#SpiritCooking - Viewpoint of an occultist

Occult fag here. I practice and study magic and spirituality for quite a time now and had the honor to work with a lot of spirits and deities and wanted to provide you my viewpoint on #SpiritCooking.

Those things are magical rituals. The public may chose to ignore it and say its a weird form of art, but it isn't. For example drinking water that was manipulted through crystals on a solar eclipse, or using crystals such as quartz and rose quartz with specific spiritual attributes, eating pain and other things is immediatly understood by an experieced magician as rituals. Mostly, those are rituals of self-empowerment.

Magic per se is neither evil nor good, its neutral, subtle forces of nature/universe that are unseen, but can be tapped into, and they can be applied for good or bad. Everyone can do this provided he has the knowledge for it.

These people however keep this knowledge to themselfes, because they don't want you to be empowered sovereigns of your lifes. Instead, they want sheep and cattle, slaves that will work for their system in a 9-5 job, earn just enough money to not ask questions, and their minds being completly wrapped by media and television. This is why magic is being ridiculed, and records of the actual history of our planet held back. They rob you of your natural divine heritage and power, because instead of co-existing in a reality where everyone is equally part of the all, they prefer to rob you and keep all the power and knowledge to themselfes.

Furthermore, the way of their magic DOES indicate DARK FORCES at work, because:
>1) The light is service to others and peaceful co-existence, while darkness is egoical behaviour, control, submission, power over others. They fall in the later category and cause enormous amounts of suffering on earth just to keep money and power.
>2.) The nature of these rituals such as eating pain, drinking blood, and all the things that you see there, would never come from light. Those are works of darkness

Other urls found in this thread:


thanks CTR employee from the Hillary campaign


What you can do about it? Learn and empower yourself, study spirituality and learn wisdom. Only knowledge can expand your consciousness and empower you. Take back what is naturally yours.

PS: Their empire will fall. This is not a probability, this is a fact. There are spiritual authorities at work on our planet, who shift us towards liberation from these sacks of shit.

It does not matter if Trump wins or not, everything is going according to universal plan to restore harmony and balance on our planet. And, I am pretty sure, the fact that those emails got leaked, is another fallen domino stone in the grand divine plan of the universe to awaken humanity and bring us back into a state of peace and love.

Everything is okay and will be okay. All is according to plan. These people will pay.

(You) sir, are the CTR employee shilling for Hillary

join Simula
our religion is centered on breaking the simulation and finding the BIV

are you this guy maybe?




That's fine and dandy that you get fulfillment out of bizarro rituals, but I think the govt should be even less involved with that shit than churchy things.

>Learn and empower yourself
This is terrible advice. There is no substance to occultism whatsoever. If you spent three years of your life studying the occult, it would be three years wasted. Learn programming or something useful instead.

Giving you the benefit of doubt, what "spiritual" things can "magic" offer, than wouldn't be included in the self-improvement one might achieve with reading people like eckhart tolle, or don miguel ruiz.
What is the "next level" after becoming positive / truthful with yourself and your surroundings?

Everybody knows that stress causes stomach ulcers, so a "balanced soul", obviously is a boon to health. No rocket science, that. So what part would magic play then?

thanks for correcting my record nerd virgin

I need help looking for this painting that hangs on the wall in John Podesta's office

It was also talked about in this Times article

>Marina (((Abramovic)))




Think its called "the autopsy". Might be vermeer.

i hear u op

i'm a neophyte myself but i think i understand enough to see this. these elites are a bunch of edgelords and use the occult in a negative way to keep power over us

The elites are the elites, because they are involved in it in the first place. They have powerful knowledge and they hide it from the masses.

Having spiritual wisdom and understanding is the root for a successful life and the elites know that and use that knowledge for personal power.

Realizing the non-physical structure of our reality, what it consists of and how it works and how you can manipulate it for good, as well as realizing your divine heritage.

By understanding these things, you will have obtained the ability to actually manipulate reality to a great extent, however dont abuse that power

nope not vermeer
>close to the same style

and not the autopsy

they have forks, knifes and plates and in the Time article linked Podesta says

>"It’s better to be the guy with the fork,” Podesta quips to his colleagues, if they ask about the image, “than the guy on the table.”

>would never come from light

came here to say this. occult isn't good or bad, it's just an insightful tool

Hi styx

If you really do this. You should know who I am and be able to name me.

Pick any occult book and read it. Then read another, and another. You'll quickly realise that the way they're written is always the same – they use vague and obscure language, pose more questions than answers, and encourage you to read the work multiple times. This is the way they hook you. Occult literature never communicates meaning directly, because there is nothing to communicate. Rather, the reader is left to ponder the deeper meaning, under the pretense that they're learning, and they start to fill in the blanks with whatever they want to be there. Occultists will then tell you that this was the plan the whole time – that the truth comes from within, and that everything you've read was pushing you in a direction of your choosing. It's the biggest load of bollocks I've ever wasted time on. The people who practice occultism are invariably people who are only concerned with appearance. It's about looking intelligent, rather than being intelligent. It attracts the poet types who write meaningless nonsense and then bask in the praise that results from other people's over-analysis.


You'd be an idiot to laugh off either.


>there's totally something to it, bro
>but I'm not going to tell you what
The occult in a nut shell.

how much lsd do you take on the regular?

globalist new age bullshit on par with georgia guidestones

I love the smell of fresh urine in the morning.
Smells like victory.

Someday this campaign is gonna end...

>and had the honor to work with a lot of spirits and deities

OP you are a complete faggot


Na man, I do also practice magic in the lowest forms and even I can tell you that the leaks of e mails is not a work of balance, but I can tell you that you can see evil in the eyes of Hillary, you can see greed, and concealment, and that almost always means no good. The secrecy and lies that she emanates makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Lots of people can sense that, it does not really matter if you consider yourself spiritual or not, the ability to percieve if someone is untrustworthy is ingrained in all of us, some people tough had been blind by those who want power and choose not to see it.

And you may ask, what can I see in trump's eyes? Nothing, he is genuinely sincere about his opinions and what preachs, which is not bad, he is not a bad person, hell he is not even greedy, he do not aspire more power because he already has it and it is not consumed by it, he genuinely wants to help your country, he has his problems and defects like every human tough.

a quien le importa so no lo difundan



> Mfw half of Sup Forums probably eat their own semen regularly

>anything but meme magic


You are not an occultist.

You're an idiot who believes he's esoteric and intellectually superior after learning the meaningless symbols of the Rosy Cross from a mass-published book that you purchased on the internet.

I'm going to save you and everyone else in this thread a great deal of time by revealing the one kernel of truth in the mountain of bullshit that is magical theory.

>Who the fuck are you?

I was born into this shit.

I know everything there is to know about magic, the types of idiots who buy into it, and the entire moneymaking industry that keeps gullible fools believing in it.

>Why should I trust you?

Don't trust me.

In fact, prove me wrong.

>Why is it a secret?

What I am about to tell you is considered sacrilege and blasphemy by nearly every group that claims to be aligned with the study of occult nonsense.

These groups believe that cloaking the truth in riddles and esoteric mumbo-jumbo is necessary to draw people into their web of bullshit and keep the uninitiated from asking too many questions.

In other words, they do not want to put their pearls of wisdom before swine.

To these self-important freaks, anyone who is not willing to eat their own sperm or jump through the other laughably dramatic hoops to achieve apotheosis is not worthy of learning what they consider to be genuine knowledge.

>What's the secret, then, faggot?

Magic is a misnomer for will.

Every word of every page in every book about magic is intended to point you to this simple truth.

There is no such thing as magic, but if you can harness the power of will, then you can change your life, the lives of people around you, and even the world itself.

The rituals described in ancient texts are merely strategies that attempt to get the practitioners in touch with their willpower.

In other words, if something can be done and you believe you can do it, then you can do it.

I just synthesized four thousand years of magical literature into a few sentences on Sup Forums.

All "magick" is evil you Pagan shit, it comes from dark forces, if it even exists in fact and not just in hubris.

Was there an email about podesta getting an infection from these rituals? I thought I heard something about it but can't find it on search.

I just want to add that :

Magic calls magic, you do not search for it, it finds you.

CTR or LARPer distracting from the real issues and proof. GTFO

10/10 would agree again


Well stated as well.

This too

If you commit seppuku after drinking a mix of pig's blood and horse semen, not only you don't die but your mind suddenly much faster, like you ingested a micro dose of LSD. This effect is permanent, unlike the LSD though.

You have to try it.

there are no spirits you pillock


It's all evil, and OP better repent before it's too late.

Fooling the weak with mystical garbage and keeping them from the truth, salvation by the grace of Christ Jesus through our faith in Him, and repentance of our sins.


You are completly right and I agree.

I don't care about who Trump is, if he is a moron and douche or a cool guy, the only thing I see, is that he is apparently not part of this system, and this is as best as you can get at this time.

>The rituals described in ancient texts are merely strategies that attempt to get the practitioners in touch with their willpower.
Thats great and all, but how do you want people to connect with their willpower if there no strategy to teach them?

i wouldve most likely done this if i went of my meds.

In my crasy state i could easily justify it as a short cut to richess. Im certain other crazies will do this as a result.

Beeing crasy is losing grip on reality. Been there many times. These sort of things have huge impact.

>He believes in magic
That's sad. I've no doubt these fuckers ARE involved in this ritualistic crap, but you're a moron for believing it's real.

Does anyone have a link or images of the spirit cooking video where they throw blood at the child size dummy in the corner?

looks like George de la Tour/Zurbaran kind of artstyle, however the clothing makes me think it is rather a modern/contemporary painting which is harder to find... I'll see if I find something

Do you really think highly successful people who have what it takes to enslave, control and run the world, would waste their time on bullshit?

>how do you want people to connect with their willpower if there no strategy to teach them

The rituals in magical literature are designed to make practitioners feel accomplished without accomplishing anything.

Before esoteric thought crept into the study of willpower, rituals were simply meditating on your goals and how to achieve them.

A man who's will is to get rich cannot make a penny by slaughtering a goat in a field and drawing strange symbols with its blood.

If your will is to get rich or do anything else that requires willpower, then you must do three things: conceive, decide, and act.

>Conceive: Develop courses of action.
>Decide: Determine the best course.
>Act: Follow through.

This is essentially self-help, which is why magical literature often falls under that particular category in bookstores.

I hope you're taking notes under that dipshit cloak you're wearing, you Crowley-worshipping kraut.

There are more things in heaven and earth, user, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

It's not hard to become an "elite" and it doesn't require magic. Just be a sociopath, fuck people over, lie to them, feel innately superior to them. It's easy to get ahead, the problem is loving with yourself if you have the slightest conscience.

Bunch of hand-waving bullshit. The only reason it works is because idiots believe in it.

Found the CTR shills in this thread.

>Magic per se is neither evil nor good, its neutral
its neutral because it is bullshit and you are fucking twat of a self-deceiving idiot who goes out and undoubtably pushes those same lies onto others for personal gain, which makes YOU evil.

seriously, I hope you learn the hard way man.

>Just be a sociopath, fuck people over, lie to them, feel innately superior to them.

You just described the majority of people on earth

>magic per se is neither good nor evil
>goes on to describe how some magic is good and some magic is evil

You cant even get your fucking story straight inside of a single god damned paragraph!!

Jesus christ on a cross, you need to be put down for your own stupidity if not for your hucksterism

>Magic per se is neither evil nor good, its neutral

I have never seen a positive manifestation of blood magic.

Not ever, it's always to lessen another while strengthening one.

Any tips for tapping into your willpower then?

>falling back on esoteric bullshit to appear enigmatic and give yourself an out

You're only fooling yourself.

I've been there, and I've seen it from so many other self-righteous fools who think that pouring over trite symbols and allegories gives them special powers.

I encourage you to prove me wrong.


I've learned to avoid people into the occult.

Weird things happen and best to avoid them.

The elite are eating people. AGAIN

Usually because they're boring degenerate faggots.

One of those times when I re-enable Adblock Plus on this domain to block an image.

let me guess, a great teacher will come and restore the world?

Tell me about the Jews, senpai

skinman pls


Bullshit. Society exists because there is some form of actual empathy from strangers, to varying degrees. If you were really a sociopath, if you and any sort of intelligence, you'd be rich. It's not hard to get ahead.


Sometimes. Revolutionaries are common. Leaders are less so. Jesus was Trump.

You're not an occultfag you're a youtube researcher fag.

Spirit cooking is some harmless wiccan faggotry.

Podesta as you can tell is a weird fuck he's into aliens and the occult kinda funny how an /x/ fag managed to rise so high

moulder pls

I can't believe idiots think that Sup Forums would harm the campaign by investigating this shit.

So your insane. Magic isnt real.

>Christians and normalfags will flock to Trump
>A few people who thought Trump was tolerant will flip to Clinton

I'll take that bet,

>Yfw you realize that kek made us accumulate all this power just so he can defeat another god

How do you think the population is going to react to this?

what about when they find out that abortion is just a giant children sacrifice ritual?

it's funny. i'm actually on board with everything you say about love and peace and harmony and all that jazz right? I mean, i'm a shrill hippie at heart.

But when you start talking about magic and shit LOLOL, i automatically think you're retartit


Get off your fucking computer and go outside.

This shit isn't rocket science.

Man made fire because he wanted to see and be warm.

He made the spear because he wanted to kill and eat.

Fast forward thousands of years, and he's about to make artificial intelligence because he wants to fuse the organic with the inorganic.

All this is the result of willpower.

In order to exert your will, you have to realize what you want.

When you know that, then getting it is only a matter of engaging that marvelously large brain of yours and focusing on the outcome with every fiber of your being.

In other words, get off your ass.

This discouragement reminds me a whole lot of the old pedowood threads and the gb2 spam.

We have absolutely nothing to lose.


There is no magic. Go kill yourself faggot.

What did she mean by this, X-Files user?

>magic is will

wow dude how'd u figure that out, its not like crowley openly states this

LOOOOOL yea well most of us figures out these magical morons thinks magic works because of the belief that they work, which it does. it's classic self-fulfilling prophecy that's guided towards success.

with that said, how do you believe in yourself without this mumbo jumbo? visualizations and affirmations?

This desu

No idea my man. It cant be from the Jewish mudman episode because (((the jews))) are the victims in that episode. Which episode is that from. I doubt she really said jews unless im being forgetful.

>its not like crowley openly states this

It's not like he states how his so-called divine revelation boils down to ass-fucking and sperm-eating, either.

Thelema is another garbage-tier magic set built on lies from a self-important nutjob who spent his life telling ghost stories.

What did I miss?
What is this thing about Hillary and magic?

tldr youtube.com/watch?v=qfL5KwUuvMc

Podestas brother is drinking semon and blud.