Post Your Personality Type

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Take the test, post your results.

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n no it is a meme thread about how smart and cool you are and not (insert type you dont like here). they are cucks right? haha

ESTP here



Which means extremely autistic beta


INFP here, bad for analyzing the leaks but good for feeling them. I'm with Sup Forums on this wild ride.

INTJ of course, you silly billy. Where do you think we are?

Also shoutout to all my fellow INTJs, I know we all fantasize about committing murder on a very regular basis.

I didn't see 'fucking loser' there so i guess I'm disqualified.


ENTP here

fuck all the I's
you spergs are the reason that eveybody thinks we're autists

we r master race.
'NTJ's are so oveerrated

got diagnosed with a fuckton of cu traits and I guess the autist/sociopath meme is true
at least i can debate and manipulate people to fake being being normal

autism is this boards greatest strength

offer your chomosomes to kek too

nah fuck you

INTP-A here.

Am autistic, send help please.

fyi INTJ has the potential to be thee most confident personality type there is, even more then the ENTJ. Keywords; has the potential


guess that is not bad...


Is that what the -A stands for?


i love all of you just the way you are

>Advocate (INFJ-t)
What can I say, I'm socially awkward.



i wonder what it is about Sup Forums that draws so many of us. i know there are a lot of intp's on here from previous threads.


When someone tells an INFP "You suck," they're more likely to believe it. When an INFP can't achieve some treasured goal, they think it's all their own fault. They think that their efforts were lackluster, or that their temperament is wrong. Which, honestly, is often true, but it hurts more for an INFP. It hangs around longer, a dark shadow on everything, coloring every future perception.

That's Fi, your lead function, that's doing that. Being an INFP is hard because you have REALLY strong emotions. Society doesn't like people with strong emotions... It makes them unCOMfortable. So you deaden them out--- Fi only causes problems right?

But Fi is the function of inner fire. Righteous anger. Face your demons. Sever their neck veins with your own teeth. Give up all the meaningless conventions and throw yourself into it whole heartedly. You can put more into what you really want than anyone else. You can hold less back. Relight the fire that everyone tried to put out.

OK. Now, you feeling pumped? Feeling awesome? Perfect. Good job. Now ease off it. Slowly, gently, calm the fuck down.

Your emotions are the things that tell you what you are, and what you want. You need them to motivate you. You need them to get whatever it is in the world you want, or even to know what that is. But you need balance and control. Learn to recognize when you're spinning into depression, or anger, or rose-tinted delusional reverie, and bring it to heel.

Also, society has this bias that emotions are for girls... Well, that's not REALLY true, but since it didn't really matter what a girl did in tribal times, people are far more tolerant of them. So if ever you catch yourself thinking emotions emasculate you, think back to the last time you were convinced that, given a chance, you would slit some jerk's throat without conscience. Or how grand was your last victory.

You have to be extremely honest with yourself. Uncomfortably so. But it's worth it.

Good hunting.


what do the suffixes mean?

It means you prefer Anal

T would be what? Trains?


INFP is less likely to ignore reality than say, an INTP.

aayyyy, mein nigger

INTJ here

Aren't we supposed to be somewhat rare? I see a fuckload already

Sorta same.


Hey, I'm no filthy SJW.

at least i'm stuck with you anons...

It mean assertive.
But autistic is fine by me.

What's your type?

Same here. I'm no good at online persuasion or analysis but I've converted a lot of people IRL with intense feels and conviction.

Jung was biased towards INXJs because he and his wife were INTJ and INFJ respectively. It may also have been his sample source. Different countries and towns will have different distributions of types.


Chans attract INTJs.

More like attention-seeking faggot


ESTJ masterrace. Order and Tradition you fuCKING HERETICS.

Pic related, best damn ESTJ.


Sup Forums is exceptional, mainly certain types of people and personalities are attracted.

Like most of Sup Forums is red-pilled, for example. Rare in the western society.

this is psuedo science bullshit, worse than astrology which only women and weak minded fools heed. SAGE and get off my board REEEEEEEEEE


How come ENTP is on the nerd tier? Is it due to procrastination?

Also just for curiosity purposes

ESTP druggo

INFJ. Talking is scary.

I'm sick of all these fucking betas giving INTJs a bad name. Why the fuck aren't there more alpha INTJs like me? Jesus fuck its not that hard to be alpha as an INTJ. Just fix your faults and be based, that's literally it. Its not that fucking hard.

dont Sup Forums users overwhelmingly fall into two types? intp/intj?

>tfw INFP
>tfw all you're capable of is >feeling

muh nigga

I didn't make the image but I'd assume that it's because of their nature of always trying to know more and become smarter.



Sure schlomo.

ISTP reporting

Isn't everyone like that? And besides I don't feel like I learn compulsively. Maybe I messed up mine.

You think you have it bad

The image is basically depicting ISTPs as the most alpha so I'm not sure how you interpreted that as bad.

I got the entertainer... Gay


Due to ENTPs love of debating, I guess they feel more prone to learn more than other types so they can win more arguments with more knowledge.

Same bro.

My autism is overwhelming sometimes.

FUCK got INFP/Mediator. Literally a picture of a hippie. Reeeeee

chad reporting in

I don't think we are suicidal tier, since ISTP are the sort of people that keep going, when they should probably give up. Then again that sort of mentality does lead to a last stand.

Also I feel that I am more prone to selective psychopathy rather then sociopathy.

Int/fp on like a 49.9 % margin or something

Okay, that might be true.
I fucking hate liberals and I always want to try to prove their shit wrong. I get so excited to debate that I tend to lose my points and good arguments in my head and just shout shit. I looked into this type and it says that they're logical, and I don't feel like a "logical" dude.

By suicidal tier, I think it's more of a joking way of saying significantly different than the rest

If you're conservative than you probably are more logical than emotional though.

I got the virtuoso.

same here


shalom aleichem fellow chad

What's so wrong with INFP

I was actually going to type that. Ya know, you leaves aren't as bad as I thought.

What with beings conservative thus logical.


Oddly enough, I have a job where I deal with A LOT of people on a daily basis and sometimes have to get up and speak in front of groups anywhere from 20-100 in size. Which is fine because I'm more-or-less indifferent to everything.

Selective psychopathy in what regard?


Istp-A farmer reporting in. What jobs do the other istps on here have? Am I the only one who enjoys being outside when im not shitposting?

Not completely.

Conservative means preserving something.

The reasons can be purely emotional like attempting to preserve the things that existed in your childhood cause they bring back emotions of your childhood.

Nationalism can come from a pure emotional connection to your people, your nation and it's elements. Heck I would say it's easier for someone to be conservative or nationalist from an emotional side if we factor in the lies pushed in western education and how they try to reason you out of those emotions.

I've done these a few times and get ENTJ, assumed it's BS and everyone must get ENTJ, then I come here and see all this weird ass shit

>INTP is a fucking woman
I hate this shitty shoe horning
Like how the electronics building is full of white males yet all the examples show hatchet wounds, wetbacks and harambes doing the work.
Fuck you
This has got to end.

I both by choice and without choice have started to feel hardly any emotion about anything bad that happens to those that are not my people and not of my acquaintance.

For example the earthquake in Italy, I simply don't care about it or the victims of said earthquake. And I noticed even when referring to my people I have a much more cold and calculated way of talking and thinking about them when compared to my family and friends.

I'm ISTP-A also.



INTP is usually about 1/3 of the answers this is a good sign that we are either being raided or our demo is shifting

Pretty precise


How I do guys?

Ur a fucking bitch ass punk

dunno what to make of it

>tfw you're an istp and your best fwiend is your doggo