If a two-year old were to require an organ transplant from his mother or otherwise die should we have the state require...

If a two-year old were to require an organ transplant from his mother or otherwise die should we have the state require that the mother donate the organ?

If not then is it not established that no person has the right to another body in order to sustain their life? Is it then not granting extra rights to a fetus when we grant him the right to someone else's womb for the period of time in order to sustain his right?

That's a fictional scenario that never happens. If a 2 year old needs an organ transplant to survive then they should find a donor who will give it to them. But nobody should be forced to be a doner if they don't want to.

>requiring the state to kill someone
Fuck off.

So should we force mothers to sacrifice the rights to their womb during pregnancy?

>forced to be a doner if they don't want to

I think abortion should be allowed up until the point where the baby does not need the mother to survive. The baby can usually come out early by a few days. After that it's murder. That's pretty much my view of abortion. Abortion should be allowed at any point during the pregnancy for whatever reason the mother has. But once the baby is at the point to where it can function without the mothers help, then you can't abort that.

If a mother doesn't want a baby, she should be having sex. If she wants to have sex, she should use contraceptives. The U.S.A is a first world country. There is literally no need for abortion. It creates a society where there are no consequences, which is bad.

Counterpoint. If we have the technology to terminate unwanted financial burdens, we should use it.

Going backwards has never been productive for the world.

I can't answer your question.
I'm a single dad as my wife was killed in a car crash in 2012.
Under UK law, I had to formally identify her body. And give signatures on various documents.
I broke down. I was crying and laughing - I didn't know how to respond. She has gone.
The police were so helpful. They looked after me. I have since married one of the cops who was there.
She is utterly wonderful. We want to make babies.
My daughter is 18 years old. Son is 10.

Having kids is not easy. Money is nothing. Just metal and paper.
Life is beautiful and holds many secrets.

Did the mother cause the two year old to need a transplant? Because that's the only way it would be analogous with abortion. She doesn't have to give the baby an organ but when the baby dies she is guilty of murder in some degree.

The consequence paying to remove the parasite.
>I have a cavity so now I need to pay the consequences until I get an impacted tooth the infection gets into the bloodstream and I die
Instead of
>I got a cavity and I went to fix it

Lets say that the medical history of the mother and father suggested that they may have to donate an organ to the child once born

Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we necessarily should do it.

Why should we allow the killing of a human being just because someone doesn't want to raise it, that is ridiculous.

Let me be clear, I'm only against abortion in those cases where the only reason the mom/dad wants to abort is to avoid parental responsibility. If something happened and they no longer can afford to care for the child they could always give it up for adoption.

I am a conservative Christian, but I consead to abortion in the case where there is a serious danger to the life of the mother.

Soon the artificial womb will be available to all, and with it we will finally be able to slaughter all women and liberate ourselves from the ancestral parasite and its morally bankrupt influence on Humanity, securing the well-being of Civilisation instead of the current cycle of rise and collapse and the huge dysgenics of the welfare state establish by for and because of the ancestral parasite.

Death to all women, and death to their apologists.

Agreed. Japan will do our part to bring us AI waifus, the perfected female form free of moral degeneracy.

What mother wouldnt do that? Come on user

I don't want to force the mother though?

m8 doner kebabs are basically abortion sandwiches, tastes great with garlic sauce

>So should we force mothers to sacrifice the rights to their womb during pregnancy?
Never. It is a violation of both gerontological and teleological ethics.

Besides, the fetus isn't even a living being until it is born.

>the fetus isn't even a living being until it is born.


>I'm only against abortion in those cases where the only reason the mom/dad wants to abort is to avoid parental responsibility.

Since it is a woman's natural, biological and inalienable right to decide for herself to bear children or not, it doesn't matter what her motivation is and it is not up to you to decide for her.

When you buy a gun, do you have to declare how you will use it?

Pro-choice groups have never tried to change the law stating that killing a pregnant woman is a double homicide, regardless of her stage of pregnancy. Proof enough that even they don't agree with themselves.

miracle of birth

you can google it

when you put another life inside your body, you abandon the right not to care for it

>Pro-choice groups have never tried to change the law
Those laws are invariably in red states with right-wing extremist legislatures and governors.

>when you put another life inside your body,
It's not a new life until it leaves her body.

That's the been the law, language, tradition, religion and science for 10,000 years

Due to the ban of both research in the west ( either actual ban or career-suicide through social blackmail and bullying ), Japon indeed have a lot on weight on his shoulders.

Humanity's destiny may indeed reside in your collective hands.

I honestly don't know how to feel about abortion because on one hand I think that it keeps the black population down, but on the other hand I truly believe it is morally wrong and I question the motives that people have for pushing the issue so hard.

There is simply no altruism in the world, I believe there exists no person who pushes for abortion because it might help someone. There must be other reasons, and I am suspicious of those reasons