You will never be this brave

You will never be this brave

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That's protected under the 1'st Amendment. Seriously, no courage required, whatsoever.

Us commonwealthers don't know these feels.

he's inside the fence, dumbass. He's about to get mauled by SS

So LARPing as an American, then. Can't say that I blame him.

or he stuck his hand and camera through the fence

Still protected, dipshit. The White House:
1. Belongs to the American People, so does everything inside the fence.
2. Is on American soil.

there's bravery....
and then
there's BRAVERY

more like, I will never be this gay.

Why does the White House look so tiny from the outside in every photo but somehow there's like 400 rooms inside it?

What is this trickery?

You will never be this brave

>actually having this picture on your pc
kek enjoy being suicided


I called tone abbott a derro cunt irl
But I think that falls under "recreation activities" for us.

good job the American shart race are despicable

Freedom of speech is protected, but he'd get charged with trespassing if he didn't just put his hand and camera through the fence.

Kek, Shart in Mart is my favorite meme this year.

You will never be this brave

Given the range, I'm gonna say through the fence.

>no fence in pic

hoping the white house fence just to take a pic actually does take some serious balls

Its an oldish failed forced meme that for some reason took off recently.
Back to r/Donald

I dunno it's some Wonka shit going on there. I looked how how many rooms there are:
>132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels in the Residence

Back in 2012 I was an edgy high schooler and did this with a gun app on my phone for laughs while on a school trip for spring break.Black girl saw and reported to our teacher, got a stern talking to but parents were on my side so that was good.

t. mart sharter

Do that to Mujahedeen that shoot RPGs and machine guns at you, PUSSY.

Enjoy your v&

he'd get a ticket and that's it



Lol, shut the fuck up. I'm not going anywhere.


>The emails, Hillary.

Why would you ever attack the White House for an assassination?
It'd be near to even find your target at a long distance, and a getaway is unlikely.
The best choice is obviously to target Air Force One.

High-altitude rockets are entirely legal to construct and use (at least here), and if you set it up in a remote area all you'll need is an infrared camera, a raspberry pi, multiple thrusters on the rocket, and some very good programming to be able to easily intercept a target moving in a straight line.

As for the payload, there's all sorts of possibilities, it's a tradeoff between likelihood of detonation, risk of blowing yourself up, sheer explosive power, and difficulty of obtaining.

Problem is though that you need a mix of skills.
You only need basic engineering for the rocket and basic electronics for the guidance system, but also you need advanced programming and physics for the guidance system, and that's an unlikely combination of skills for someone to have.
Physicists are poor programmers in my experience, their software is barely usable at best.