Guy creates high quality classic style animation

>Guy creates high quality classic style animation
>Get's very little views or subs
Is this what it's like to be an animator on youtube these days? You try your best for hours and nothing comes of it?
Also No, I am not the creator, it just makes me mad seeing that the only animation that gets any views on youtube are short meme clips.

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>You try your best for hours and nothing comes of it?
He works on Bojack Horseman though

That's mostly the fault of the youtube algorithm. It wants you to be uploading stuff as much as possible - ideally at least once a week - or else you just don't get as much attention. That's why the most successful youtube ecelebs do cheap, easy to make stuff like reaction videos or weekly vlogs.

If it's really that good, it'll slowly spread through word-of-mouth. Like what you're doing right now! In the meanwhile, those few that like it matter just as much as a larger crowd. Most importantly I hope the creator liked it themselves - any further output will depend on passion more than popularity.

>If it's really that good, it'll slowly spread through word-of-mouth.

Tales of Alethrion is a high quality collection of shorts that's been going on for years and still isn't very popular.

Pandering makes you popular, not quality.

>TFW make random cartoon and vidya game videos that take weeks to complete
>Only get 10k view if I am lucky

>That's why the most successful youtube ecelebs do cheap, easy to make stuff like reaction videos or weekly vlogs.
Fuck YouTube and anyone who does that shit then. Is there any substitute or is online animation permanently dead?

>the youtube algorithm
you talk about it like its not the people at the top fucking with the algorith to promote wathever they want

Animation YouTubers are fast risers right now but they really don't animate like you would want. They tell stories with cute drawings. Like theodd1sout or jadenanimatiom. They're gaining subs fast and have videos raking massive viewership.

Or foreign countries spamming copyrighted low quality cartoon shorts with nursery rhymes once every 15 minutes to get 200k views on average each aren't fucking with the algorithm.

>Is this what it's like to be an animator on youtube these days? You try your best for hours and nothing comes of it?

Pretty much, yeah. YouTube fucking sucks.

>Quality animation
>Garbage everything else
All that work for nothing

the guy's done work for Bojack Horseman, OP

at least he got somewhere, even if not a lot of people know about him.

there is this myth that you cant compete witth youtube and everyone assumes is true
here is what youtube doesnt have
wich has always been popular in the internet and used to be so big that people uploaded crap and got millions of views
>original music
there is vevo allright but what happenned to all the musicians who where popular in the site? i guess you cant compete if it takes you months to make acouple minutes of content
>serialised content
again, you cant make anything with actors and a script, they tried this around 2010 and it was really popular but they changed the algorithm
>goo cooking videos
and i know there are tons of cooking videos because any moron can do it but they are all crap, they are all over ten minutes because videos under ten minutes dont get promoted by the algorithm wich usually involves some retard talking into a camera for 4 minutes about nothing or long stupid introductions you have to sit through like anime

here is what youtube does have
>paid content wich is them taking down copywright content and then uploading it themselves and charging for it wich doesnt work
>youtube red wich nobody knows what the fuck happenned to, probably was garbage
>youtuve tv wich is suppossed to compete with netflix 5 years too late and you can tell they already gave up on it
>shitty celebrities that get popular overnight and get forgotten in a week wich try to jew the algorithm as much as they can
>adsense wich is barely profitable for them and involves them twisting and turning on command for advertisers
youtube is shit, granted is a massive piece of shit that everyone hates and you are telling me its impossible to compete with that? what about al these streaming services starved for content? if any youtuber with millions of suscribers can get a fraction of their audience to watch exclusive content there they would get picked up on a heartbeat

thanks for posting that, I remember seeing that a while ago but I forgot the name.

>Garbage everything else
What? Sorry the humor isn't meme enough for you.

Newgrounds isn't exactly what I would can popular anymore, though.

Bad sound
Bad voice acting
Bad design
Bad colors
Bad humour

>Bad humor
I see you are under underage

Bad humor as in Boring,lame,Overdone,Simple, and painfully dull executions setups and deliveries.

this guy is great, thanks OP

Underrated online animation thread?

>tv is slowly dying off as people migrate to the computer
>youtube losing variety as content creating channels close up shop or start using the reaction video format
Does animation have anywhere else to go?

because they make low quality animation
wich granted they always did but technology is better and there is way better content online right now

I love Poseidon's song. It's pretty funny.

>I don't like classic cartoons, they aren't my Teen Titans Go

Vimeo's probably the only one I can think of, and that's a crapshoot from what I've seen.

So really, it's either that, or languish under the pile of crappy kiddy flash "cartoons", GTAV videos or "kiddy characters doing adult things passed off as children's entertainment" videos.

just because you slap gloves and balloon shoes on a character doesn't mean it's "classic style".
It's a sloppy flash animation.

video games

>"and I'm all out of bubblegum"
you're so full of shit.

Underage mad.

this chick is retarded talented artistically&musically
everyone her videos makes it to the frontpage of NG but shes no views on youtube

You don't get to play the "not memey" card when this kinda shit is in it.
You also don't get any taste points for animation that is this unrefined. It's a bad adaptation of a classic style in a completely wrong technical format. I have seen better animation, storytelling and humor on Newgrounds in 2008 rewatching content from 2004 (I specifically looked the year up, for your convenience). So no, this brings nothing to the table which hasn't been done better.

I've realized I wouldn't want a TV show these days anyway.
If I ever came up with a pilot, I'd pitch it to Netflix before anything else.

>Everything is a meme
>All jokes are memes

It's not a joke, it's a reference. A reference to a line that from a movie from 1988 which most people associate with a Duke Nukem game from 1996. Heck, it's so dated that the act of referencing that line has become a joke in itself.

>All references are memes

in terms of comedy, references are on par with memes. And yes, that line has been memed to death on top of that. And that is ignoring the fact that references and memes are related to one another on a conceptual level.

There is nothing wrong with a reference if that isn't the punchline. If not getting the reference doesn't hurt the material then there is nothing wrong with it. That is what makes it different from most meme shit.

There's generally nothing wrong with references if done right, yes, but they more often than not date things. Without context many references become non sequiturs which are usually stuck with adding nothing. I honestly would not distinguish meme shit too much from that, if it weren't for the way it's used. But I'm honestly all I'm trying to say is that it makes no sense to consider one categorically unacceptable and not the other while it's perfectly fine to criticize one more often than the other (because it's more often done worse for example).

>Pandering makes you popular, not quality.
This. Being able to appeal to an audience is an important part of being an artist. If you make something niche, then don't be surprised when it stays niche.

>You try your best for hours

Try months, user. Do you know how long making a cartoon takes?

Knew the guy making this back when he was doing Space Goose. He has come a long way. With him working in LA on Bojack Horseman he's doing alright.

Another Canadian doing his part.

and then you say "shit" once and get the video demonetized despite their being hundreds of rap music videos on YT