Would you Americans be okay with non-whites if they behaved?

Would you Americans be okay with non-whites if they behaved?



Nigga where do you think most of the hate comes from? That said I think humanity in general can clean up its act.


when will that happen

Yes, but I'd prefer racemixing be kept to a minimum. Other than that, if you're a decent person, I don't give a fuck even if you have polka dots.


Genetic homogeny is the only way to have a truly stable society.

Stay with your own kind, famalam.

Yes, although they're still not as pretty to look at

Yeah but as a group they dont except the Japs who make us look like niggers

I have tons of black friends. They all act like normal human beings, they don't take handouts, they work jobs and wear condoms when they have sex, they spent a few hours educating themselves so they didn't sound like dumb fucks, they don't congregate with other black people just because they have the same skin color, they don't feel the need to point out every time someone mentions blacks but isn't black, etc. Same with my hispanic friends. They worked, applied for citizenship, studied, educated themselves, etc etc. This is how the United States is meant to be when people say "land of opportunity." It is not a land of exploitation and handouts.


>implying all whites behave too

Sure. That's all I ask, don't be a shithead.

>would you be fine with non-whites if they acted like whites?
Really makes my brain tremble.

Did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.

Nah. Just look at Asians. They don't really do anything bad and America hates them just as much as Mexicans and probably even more so than blacks.

At least black people have sports stars and entertainers. Do you see any famous or successful Asians in America?

Yep. Too bad their poor genetics tends to make the transition to civilization difficult and arduous for all of us.


Honestly, unless you go to bad parts of a city, everybody is pretty chill. Yeah, they're a drain on society in a lot of ways and some take """our""" jobs, but we are used to it.

>60 percent

It's just life here.

Yeah but I still have a natural affinity for my race and want it to remain a majority in my country (most ethnic groups around the world have this luxury so why shouldn't we?).
But I am ok with say 10% of our population being a mix of minorities but preferably good ones like Asians and some Hispanics.
Maybe a few Arabs but only from good gene pools and they can't be Muslim.

Of course. We even like asians and indians. (Compared to the other ones)

Even some muslims are cool. But the handful who blow shit up ruin it for the rest of them.

OP here, i wouldn't be okay with non-whites growing in numbers even if they behaved. I think whites should be preserved as a distinct group, as well as the smaller white ethnicities

God damn thats a comfy picture

trick question, they can't and won't, don't have the capacity.

>be okay with non-whites if they behaved?

Always have been. That's a tall order, though.

True and checked.

Yes. I'd also be okay with elves and dwarves. Now back to reality...

Of course. Actions are everything and the only true measure of a person.

nope!! just the sight of somebody with differnt skin makes my fuckin blood boil why don't yall stay in ur own shit hole countreis and quit ruinin ours!!!!! and dont even give me indians they had no conception of property

this!! black people or niggers as i like to call them should get out of our countries because they're for white people only!!!

Overall yes. They would take care of themselves, their families, and their own nations rather than leech or cause trouble for their neighbors.
I judge others by their civility. Although whites do have their meth heads, petty crooks, and deviants, their percentages compared to the average and ideal white population are much lower than the percentages of the same undesirables found in other races acrossed the world.
If someone where to cull all the undesirables from the earth and other races held the same standards as whites, there would be far less people to cull.

Yes. Multiculturalism only works when there is a universal understanding of appropriate public and civic conduct. With this there would be no "white flight."

It's not that we hate blacks and Mexicans. It's just that we don't want to get robbed.

Fuck yes.
I knew a group of black people in college who were redpilled as fuck, charmingly sincere, and hated PC, SJW bullshit more than anyone else I knew. One of them was actually severely depressed, but fought and hid it so well that people all described him as "more comfortable in his own skin than anyone they knew.

None of them hated police, none of them did drugs, none of them particularly enjoyed rap, and they were all sick of people waiting for them to chimp out and overreact to anything "offensive" or "racial."

They were good people. I wish there were more people like them in every part of the world.

It's not even that they need to act "white," they just need to act fucking "civilized," "productive," and "rational."

Pic related for an example of what the fuck to *not* do.

sports is not an achievement and should not be rewarded

Don't matter how nice we behave when we're also fucking the housing market. Hope you college grads have at least 1 mil saved up if you don't want to live on the street lol