Gwenpool 21: Storytime

Get in here gwenfags it's time for Gwendolyn to start her Legacy adventures.


Already the best legacy book

I want Gwenpool to retcon me out of existence! Also thanks for the storytime, OP.


No problem user, saw no one had done it yet and decided I might as well.


This is one book I both love and hate to be buying in TPB form. Don't want to spoil this stuff for myself by reading it online, but also desperate to keep up with the story.

Ah, well. I'm out of this thread just so I can enjoy it freshly when it comes out in TPB format, but good on you for sharing it with everyone else, OP.




If you looks closely, you can see the halo left behind where some poor schlub deleted the background dots instead of just putting that layer behind Gwen.

>Doesn't remember prelegacy events



Great reaction image here

But that doesn't pay money, unless Start is in a good mood,


There's something extremely off about Gwen's eyes in the last panel. But I love her in the first panel.



Oh, so they're still working on finding Teddy. That's good. I was worried they'd forget about him until he was relevant.





They deserve to lose their jobs.



Oh shit Gwen, don't do it. Remember your character development!

Oh my God that's horrible! Her new power is threatening people with non-existence!


Well, never mind.


Why is Doctor Doom dressed like Iron Man?


Welcome to current Marvel user it's a crazy place



Is she mind-raping everyone?

That's all folks! Remember that if you love Gwen support her by buying her individual issues, trades or her not shitty merch. Enjoy this fresh reaction image.

Just exploiting a soft reboot

Why did Gwen just murder a dude? I thought the whole point of her rejecting her evil self was because she realized that the people in the comics were 'real' and that it would be bad to fuck with them

He's beautiful. And also, thanks OP.

She didn't murder him merely resigned him to comic book limbo. Who knows maybe he's hanging out with the gay ghost and ultraman as we speak.

It's not murder - she's just throwing him into an endless void. The starvation will kill him.

No problem, glad this storytime went smoothly because I got a temporary ban for trying to storytime black science a couple months ago.

Gwenpool + Jacket is extremely cute.

Nah, she'll pull him out of thin air and hurl him at DOOM
Thus Paste-Pot Pete will defeat DOOM

It's not new

I like the way you think, it won't happen but I like the way you think.

Fuck you, I can see this happening. Pete ends up getting all the credit and becomes an Avenger or something.

yay! Paste-pot Pete!

>Gurihuri is listed as the artist here but the cover correctly identifies it as Strychalski
Do your job and stop taking milkshake selfies, Antos.

Please yes.

what's with the pink airbrushing on Gwen's nose? and the yellow smear in the same place on the cop's face? Is this some version of tumblr-nose?

I didn't even realize that was part of the comic, I thought the yellow smear was my computer screen acting fucky.

Jesus what does antos even fucking do if not her job? Glad she's not a writer.


Don't really know it's been an artistic choice for most of this series though.

>The starvation will kill him.
I don't think time passes in Limbo. Let's hope Pete ate well before the heist, otherwise he is gonna be hungry forever

No the pink was always on Gwen's mask.

That 1st panel is gold!

>I'm a good, pure lady

Gwen lies to the police.

I know Gwen's plot armor protects her from being killed, but would it also prevent her from being raped?


If her plot armor protects her from being arrested, then I'd say yeah. Pretty much anything that a writer would never put in her official comics is something that falls under the purview of her plot armor.

That the sociopath I know and love.

Get outta here Jim!

>Someone tries to rape gwen
>She messes with the panel layout so that he rapes himself

wait, what's going on here? Did something happen that gave her a soft reset in this universe?


Why would a Doombot need Sarcasm


Doonan ain't a standard doom bot.

oh boy

He's obviously being sincere. Did you see those moves? Incredible.

>Doctor have you ever seen anything like this?
>In 30 years as a physician I always thought it impossible for a man to actually do this. You know, just a figure of speech.

So she avoided becoming nega Gwen, and now she's just heading on a different path to evil?

Dammit Gwen, and you were doing so well, too.

Fuck, that's what she did to the snake guy too.

This is my pull-list, but I haven't decided which cover:

Regular (OP's pic) or lenticular?

Regular, the lenticular covers are a huge disappointment.

So uh, how long you think she either manages to fill up an infinity of emptiness, or some Elder God comes knocking because his favourite plot of unreal estate is now filled with all sorts of Z list super villains?

I notice there's only one mattress.

Oh shit, I thought the snake guy might've body-swapped her somehow, but I guess the crazy cow threw him off-panel

You understand that that isn't a dimension in the comics, right? That's literally the gutter. The white space around panels.

Ah but my friend!
Doctor Doom IS Iron Man!
And Iron Man is Doctor Strange in the future.
I'm not even kidding.
Also the literal Devil created a fake mom for Doctor Doom and then started fucking her in Reed Richards' body.
Infamous Iron Man is a trip.

Aw yeah, here we go.

I think she's maybe going in for a sort of loophole in whether or not this constitutes "killing" him or not.

I do think it's a deliberate element of the story that just when you think Gwen's turned over a new leaf, you realize she's just as crazy as before, just in a slightly different way

I'll admit lack of sleep is making me more susceptible to dumb jokes, but I got a good chuckle out of this page.

Cecil fur must feel soft as hell.

It was already established by Evil Gwen that "They" (Who we interpret as the writers) won't allow certain characters to die, or do things they wouldn't.
"They" have access to the White Space.
Gwen has access to the White Space.
There's really no reason there couldn't be anything else that had access to the White Space, and even if nothing else did, just because "They" sound like the writers/editors, doesn't mean that they couldn't be a part of the comic books multiverse, acting on the writers/editors' behalf, instead of being the writers/editors themselves.
In fact, considering they made their power directly show, they could automatically be seen as just a representation. Just as the real animator's hand in Daffy Duck cartoons doesn't actually contend over the Pencil, even though a representation does.

Even when she tries being good, she's still a raving loon. And, more importantly, definitely still a sociopath.

Do you honestly feel that's what they were implying though?

She's literally just kicking him out of the book. He's off panel. He's not going to starve or die; he's a comic book character. Worst thing that'll happen to him is he'll run into Lucifer.

Your insistence on turning a joke about the artifice of comics into a lame plot is disheartening.

I honestly feel they were leaving the door intentionally open.
It's what comic writers do, so they can easily tie something in, if they feel they can make it work, without downright confirming anything's actually there.

Why else do you think Evil Gwen of all people who knows all of this is fiction wouldn't straight up say "The Editors", if it wasn't so that the writers can (if they decide) pull the "There's more to it than that!" card somewhere down the line?

Shame this issue doesn't have a "trading card" variant; I would've chosen that one.

>Your insistence on turning a joke about the artifice of comics into a lame plot is disheartening.

>Character does something
>Proceed to imply that since they're messing with a massive unknown when doing it, there might be unforeseen consequences
>"You're talking crazy! Why you gotta make this matter of massive unknowns into a matter of massive unknowns?"

Oh my fuck

That file photo though, kek.