To understand Moloch, we must know Nimrod and Mystery Babylon

In this thread, we share, research, and compile information about this cult/religion that originated in Ancient Babylon that birthed the worship of Moloch, Minerva, Satan, Masonry, Rabbinic Judaism etc. I'm by no means an expert on this subject, so please dump information you know.

Some things I know in bits and pieces:
>Egyptian gods, and subsequently many pagan gods in later religions were based on Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz
>Obelisks represent Nimrod's severed penis
>Semiramis was into some weird kinky shit and started a religion after Nimrod died
>These batshit crazy cults and religions are usually founded by women and become ungodly when women are at the center of worship, ie. Feminism today

This is not /x/tier because it is related to recent wikileaks pizzaparty revelations. Help dig. Requesting infographs.

For example, Bill Cooper Mystery Babylon

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for end times

Bumping with money conspiracies



Thanks bb. Will try the thread another time.

Tried OP

It all goes together. The mystery religions of Babylon were dispersed throughout the world, names changed.

I'll try to get it going I have one more image after this.

EU parliament is a re-imagining of the tower of babel. Babylon was rumored to be the first "one world government".

You only need to praise KEK.


Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz was where the Holy Trinity concept came from?

am I going to become Illuminati after I've read all of this, OP?

The holy trinity came from the Bible. God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Satanism is at the core of the mystery religion. Satanism mocks God by imitation.

Yea but Babylon was earlier than the Bible, which borrowed some things from the former.

The Holy Trinity was a thing before it was written down, my bad on how I wrote that.

Hillary emails directly referencing Minerva. Serious WTF for me

>From: H
>Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 3:04 PM
>To: '[email protected]'
>Subject: Re: Latest
>Ok--and Minerva agrees. From: Sullivan, Jacob J >[mailto:[email protected]]
>Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 02:44 PM
>To: H
>Subject: Latest
>Do you think the last paragraph violates the owl/minerva rule? They >are fine with the last paragraph.

Allegedly Semiramis married Tammuz. So the son became the father, and I don't know where the holy spirit came from, but that's how the Trinity started.

Never in history has there been a good woman leader. They always turn things into shit or go full shamanism. Look at Korea.

Oop, just to add, hence the picture in my OP. WOMB - a movie where a woman had her ex-lover cloned, and put into her womb. She gives birth to him, raises him, and fucks him later.


This is all a very complicated web of things. The most important thing to not though as I mentioned in a previous post was that Satan mocks God through imitation. "As above, so below". Pic related. The other pyramids are a miniature version of the global one. Or it turns everything upside down. Basically anything to go against the word of God.

>>Obelisks represent Nimrod's severed penis

That's a big dick.

Christianity is the truth, not some mere religion. That much is certain.

>The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he doesn't exist.

If you're familiar with Sumerian mythology, Enki (Satan, represented by snake) wanted to save and uplift humanity, while his brother Enlil ("God") wanted to enslave and control mankind.

The Bible is inconsistent in this respect because Satan was the one who freed mankind from bondage (Garden of Eden, a utopia where ignorance was bliss) by giving us intelligence, knowledge, etc. By eating from the Tree of Knowledge, we became like Gods, knowing from good and evil. So how is "God" the good guy in this story? Clearly it was "Satan" or Enki who was interested in the future of humanity.

Fuck off, masonic trash.

Wrong. My ancestors and the Gods of my land are the protectors of me and my people.

What do you think of this video?:

The Great Pyramid of Giza shares the same latitude as the Bermuda Triangle, the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico and Angkor Wat in Cambodia (among many other places of significance in antiquity). Also, according to that video, the Great Pyramid of Giza lines up with the Vatican, the Rockefeller Summer Homes, HAARP in Alaska and Mecca (Mecca, and the Kaaba in particular, existed even before the creation of Islam). There is NO WAY that's a coincidence, there's an energy grid on this planet that our ancestors knew about which most of us are unaware of.
Also, daily reminder that humans are billions of years old and are not native to Earth.

Bit of everything on here

this is the speaker

Judge God by his actions, not just by a name. You're bluepilled as fuck.


Fuck off, masonic trash. Hell is too good for you.

You can read it like that if you are retarded. We would be much better off without the fruit. This is the single event that has cause all human suffering ever. Nothing good has come since then. All of human civilization is a fucking joke just misery compounding on misery and suffering. I would much rather be a humble servant of God than fighting tooth an nail to expose a global pedo ring and conspiracy.

That would be you who is bluepilled. You believe the bullshit satan is the good guy meme. muh knowledge. Yeah look where that has gotten us. The knowledge to take advantage of people under you and cause them unknown pain.

Hell is waiting for you. Repent.

also the alien phenomenon is actually demons

i think they main issue with this is that Satan means "adversary", so there's a lot you can misinterpret when you think of Satan as being a name

it also serves nor purpose other than get you paranoid

We ought to REMEMBER who and what we REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) having an experience in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY to begin with. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED conception of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.

What we call 'reality' is holographic in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale.

We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat.

There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception.
There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences.

>File: Vatican.jpg (244 KB, 1280x857)

Pleb pls.

>The city of Rome harbours the most obelisks in the world. There are eight ancient Egyptian and five ancient Roman obelisks in Rome, together with a number of more modern obelisks; there was also until 2005 an ancient Ethiopian obelisk in Rome.

What if reality wasnt a sandbox


The book of Enoch says fallen angels came down and gifted man with weapons, inventions, writing, animal husbandry, and agriculture.

The Sumerians were literally the first niggers with nearly all these things. They also depicted their gods as blonde haired and blue eyed. Abraham was called out of Ur by God which was a Sumerian city.

Just because the Sumerians say the snake is the good guy, doesn't mean the snake is the good guy. What has Enki done for Babylon? It's completely wiped out.

Also, reading the Old Testament God as "le evil" is the biggest blue pill there is.

The point though is that we weren't serving God, but an false "God" who was really a member of an Advanced Ayyylium species. If we compared our civilization to African ones, we'd be like Gods to them too because of our technology.

Why are you in this thread if you are so closed minded Christfag? The world existed before Christianity and it wasn't completely degenerate without Jesus. Good and evil have been fighting for a long time.

You don't question that perhaps God and Satan's names got switched? Kind of like how propaganda has made Hitler into a bad guy when he was right. Otherwise,

They didn't do much to stop the white man from taking your land at the cost of some beads and blankets.

not the trinity but the roman catholic mother worship

13 Obelisks. That's not fishy at all.

Yeah they claim to be Christian which is the ultimate bait and switch. God have mercy.


You are retarded. see and

woah woah woah woah woah

so does that mean... jesus is Baal?


I was just giving an example of the most famous one. Why would the Vatican, home of Christianity/Catholicsm, have Nimrod's dick in the middle of it's square? This shit gets deep.

no it means that the roman church made Christ into Baal so they could persuade pagans to join their church

No but see, everything that exists inside the everything is subject to God's rules

Even if everything you say was literally true it wouldn't mean jack-shit, as it would have been exactly what God wanted

You can't stop God's plans by switching names in a story

>Why would the Vatican, home of Christianity/Catholicsm, have Nimrod's dick in the middle of it's square?
because the roman church is actually a great deceiver and enemy of christ

No, they mock God and Jesus through twisting the Word into these abomination in the image. Satan is the most subversive asshole ever.

Because catholics are part of the mystery religions dumbass. They are not Christian.

Why do you trust the Gnostic account more than, you know, the account with all the prophecies.

All Christian nations have received blessings and prosperity until they turned from God. All of them. All Gnostic nations have been wiped out. Now, you might think this is because "God is le demiurge ebil", but it's not.

The demiurge is not Yahowah. It is Samael. A fallen angel.

What are you talking about nigger? Are you a schizo?

One moment you're going on being a full christ fag, next you're going full AYYYY LMAO.


This is dumb LARPing. If global elites sacrifice goats and shit to some ancient god it's probably just for bonding, unlike Sup Forums's ancient Egyptian numerical ouija which is definitely real and rooted in divine powers.

Knowledgeable Biblical scholar here.

Moloch is nothing, just like the many named demons that don't matter, but Babylon is very important.

Babylon is Satan's first attempt to take over humanity and dethrone God. The Nimrod/Tammuz/Semiramis story was the origin point of Satanic magic. It spread to mankind through priests and was passed down through humanity through secret orders. Egypt inherited that occult power and used it to accomplish everything they did. Hence, Horus, Isis, Osiris repeating the Babylonian perversion.

Babylonian mysticism mimics the Gospel, but totally perverts it in many ways. The Roman Catholic Church is the final incarnation of Babylonian mysticism, with their worship of Mary "The Queen of Heaven" (Semiramis), and always depicting Jesus as either a baby in her arms, or dying on the Roman cross. They are behind the pedophile and occult secret societies, mostly through the Jesuits, but also the Knights Of Malta (which the Bush family are members of, while pretending to be Baptist.)

Babylon itself was the concentration of all humanity, led by Satan. It was his greatest high point. The Tower of Babel was the centerpiece, and it is the only time in history that God felt the need to stop humans because they had become too powerful and united. The United Nations is the Vatican puppet for creating a new Babylon, which is why their HQ is literally and officially modeled after the incomplete Tower of Babel.


>Because catholics are part of the mystery religions dumbass.
exactly m8 its why they worship saints as well and make idols because they are polytheists pagan filth that burned the martyr who tried to reclaim the gospel from them

the total denial from mainstream science and Egyptology of this even deserving to be investigated as a possible pyramid is pretty suspicious.

I'm not sure you can claim that with such a post.

I don't care what you call me you clearly have no fucking idea what you are talking about. You claim to have evidence because catholics and obelisks but they are just mocking. Catholics aren't Christian full stop so your evidence is moot. see

>Why would the Vatican, home of Christianity/Catholicsm, have Nimrod's dick in the middle of it's square

If you want some serious red pills about masonry, catholicism, Islam, gnosticism, and like—watch the series Total Onslaught by Walter Veith on Youtube.

Also Know your Enemy.

Don't know jack shit about Mystery Babylon but I sure do know a lot of nimrods.

It's not, Argiebro. What we call 'reality' is akin to a computer simulation - this is why meme magic is real. ANYTHING is possible (and I mean ANYTHING). We're all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction - and indeed we SHOULD!

WHAT?????????????? Can you formulate a coherent idea?

Who is Christian then according to you? Orthodox?

The old claim that the Pope is the antichrist actually has a lot of merit


>Catholics aren't Christian
They're sketchy, but they're obviously still Christian. All that Saint veneration still isn't ἀγάπη worship.

More for you.

Catholicism is Babylonian mysticism mixed with Christianity. But it's not 50/50. It's like...90/10 Babylonian mysticism. The Christianity is the deception to hook you in.

It was more a rhetorical question. But thanks for the intel.

Pls dump.

It's not Nimrod's dick. It's Osiris's dick. The Obelisks in the Vatican, London, Paris, New York and Washington represent the penis of Osiris and the penis of Osiris represents the hybrid bloodlines (more on that in a moment).

This is a great movie to help you understand the Illuminati.


The people who secretly control this world have genes that are extraterrestrial in origin. They believe that this gives them 'the divine right to rule'. I do not adhere to any religion, but here's an interesting verse from the Bible about all of this:

"There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4

People like the Rothschilds and the royal families of Europe are related by blood. Major world-leaders and banking dynasties are related by blood. They breed only among themselves to maintain their genetics. If they breed outside their circle, then their genetics will be diluted. Pic related (it's from a MAINSTREAM magazine, if I remember correctly).

Eva (((Green))) muh dik. I was looking for this to post but couldn't find it.

>"There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4
those are the nephilim m8

I'd like to contribute to this thread, but it's always Protestants posting 500 year old memes about the Catholic Church being pagan, when the veneration of saints, of relics, of icons, the obedience to bishops, the celebration of the Mass, all go back to the early Church and can be attested for in the writings of the Fathers of the Church.

One day, you Protestants are going to have to answer to Christ about calling His bride a whore.

Those who accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. The peons of the catholic church may mean well, but the whole organization is meant to mislead. The everyday mass goer probably has their heart in the right place. I'm just saying the catholic church is misleading them, it's not their fault.

Orthodox is probably the closest but it doesn't matter if your heart is in the right place.

Yea it's obvious that the Clergy is just Magikal Priests from Babylon.

Osiris = Tammuz/Nimrod

Yea I understand. Kingship in Ancient times were determined by claims of divinity. They were God-Kings supported by priests.

I never said they weren't, but the Nephilim are the ancestors of those people commonly known by names like 'the Illuminati', 'the global elites', 'the Cabal', etc.

>jewish woman pushing pedophilia propaganda

But we are not all one, why do keep trusting drug/fringe experiences more than the inescapable weight of everyday reality

Meme magic is this

>What we call 'reality' is akin to a computer simulation ANYTHING is possible (and I mean ANYTHING).
so a vr 3d sandbox

The best kind.

>when the veneration of saints, of relics, of icons, the obedience to bishops, the celebration of the Mass
and out of that what was made up by men and what was told by christ

Here's my post about moloch from another thread

Moloch (and many pagan "gods") is a demon, meaning a being situated in the lower part of the fourth dimension. God gives to various types of sentient beings the possibility to gain energy directly from his being. Demons aren't among them. Therefore they have to steal energy from sentient beings. The only way to do so is to provoke negative emotions within them. That's the cause of the well-known "deal with the devil". Demons seduce some humans to give them some power in exchange of energy. Most of the time it's the energy of the dealer himself that will be given some time after the deal, but the elite must also give energy from the population, and that's why they are the most powerful. They created sophisticated ways to produce negative emotions within us and will stay in power as long as an important number of humans don't express more positive than negative emotions.

>Osiris = Tammuz/Nimrod

Citation needed.

>Yea I understand. Kingship in Ancient times were determined by claims of divinity. They were God-Kings supported by priests.

Yes, their claims of divinity are based on their extraterrestrial genes, which they believe makes them genetically superior to us non-hybrid humans.

I have a large library of books accumulated.

Ask for something and I will upload it

Catholic priests are not christians.

Catholics themselves should ask more questions. This stuff is easily attested and if you think the Catholic church hasn't been corrupted in these last 2000 years you have blinders on. They are guilty of some seriously grave atrocities and their Pagan influence is undeniable. Christmas is fucking Saturnalia for God's sake, and Easter is the feast of Ishtar. Lent is "the forty days of weeping for Tammuz."

This stuff is literally undeniable whether Pagan "church fathers" from 400ad onwards say it's Christian or not. We have mountains of evidence, both within and without scripture.

I have no problems with the idea of Jesus or God. My whole point was that the Bible might be deceiving since it was compiled by Constantine and modified over time by Clergy.

Also the God in the Bible might not be God. There are a lot of inconsistencies in there, but also some good stuff.

the pagan gods are the fallen angels/demons are who cast out of heaven so they went down to earth and tried decieve man

About what?

>Christmas is fucking Saturnalia for God's sake, and Easter is the feast of Ishtar. Lent is "the forty days of weeping for Tammuz."
Full retard.
The dates are the same, but that's it.

Or they're just primative beliefs from people who didn't know Christ.

Symbols are holographic projections of vibrational information fields. What we call 'reality' is holographic in nature and is made of vibrational information fields. The base state of everything in 'reality' is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING. The energetic wave-form information level of 'reality' is THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL of 'reality'. Spoken words are vibrational information fields generated by vocal cords and you hear them when they are decoded by your brain. You consciously hear what they say as long as they are loud enough. Symbols are the same in every respect except that we don't hear them. They are energetic information fields just like words, but they enter the brain through the sight processes SUBLIMINALLY without us even consciously noticing them (most of the time, that is). This is why symbols are so powerful in infiltrating and manipulating 'reality'. They are gateways to the psyche. Chinese philosopher Confucius said: "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws."

If you can be manipulated to focus on a symbol, that is even better for the Cabal, because the frequency of the symbol's energetic information field reflects the frequency of whatever it is symbolising. Focus on a symbol makes an energetic connection and you connect not only with the symbol, but also with what the symbol represents. Human perception is mostly constructed in the sub-conscious part of the mind - and images/symbols are the major gateway. From here, perceptions and reactions filter through to the conscious part of the mind as thoughts and emotional responses.

>just primative beliefs from people who didn't know Christ.
no its was literately the fallen angels this was stated in the Book of Enoch

a book about destroying the evil

These have different answers. How was Dionysius the Greek messiah? To my knowledge, he was mostly a being of excess, and whom they worshiped in the theatre. How is that at all correct here?

>Citation needed
Babylon preceded Egypt. Like how Romans ripped gods from Greece.

The parallel is obvious. Osiris was killed by Set, and resurrected by Isis (Semiramis). The same story told in Babylon.

On a side note, this might be why Obama insists on calling ISIS, ISIL instead. It offends his goddess.

>which movie is this?

Pretty sure stuff like Verracochia and Yu Di weren't mentioned in any of the three Books of Enoch I've read. Hell, most of them weren't even Gods, just primative concepts of natural phenomena.
And to call them daemons belonging to your own faith is supreme arrogance, misunderstanding, and unduly generous.

in Enoch the angels taught man to sin against beasts by combining them with each other. This was considered a grievous sin. Something to think about when those news articles about glow in the dark cats with fish genes get posted

The Foul Jewess and Seduced Goyim