
What does Sup Forums think of Paperinik?

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What is this?

Read it when I was a kid here in the old boot. Never managed to get all the issues or read them in the right order, I was a retarded kid with little money of my own.

Pic related was the first one I got, just because I liked the cover, I had no clue what it was about, I just knew Donald Duck was in it and he occasionally dressed up as a superhero. I wasn't expecting cosmic warfare and space genocide, but it's what I got, and I loved it.

I still have the issues I bought, they're grinded and overused by repeated readings.

I think that this is PK, not Paperinik.

I've only read the Paperinik comics that have been published in the Swedish pocket books, so completely out of order. I've heard that there are scanlations of the original issues out there though, so I might get into it.

It says Paperinik on the goddamn image.

I thought you could only find Bamse in stores.

Yes, but generally when you talk of Paperinik is mostly refered to the classic character.

He could beat the shit out of Duck Dodgers.

I like it. I'm italian, so it's quite common here, a lot of people know him in fact

Yes, but there are 2 "phase" of paperinik, the classic one and the relaunch PK. PK is all about the protection of the entire world, and it has a different origin than the classic one.
Classic paperinik it's more about small scale stuff, in the city usually

Technically PKNA

Btw it feels good to be Italian.

I wish translations of it were easier to find.

Just learn italian, it's easy if you got good manual dexterity.

I have been seeding the torrent of the complete english translation for 3 year, you have no excuse

name for the pack is PKNA (Duck Avenger) Complete English

>manual dexterity

Inb4 the answer is about being able to easily ass fist yourself to hit the correct tonal pitch or something equally silly.

Btw this is now a storytime of the first volume.



If you are Italian the joke probably flew over your head

Good boy








first time reading this in english, I'll try to check if any of the jokes are lost in translation




masked saviour was originally paladin, a joke on Perceval name being a knigth of the round table.

Sweet, thanks

"get over here" is not the perfect translation, literally he says "throw yourself over here"


>If you are Italian
But I'm not, and it still doesn't make any sense.


2 wrong translations here,
"so you'll rip them off" should be "let's talk about the catch"

"at least until I have staff" is "until the tenants arrive"

I think I'll stop correcting the translation, it's mostly minor stuff and it's taking me 3 times as much to post 1 page.

How the heck can you manage to mess up simple stuff like that when your English seems to be otherwise more or less perfect?

this page always gives me pokemon vibes







I never understood what the point was with the cameramen guys looking like that, aside from bizzare attempt at looking futuristic.

this page is atrociuous
third panel should be somethin like:
"the soles are made of an extra soft compound to make sure I won't slip, I feel like a Formula 1 pilot"
also the analyzer says it's armored, not that it can't scan it

If memory serves, they're more or less normal people that gets converted to corporate owned semi-brainwashed cyborgs.

Camera 9 has a small backstory arc later. He was in 'nam or some other equvalent.

I think they look cool
also I remeber there being an entire chapter called camera 9 so the answer is probably there



It was an attempt at a cybersomething aestethic. With the story progressing they probably forgot and Cameras remained just cameramen.


What Papernik means? I thought it was calld Duckavenger.
Polish name is great Superkwęk.

Paper- comes from papera = duck.
-nik comes from Diabolik, google it out.

>that useless W

papera means duck, he was kind of a thief when he started and diabolik is a thief and one of the most relevant comicbook characters of the last century in Italy




Paperino is Donald's italian name (based on the italian word for duck).
Then it's altered to Paperinik as a pastiche of Diabolik, an italian pulp antihero.

In french he was called Fantomiald, after Fantomas.


The Swedish name sucks, it includes his first name.

Also the name of the guy that donned his mantle before him is Fantomious

He's called Stålanden ((the) Steelduck) in danish.

I love how goofy and cartoony this first issue is, but later in the series these same scenes are all kind of fucked up and serious, mind control and other creepy stuff comes into play. Really serves to show they were just trying to see what they could get away with in the beginning.

Got the name wrong, it's fantomius

Better than the Swedish name at least.

well, it's not like this started that innocent, even if it's kind of goofy the first 5 pages show a planet getting conquered and it's population getting enslaved.





>He's called Stålanden ((the) Steelduck) in danish.

Which is a pun on the Danish name for Ironman, who used to be 'Stålmanden' before the translators realized that sounded stupid.

just noticed but there is a subtle joke about characters from shitty soap operas being devoid of emotions on page 41 thats almost lost in translation


it's sublime superior, not supreme superior

Is that car actually flying or just stylistically going fast?


Oh, pretty obvious now, sorry









>Sam Plot the soap writer
>Same plot
Can't believe it took me that long


you are not the only one



This is the fan translation, right?



