, and that's exactly my point. You think I'm saying that the whole world should have adopted the Russian model that got them out of being practically feudalistic? I'd see why you'd get that impression, but you're just making my points for me here, we're not under any fundamental disagreement.

>tfw no rat catcher black grandma

This show is the definition of "forced humor". The Toblerone joke was forced in hopes it would become a meme so people would watch the show just like Pickle Rick.

Into the trash

So I know they cast Tavi because the creator fucked her, but why were the rest of the shitty voice actors cast?

Assuming they casted them for reasons that wasn't ironic and purely for laughs, I honestly couldnt tell you.

Tolberone was already a thing. Shit hurts my hands

Is this show intentionally bad?

This but in a good way. See the perfume at the graveyard scene.

Wrong on four accounts.

I thought this took place in the future. How fucking old is that dude?!?

It is actually very bad. You fags are liking it to be contrarians. It is terrible satire.

You don't deserve this toblerone

>You fags are liking it to be contrarians

it's better than it has any right to be

Ahh, yes, the classic D E C O N S T R U C T I O N ANIME cop out.

For that to be true it would have to be commenting on something so common it's become a trope in other anime, or it's a shitty deconstruction. Name 2 anime it has taken inspiration from.

Yea him and the obscure boy band fag just retweet anything that mentions toblerone, it's a cancerous attempt at forcing a meme into reality

>liking something bad because the
PR spun it as bad on purpose after realizing it was viewed as bad by virtually everyone

I hate this millennial trend.