Fallout 4 has 4 main factions, these are the Brotherhood of Steel, The Institute, The Minutemen and the Railroad...

Fallout 4 has 4 main factions, these are the Brotherhood of Steel, The Institute, The Minutemen and the Railroad. I can draw a comparison to real life American parties with these 4, as follows:

Brotherhood of Steel = Republicans
The Institute = The Greens
Minutemen = Democrats
Railroad = Anonymous - Sup Forums, etc

Other urls found in this thread:


absolutely not

BoS = right authoritarian
Institute = left authoritarian
railroad = right libertarian
minutemen = left libertarian

did you even fucking play the game

>Sup Forums

Saged. That's like saying Sup Forums would free the slaves or smuggle Jews out of camps.

I think you have your minutemen and railroad backwards

isn't the railroad supposed to be like Harriet Tubmans? I don't really see any similarities with the factions desu senpai baka

Yes over 220 hours. Give me a break.

BSteel=Facist Policestate
Institute=Eco Communist
Minutemen=Constituional Democracy

I'd say you have the minutemen and the railroad mixed up. I see the minutemen as liberatians who believe in freedom for the people, whereas the railroad are more liberal with there "synthetic lives matter" bullshit

Which would you support?

Fascists are always the most fun in gaming.

this is correct

those are all ghey

FEV master race


BSteel for law enforcement
Institute for civic research
Minutemen for governance
Railroad for the economy

SeeDo you really think that Sup Forums would bring out all the jews from concentration camps and then blow them all up? Think again

You have Minutemen and the railroad switched r-tard.

Minutemen are the ron paul libertarians of fallout, while the railroad are dumbass self righteous liberal activists who will damn mankind to save a few synths.

New Vegas is way better for this kind of comparison.

Why the fuck would you waste your time with that shit game instead of playing New Vegas?


Minutemen - conservative. preserve lives and the homeland. Institutions prevail.

Railroad - liberal. The ends justify the means. Break down institutions, including human identity.

BOS or the Institute. The only reason I supported BOS was because who watches the watchers of machines?

Nice hours played. I'm bored of Fallout 4 anyway though. Can't even be fucking bothered to finish the Nuka world DLC. I'm level 63, what level are you?

No you faggot

>Railroad - SJWs
>Institute - Dems
>Minutemen - Reps

I supported the Institute, they were advanced, and I wanted a nice place I could go that is radiation free and pure. On occasion just go there, away from all the decay and scrap on the surface-side. I like to role-play.

Ok I agree with this one.

i agree with this one

I agree. TRY to do some missions for Railroad... Some Tinkering Uncle Tom tells me what to do.

Railroad is #synthlivesmatter

i am missing 200 hour since i built a tower from a laptop, or maybe it is there idk how steam works

this is definitely the most accurate but u forgot that fallout 4 sucks

I backed the Minutemen personally. They were the only faction that took the world "as it is" and sought to make it better. All the other factions were all about destroying the world and building some bullshit utopia from its ashes. Like that ever works.

There was also something really satisfying about leading them from literally nothing, to building a powerful institution that could take on both the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Institute.

Ad Victoriam.

>Not wanting to build a better world

Are you an altruistic anarchist or something?

BOS - republicans
Minutemen -libertarians
Railroad - sjws
Institute - scientology

Feral ghouls - democrats


I have 3 different. One is level 42, the second is level 70+ and the last is level 26

Sup Forums would not be railroad faggot. BOS for life

Republicans were the Enclave in Fallout 2.

Or were they the Supermutant Army led by the Master in Fallout 1?

Or possibly New California Republic?

Ugh, Fallout 1 and 2 were so much smarter than the Bethesda abortions.


The way I saw the Minutemen, they were populists who appreciated the concept of individual effort, and realized that individual effort alone would get you eaten by cannibals, or ripped apart by a death claw.

So they formed a Government. They don't really think about it that way, but that is what they are doing. They create safe zones for settlers. The Settlers come, start living their lives under the protection of the Minutemen. In exchange for this protection, the Settlers provide resources to help pay for the upkeep of the Minuteman institution. This allows them to hire more Minutemen, arm them, and expand new settlements.

The Minutemen are basically a proto-state, and exploration for what caused early nations to form historically. Threats from barbarian raiders, wild animals and so on. Its very different from the other factions, who in their own way are not trying to build something new, and are instead trying to bring back some perceived past glory days.

In that respect, the Minutemen are much more interesting then the others. But I get the impression their themes got lost in the grind of figuring out how to place shitty sidewalls.

The Institute- The establishment/NWO
BOS- Slightly less worse, but equally misguided establishment
Minutemen- Logical liberty-minded normal everyday people.
The RR-Misguided people who think they're doing the right thing, but don't understand that the synth abominations aren't even close to human.



who is Sup Forums's faction in New Vegas?

How old are you all? You remind me of Alexander Jahans whos source of political reflection is Skyrim. Stop being stupid and go read a book, don't use a game made up by liberals as an analogue or even example of reality. This game is filled false dychotomy, false choices, false everything that doesn't represent reality.


Sided with NCR on my first playtrough, then I went with House

Minutemen all the time baby.

If only their quests were more fleshed out. It seems like Bethesda got part way with them, then forgot they existed.

The secret Father Elijah ending is the only Sup Forums approved ending.


Nice settlement. I've founded every settlement and put rudimentary food, water, and radio establishments there.

My main settlement is pic related, I built it and played 200 hours in the first two weeks the game came out. Then just got bored of it, the DLC coming up was shit. And I got bored of killed Alpha Death Claws in Deep South.

When I get around to it, I'll load up my base with 20 female Raiders, all dressed in red fancy dresses. Performing tasks around my HQ.


>literally composed of numales who say synth lives matter

>Brotherhood of Steel = Republicans
>The Institute = The Greens
>Minutemen = Democrats
>Railroad = Anonymous - Sup Forums, etc

This is bullshit though

God I fucking hate this autistic board and the useless faggots than reside on it

The institute is the final sacred redpill

The nay sayers are all cucks

Brotherhood- neocons/ democrat lite

This is nuw-Sup Forums

they are kids man I think most are between the ages of 17-19 if you were wondering why people here are so retarded that's why

real question:
Mr. House = ?
Yesman = ?
NCR = ?
Legion = Manchildren


Hahaha you sperg, so fucking mad lmao, what's the matter did I upset your spaghettio pockets immersion.

More like


>He bought Fallout 4
Todd thanks you.

>Mr. House

Youre completely right. But, building settlements is comfy, and when the institute gives you orders to wholesale murder the railroad, feels good man.

this guy gets it.


>mr. house
social liberal, fiscal conservative capitalist


allahu akbar

regressive liberals


>Followers of the Apocalypse

>The Kings


u bean trolled XD

the kings are anarchists


no remember. They decide to tax the water supply kek

yesman seems more just anarchist.

ancaps would immediately start fighting over private property claims.

>Joining anything but the institute

The only faction capable of forming a government and (eventually)work the land.

Praise father



politics suck.

well, they should actually accept House's property claim.

>Joao gets it

Yeah its like pol gets off on killing their own son from a man on a cuck blimp captained by a nigger.

Joining the institute, you realize its your dna in the synths so you spread your own dna all over the wasteland. Also you get a maximum comfy apartment in the institute.


New Vegas is the FO gold standard.

Get on my fucking level fags

Trips of truth

Cool autism fortress

One day ill post some of my settlements.

you are right. Pol/-kids don't even have the right to vote and just want to be different, but not like special snoflakes, they chose the different path to marginilize themselves from the majority in an attempt to boost their ego. Because not being like everyone feels good somehow, but they don't even do anything, like reading philosophers or scholars, they just play games, express radical points of view on imageboard, and watch right wing youtubers.

Got a nice camp set up

Sup Forums is just for fun. that's why the memes are so dank.


Where did he get you Sup Forums?

The Lightsaber mods are pretty sweet

>Play this game.
>Put points into upgrading the weapons.
>Basically a god at level 20~ which is easy as shit to reach.
>Oh well, I'll go and liberate some villages.
>Build a handful of turrets, no raider attacks ever again in any of the camps.
>Build some crops and beds.
>Thank you great leader!

That game was boring and piss easy.
New Vegas was far superior.

On the way to NCR Correctional

Same senpai

this thread sounds like it is full of damn synths and synth sympathizers.

>Where did he get you Sup Forums?

Right when I was about talk to the drifter with the guitar by the billboard on the highway somewhere. I thought they were working together, the guitar guy being bait and the bottle cap guy waiting in ambush.

I panicked, tapped through the dialogue in a second to exit the conversation and blew his head off with a caravan shotgun at point blank range. But then I immediately realized that was a mistake and loaded a save I made 30 seconds prior, like a scumbag.

>Not killing him and taking his special caps

I was actually thinking about this a few months ago.

Brotherhood - Authoritarian Right
Institute - Authoritarian Left
Railroad - Libertarian Left
Minutemen - Libertarian Right

Are you meming? You got some of them right, but if you want to be close to the current parties it would probably be:
Brotherhood of Steel-Republicans

Switch Railroad and Minutemen and you good.

I wish I had this problem.

every goddamn day I get "Abernathy Farm needs help with a ghoul problem..." messages, and every fucking time I go there those assholes are surrounded with enough turrets and defenses to make my own level 90 character think twice about attacking them. Inevitably, I have to go all the way to fucking College square or a bus depot, kill like 10 things with my god-tier weaponry, then walk back to the same grumpy bitches who have fully working water, food, and electricity. These people live like post-apocalypse kangz and somehow manage to be miserable.

The most annoying thing? its only that one settlement.

The Institute is what Sup Forums would want to be.
>the world above ground is dead and beyond saving
>leave us alone while we shitpost all day underground

Railroad - put the live of a machine above an human kive

Institute - creates robo waifus and kill anyone who they find problematic

Mman - actually ok, they just want to live

BoS - clear the heretic. There is a reason that Liberty Prime did not needed to be reprogramed, he saw communist on the institute

That picture

> when you go to hang out with your old brotherhood pals from back in the day but you brought your ghoul friend with you.

Ideologically I prefer minuteman. But after 200 hours I am considering whether to side with BoS or Institute. BoS has badass armors, institute has nice facility and my son.



You can make a new son, you won't have the chance to make badass and powerful friends again.

I picked the Institute because

A. You run the faction, and my character would run it differently than Father

B. Even if shit got to dystopian tier, at least it would be that way in better conditions to fight in, who knows maybe even LGH tier.

C. EVERYONE ELSE WAS FUCKING RETARDED (except the minutemen, they just wanted to keep the peace, and they'll follow their General and whichever side he/she chooses.)

BoS ; Fug robuts, all yer tech is MINE, everyone but us is a disgusting mutant to be PURGED

RailRoad ; Dumbfucks that fight on emotional choices

I mean holy fuck, at least the Institute sits down and thinks things over.

raiders for life nigga

>Anything other than SJW

Jesus fuck, you are some kind of peon OP. New Vegas would go right over your head even worse than 4.

Anything other than this:
Lyons East Coast BoS: 90's Clinton-era left-leaning Neocons
Maxon East Coast BoS: Bush-era right-leaning Neocons
Institute: Technocrats with few real world comparisons, maybe some Stalinist/Leninist streaks
Railroad: Far-left SJW welfare state refugee synth lives mathere retards
Minutemen: Glorious libertarian paradise of confederated settlements for mutual defense where you get to play the anarcho-capitalist kingpin in the confederation

Anything else is wrong.

t. Political Scientist.