Local NBC interview

So get this fellas, tomorrow morning my parents and I are getting interviewed by our local NBC news affiliate down here in south Florida (channel 6) because we are divided on the election. Them for Hillary me for Trump. I plan on bringing up the latest info from the leaks. The pedo ring, Clinton foundation indictment, the (((invisible hand))), Trumps policy points that they never talk about making annual healthcare payments 100% tax deductible things like that. Anything else you fellas think I should bring up?

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Oh yeah I'm gonna live stream it via periscope. My twitter handle is scotland5finest check it out in there. Thinking of wearing one of my Teenage Pepe shirts during the interview.

call mrs clinton "two faced like harvey dent", to illustrate public vs private stance

that'll be funny, say praise kek or some shit

The news will probably not air the segment if you bring up the whole pedo ring sadly. I couldn't even imagine if you tried to name drop Moloch. But Godspeed to you user either way.

b rea;istic, they will only use one or two soundbites from you to represent your position. make it count, don;t spread yourself thin, famicon. go for the gusto and talk about HARDCORE EXPLICIT CHILD SEX WITH BILL AND HILLARY

Yeah I planned on bringing that up as it's some of the latest juice coming out of the leaks. The interview is at 11:30am eastern standard time so check my twitter then.

You have to say something so out there that they are compelled to screen it. Not sure what. Maybe something like Trump is the messiah's second coming or something, or Kek compels you to vote Trump

This is probably true.

user, you might be able to get by with saying something like "really weird stuff coming out from the Wikileaks and what the FBI is disclosing from Freedom of Information Act requests."

The Scott Adams in me thinks the "really weird" stuff will **persuade** people to look into it, and plant a seed for confirmation bias later.

Florida is super important user. What a great chance you have. God speed and God bless.

check these

Do you really want to make us look like loonies? Consult your Scott Adams manual and rethink your strategy faggot.

Yeah I plan on bringing up how the FBI are finding information about a pedo ring from Weiners computer and his cooperation with them exposing it. We're originally from Scotland i wa aborn there but grew up here so the immigrant perspective is gonna be brought up a lot. I'll talk about how there was a similar pedo ring within the Houses of Parliament, the royal family, and the BBC. Stay tuned lads, this is gonna be banter.

Like I said it will be subtle and dropped in amongst the more sound talking points.

I don't think he should say pedo ring. I think "weird stuff is coming out" would do the trick though. It lets people fill in their own "weird"

Don't be a faggot, OP. Don't try and be the one to bring Hillary down. I would say you should present yourself as a reasonable person; something the media rarely shows when it comes to Trump supporters. Casually mention distrust about clinton and just help away opinion.

>"I am xxx years old and I saw what it would cost me to get health insurance and it scares me."
>"The indictment only validated my concerns brought up by Wikileaks and the newer stuff released by then in the last few days makes it difficult to for my conscious to vote for someone like Hillary."

The Pedo stuff is probably true, however you will look like a lunatic if you bring it up. Bring up the fact that they take millions from Middle Eastern nations in the Clinton Foundation, and how her actions, just like the rest of the establishment government's, has lead to the constant destruction of nations and war mongering with Russia. The Foreign Policy is probably the most significant this election due to ISIS, Syrian conflict, refugee crisis, and the new cold war. Using logic, you can easily show how Trump is the better choice in this category.

All you need to do is say that you think she is a closeted alcoholic and you don't feel safe with her as president. That's all.

Say you are staunchly against homosexuality and the thought of Huma with her tongue wrigging up Hillary's anus makes you physically sick


This, plus don't fall for their bait if they throw any at you. Cool, calm and collected. Don't sperg out.

Bring up her campaign aides attacking a cartoon frog as a hate speech symbol, making a mockery of a presidential election

Bring up the fact that she never apologized for being involved in rigging the DNC primary against Bernie

>But user, there's no evidence that she played a direct role in that, it was all Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Your response:
"In the real world, if your subordinates get caught doing something they shouldn't be doing (especially if it directly relates to you), a true leader is the one who will step up and take responsibility, not one who will cower behind the childish 'I didn't do it!' excuse. Why is it the heads of states who apologize for atrocities committed by their nations in recent history? The same principle applies."

That ending is golden. Will use if brought up. That cunt DWS lives here in my town of Plantation.

If you bring that shit up I think it may have a direct impact on her reelection

May also want to mention the fact that the DNC chair before DWS was (surprise surprise) Tim Kaine, who abdicated after hillary lost to obama in 2008 (likely in return for a VP pick promise) and DWS (top clinton aide in 2008) stepped in

Please please banepost

Something among the lines of: Look at the obamacare increases, the president knew this would happen, hes a big guy.

Im an upper middle class white man from the burbs. I'm not gonna be wearing a sleeveless shirt and screaming about da Jews man come on.

954 here

I'll be watching. Might want to bring up her private visit with Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes.

>Brevity is the soul of wit
You should briefly mention those things for exposure, but DO NOT go full in-depth/conspiracy-tier
>otherwise people will just tune you out

Be positive! Be HIGH ENERGY!
Say something memorable if you can, and don't let them twist your words.

>be like Reagan

Stick to the corruption. If you go off on the pedo thing you'll just sound like a paranoid conspiritard. Don't mention immimgration either. They'll try to make you seem racist. Just stick with freedom of speech and her corruption.

Your dubs have spoken my white friend. I love a good bane as much as the next guy.

OP, is there a link we non-FL bros can watch on?

The pact is sealed

Be subtle with Pepe, say one of your friends, Pepe, is also voting Trump.

I am going to stream the interview via periscope and I will find any online links for the story after they edit and publish. I'll likely periscope when it airs on channel 6. My twitter handle is scotland5finest.

>talking about (((they)))

>supporting Trump

You realise this nigga is the definition of jew-owned right?

You're probably bullshitting but here you go

Oh that's fucking excellent. Best part is one of my buddies on my rugby team is named Pepe and is supporti the madman. I also plan on bringing up the name calling she would do to us and he Bernie supporters. I'm gonna drop a line in about the bernouts being basement dwellers and say "yeah a lot of them are NEETS but that doesn't mean she can go around labeling large groups of people the way she wants, you know like a racist/elitist would.

news user here, can confirm, will cherry pick if you act like a crazy fuck.


You will sound like a crazy asshole to normies and independents.

Stick with the emails, the coverup by the DOJ, the second investigation.

You have to realize how its going to sound if you channel sperglord all over the tv.

dont do it. stick with the crimes that have been introduced already to the public. EMAILS, obstruction of justice, DOJ coverup. Crimes that the normies can accept because they've already heard about them.

Bring all that stuff up! Mention Pepe and Kek, too.
I have money riding on the Hildabeast winning Florida and every little bit helps.

>1 post by this ID

Yeah I'm gonna go with "now there's a lot of really weird and disturbing stuff coming out in these emails Wikileaks is publishing" if they press on that what should I say?

To somebody who doesn't follow it in depth it's too much at once. Use terms like "shocking and disturbing revelations found in WikiLeaks and recent FOIA FBI document dumps about Clinton and full blown corruption"

Fuck use my line please it's the best one.

Was thinking along the lines of "houses of parliament and the BBC weird and disturbing" I feel that's bretty subtle lads.

>H I G H

>E N E R G Y


user is right, don't mention pedogate yet. Also no bitching about da Jooz, especially in Florida. Be as inclusive as possible, shit, crib notes from Reagan's Big Tent speech if you can.

At most, mention Benghazi as a gun-running front and government waste. You could mention the $65,000 hot dog Friday as waste and corruption.

just tell them that it's too much for this interview and that they have to see it for themselves to believe it.


You have to talk about her character in general.
She IS the wall street candidate. You've got the moral high ground there 100%.
>"Goldman Sachs and George Soros may be able to buy Hillary, but my vote is NOT for sale"

My email argument is usually something like this:
>"The evidence is right in front of us, we just have to decide whether Hillary is corrupt, or whether she is incompetent....and I'd argue that either case is bad for America"

Don't waste too much time with wikileaks, you should focus on why Trumps policies are best for America.
Your parents could look really bad, if they only bash Trump while you present actual arguments.

Yeah there's a lot of Haitians down here so I plan on bringing up how they stole that money from the Haiti earthquake relief funds.

As a fellow Scot, whatever you do, don't make a fucking cunt of it you complete autist.

Godspeed user.


Someone tip the station that this retard is gonna disrupt the show sry sperganon you dont have the MINDSET and you will invariably blow it

Oh ye with little faith

Don't be an idiot OP, don't directly address the pedo thing, there just isn't enough solid evidence on that, just refer to it as all of the disturbing information surfacing about Clinton and her affiliates or something. Use more solid stuff in your specifics, shit that normies can identify with or can't refute.


It will make Trump supporters look like crazy conspiracy theorists. Say more believeable shit.

They truly don't give a fuck. My government accounting professor drops redpills about the Clintons every week.

They donated USED UNDERWEAR to charity for the tax benefits.
>and had the nerve to value it at $2 a pair

simply say that you do not want a president that has been, and is under criminal investigation by the fbi

Bring up setting up a no-fly zone over Syria, which would bring the US closer to conflict with Russia.

What do you fellas think about bringing up the conflict in Syria over the Qatar-Turkey oil pipeline or is that still too underground to bring up?

>I'm gonna drop a line in about the bernouts being basement dwellers and say "yeah a lot of them are NEETS but that doesn't mean she can go around labeling large groups of people the way she wants, you know like a racist/elitist would.
They will find a way to bring up Trump calling all Mexicans rapists if you don't do it in a very thoroughly calculated manner.

Have a nice canned response ready when they roll out the usual "racist, sexist, islamophobe" accusations.

I'm gonna wait for them to bring the trump comments up up then go with this stuff.

Don't wear a pepe shirt. Don't spout memes. State the truth about everything but be reserved. Read up on Trump's policy if you haven't already. It seems to often go unmentioned.

Be prepared to rebut calmly and rationally. NBC is biased.

You will be a representative for Trump to those who are watching. Do not take this lightly and do not fail.

Good luck. Here is a cute lamia for good fortune.

user. I beg of you. If you talk about the pedophile rings you're going to look like an insane autists. Just say "It has been shown in wikileaks that John Podesta is into some really freaky stuff, for instance "Spirit cooking."

Just leave it out there. Normies will find their way from there.

Very important to get the phrase "Spirit Cooking" connected to Hillary.

what time?

You are talking to normies ffs
-pay to play/ using position to personally profit
-supports obanacare
-not trustworthy/ emails
-endangered national security
-no plan for isis/losing wars continue


Get ur dick out

>Implying you fucks dont do it enough on your own

Don't use the word "NEETs", that's too overt

something like "unemployed college grads and dropouts"


Talk about how Shillary colluded with the DNC to push (((Bernie))) out of the nom. You'll score points with all the former bernouts

why can't you make a good impression and keep your mouth shut puppet... In like 4 days none of this shit will fucking matter

this op, don't do the pedo stuff it will only make you look weird

op don't be retarded.

don't go full retard on air: pedo rings!

mention spirit cooking like other user said, "podesta is into some freaky stuff."

even that's too much, just mention the investigations of fbi into foundation / etc

this is gonna be fucking good if true


oh god, this yes. Hillary means war. trump means peace.

if there's one thing that will sway older people and normies, its going to war with russia

You forgot the stuff about John Podesta meeting with that alien dude in the e-mails.

11:30 is when the interview is supposed to start. It isn't live, it's gonna be at my parents house. I will periscope it then later link what they publish. My twitter handle is scotland5finest

too underground, that's not even in the regular underground . stick with what she said about syria no fly zones and how that means war with russia

Not an argument

Got it

There's a reason Trump doesn't bring up all this shit we talk about on here. Most of it is unfounded. Only talk about what's in the emails and isn't shit like "THE EMAILS, THIS LADY SAID SHE'S GONNA BRING HER KIDS OVER TO SWIM IN A POOL, ARE YOU KIDDIN' ME???"

God speed FL fag, dont let the media try to twist your words or where you stand on this.

Oh yeah almost forgot I got a hold of cernovich and I'm gonna send him the video. This can be yuge lads.

Spotted the newfag. Lurk more.

its funny cause im the newfag here

Yeah I realize that now. It has to be subtle and I will keep my cool. I used to be a debatefag in high school and even studied journalism a bit at college but moved on from that meme so I know a good amount of their tactics.

Don't listen to these low energy losers. Swing for the fences.
Wear a Pepe shirt, a MAGA hat, and a Bane mask. Say some wild shit, say " I'm that gorllia dick nigga, I make dyke pussy wet", then point upwards and to your left and say check em

You have to BE INFORMED. On this website someone went through the effort of summarizing all the nasty emails:


Stick to the main topics: Clinton foundation. Foreign money. Mistreatment of Bill's accusers. etc.

(and don't forget to say something positive about Trump. :) )

Good. Stay Frosty. If they ask you a loaded question and try to keep you off guard ask them to repeat the question or explain it better.

Did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.

Well whatever you do start with the health payments thing first, talk about making a reduction in income inequality a national priority and continuing to reverse the decline in median household income, talk about not wanting to see America's daughters drafted into a nuclear war

>Them for Hillary me for Trump.
seems a 90+ IQ is not hereditary

>ReplyDid you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.


It's real, it's documented and it connects her to Pedophilia.

I typically use my more enlightened writing and grammar for other places. Not forums for Korean potato farmers.

I'm gonna also bring up how she hasn't yet apologized for any of these scandals that are proven. She always uses phrases like "I regret using the server" and "if I could go back I wouldn't" but she has yet to actually apologize. Plus every time she addresses one of these scandals she seems like a sociopath putting on that arrogant cunt smile.



They will bait you about racism.
Remember nationality is not a race.
If they say anything about mexico, the wall, and racism, remind them that Mexico is a country not a race.
They might ask "Some people are concerned by his racist talk about Mexicans, how does it affect your decision"

Maybe simple "I don't understand how that is about race, are Texans a different race can Mexicans just because of a line on a map?"

You might ask these rhetoric questions in some combination.
First "Mexico is a place(country) not a kind of person (a race)
2nd, choose one of these as the question part of the statement:
A. "If I move from Orlando to Miami, do I become a different race?"
B. "Are people in New York a different race than us in Florida"
C. "If being from Mexico is a race, what race are people from Canada(/Are Canadians a different race than Americans too?)

If they bait you on Muslims being a race/ muslim racist statement:
"Some worry about his statements about Muslims being racist blah blah"

--Remember religion is not a race.
1. "I don't think religion is based on the color of your skin (or: is a race)"
A:"Unless Catholics are a different race than Baptists"
B:"Or are Baptists racist against Catholics?"
[catholics in particular are all over the globe, and there are lots of mexican catholics so it's related ]

Be calm, rational and act confused asking the rhetorical question GENUINELY:
Like tilting your head or thinking for a second,
"I didn't think religion is a skin color, what race do you call Catholics of all different colors?"
" I don't understand, Mexico is a country, not a type of person. Are Canadians racist against Americans because they check our passports when we go there?

That is what they are most likely to throw at you for a sound bite. Make them feel bad for asking a dumb question.

Yeah I've prepared myself for that shit I know it's coming. I'll just have to roll with it when the time comes.