*Sucks in air*

*Sucks in air*


A thread died for this.

Why do anons feel the need to type out their laughter. Are they trying to act smug? Because it always comes off as them being autistic.

Just use a reaction image or a witty remark like everyone else.

To be fair this is the type of good characterization that makes DC on a different level than Marvel

A witty remark requires wit, some these people are dumb enough to think they're being funny

I've been out of the loop. Since when can Cyborg fly like some kinda man of iron?

It's like the old SuperFriends cartoon where everyone could just fly for no reason.

the user is just andrew dpbson, needing something to laugh at about the DC universe before he returns whinning on twitter about his failure of a life

The CGI improved since the trailer but if Aquaman is really flying then my autism will make me ill.

At least is better than Pacific Rim 2

Actually, Cyborg caught him and then threw them.

>He's like a surfer bro! Because he's from the ocean! Get it?

since Iron Man was cool

Iron Man is not cool since Iron Man 2.

RDJ is still cool though


It figures an uncultured philistine like yourself would be unable to grasp the depth and complexity apparent in this scene

The amount of characterization on display in just that brief exchange is more than all 25 MCU movie's COMBINED it's frankly staggering

Just further proof that DC is for the highest of intellectuals and not you filthy MCUnintelligent swine

Oh nice, a new Sup Forums copypasta

But no (you) since you didn't even try, faggot

And our braincells have died reading endless posts by Snyderfags. Whats your point?

>Post a reaction image and a gif at the same time!

For more stupid advice, stay tuned.

goddamn, thats probably the best cgi in a movie.

Yeah but it's on Sup Forums, so it was probably shit.

Are you really pretending that are not MCUcks the ones spamming Sup Forums with shitty hype threads about thor ragnarok while taking random shoot of justice league trailer and pretending is shit while saying "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA"?

go back to Sup Forums