What was her name again?

What was her name again?

Kim possible?

lol who cares

Is she cool? Is she lame?
Oh, you’re talkin’ ’bout what’s-her-name – Pepper Ann!

Is she lame? Is she cool?
Is she breakin’ every rule?
Is she anybody’s fool? Pepper Ann!


Ghostits O'Boolihan.

My wife

Princess Ember?

Why didnt anyone notice the fbi? Like seriously people made fucking animations and voice acting clips of him doing a schoolshooting and no one fucking did anything

Randy Stair

If it wasn't for Pepper-Ann I would have always presumed girls wanted to be like plastic Barbie dolls. It was the first time I ever stopped to think about whether or not girls could actually like what I like, and helped gross the divide from me thinking they have cooties to thinking they have... Well, just look at that fucking image, dude.


Fucking Randy.

Fat bitch

Fuck I remember her name


People wasn't going to report him, because they thought he was "sane".

Just disgusting
Wish i had known about him beforehand just seeing his twitter posts i would have reported him immediatly

>Like seriously people made fucking animations and voice acting clips of him doing a schoolshooting and no one fucking did anything
So you wanted them to call the cops? What are they gonna say "Um this dude is making an animation about killing people." that's not breaking any laws.

>Wish i had known about him beforehand just seeing his twitter posts i would have reported him immediatly
You reporting him then wouldn't have done anything, this is one of those cases where it was gonna happen regardless. It's sad.

He litteraly posted the date of the shooting multiple times beforehand
If the fbi puts people on their list for less worse shit iam sure they would have looked into it

Because there are plenty of edgey autists on the internet that do the same thing and don't go shoot up their workplace

I don't believe he said that he was kill people on said date, IIRC he said that something big was gonna happen. And honestly people thought he was gonna drop a video. His intentions wasn't revealed until after he did the crime.

People literally knew what he was about to do

There millions of people in the US. They can't catch every autist's twitter account.

Did they though? Honestly ask yourself did they? No one knew his true intentions stop trying to say that this could have been avoided. People saw him as some edgy kid playing a character. Honestly this is some tame shit, you're gonna need a more direct screenshot.

>Like seriously people made fucking animations and voice acting clips of him doing a schoolshooting and no one fucking did anything

Well, plenty of people make fictitious work with horrible shit happening in it. That's just free speech/free expression, and making an animation of you shooting up a school doesn't mean you'll actually do it.

That being said, I see your point. What blows my mind is that he was making videos for literal months talking about when and where he was going to do it, and none of his thousands of subscribers or people who helped him create all that cringy material were bothered.

Did someone take my lunch?

Before Randy started EGS was doing skits and playing all sorts of characters. Honestly people thought this was another character, and played along.

I would have contacted the fbi regardless
There is autistic edge posting for fun and then there is being genuine about it
Specially after him posting the date i would have deffinitly told other people about it aswell and tell them to report him via the fbi website

>What blows my mind is that he was making videos for literal months talking about when and where he was going to do it.

Didn't those videos get released the day he shot up his workplace?

Non american here. Could anyone tell me what's the story behind all the amber posting?

A dude named Randy Stair was obsessed with Ember to the point that he turned trans and shot up his job killing 3 co-workers.

Yes actually he released them on mediafire right before he went into the store

So it's not fair to blame his subscribers since they were in the dark about this like everyone else.

Cool, a singing Dieter doll!

>There's actually a Wikia site about his "ORIGINAL CARTOON DO NOT STEAL" that people are still editing
>There's an article about him
>His Mary Sue is talked about in context to his suicide as if it were all real
>There's all sorts of comments below from people saying how special "she" is/was and how much they love and identify with "her"

I think humanity is broken.

Its not like anyone will still give a shit 1 or 2 years from now on

>in the show she's just a generic villain of the week with a rocker theme
>in fanfics she's a fleshed out and really entertaining character

Are there any other Sup Forums characters that are better when they're handled by the fans?
No I haven't seen any of EGS and I don't intend to. One guy's obsession with a character shouldn't ruin them forever.

>No I haven't seen any of EGS and I don't intend to.
You really should.

So is it legit she killed herself in a housefire to get her bf to pay attention to her or am I misremembering things?

EGS is one of the most bizarrely fascinating things I've ever witnessed. Weird look into a deranged individual, definitley recommend

EGS is fascinating, if you wanna see fan work of Ember. EGS is for you.


She has a nice design.

Fucking Tumblr nose! Why do they do this shit? And the shoulder too? Really?

"Don't speak ill of the dead", user. Although, I guess that rule doesn't say you have to lie about them as if that would matter.

I recall a screencap from tumblr where a bunch of retards were basically saying "What Andrew did was bad but don't misgender her, that's way worse"

Are you 12