Her whole speech is just attacking Donald while having clueless women yell after after sentence

Her whole speech is just attacking Donald while having clueless women yell after after sentence.

The only reason she's doing as well as she is at the moment is because women and gays only care about drama and shit talking. They don't care about actual issues.

When are we going to repeal women's suffrage?

No, the only reason she is winning is because she has promised to keep the gibs flowing.

Women want muh free college so that they can pursue their useless degrees. Minorities want muh NEET bux so they can poop out 20 babies. Gays want muh free healthcare to treat their disease-ridden corpses.

But don't you want your NEETbux anymore? What would an unemployable young man like yourself do else?

The reason Hillary is winning.

1. Tinfoil hat shit on Sup Forums affects literally nothing in the real world.

2. She didn't childishly call the election rigged the same way Trump did.

3. She's not trying to be controversial and never throws temper tantrums. That's why the nation sees her as a more calm rational person as opposed to Trump who is a loose cannon.

I don't know, get a fucking job?

No, it's gibs. Nice CTR memepost though

Thanks for CTR faggot.

>can't refute anything

As expected.


As much as I personally despise her, the thing I hate the most is her fucking voice. I can't listen to it for 4 years. I will move to Japan or Korea to teach English

CTR as fuck

She is a shrill cunt. She has suffered brain damage, she is on rat poison (Coumadin) for prevention of another stroke. She is so selfish to place her self interests ahead of our country because if she wins she will unable to complete her first term because of her health. All she cares about is herself

It's hilarious how she attacks him and his supporters in her entire speech and then goes on to say he is divisive and dark. It has really started to sound like even she and her supporters aren't buying it anymore. Might just be my bias though

> She didn't call the election rigged.

because she was the one doing the rigging. Have you not been paying attention at all for the last 4 months?

>Didn't call the election rigged
OK Russophobe.

They are stalling for time... the media the clintons, the Department of Justice ...they're trying to get their big hoax ready

I wonder what it will be? Maybe stage a phony attack on Clinton herself?

>retard detected

>I was able to stay awake and not collapse for 90 minutes on three occasions with a week to rest in between
>This proves I have stamina

Hillary logic everyone.

hahahahaha. spread it!!!!!

someone post that billions of cunts infographic

wasn't the dried up old cunt sitting while majestic trump stood for the entire debate? even when he wasn't speaking?

low energy hag

>When are we going to repeal women's suffrage?
If Trump supporters start seriously saying this, they're basically dooming the country to a century of Democrat rule.

>can't refute it
>desperate name calling

No wonder Trump is losing.

0.0000000000000000000001 cent added to your account CTR shill.


Trump sees through the bullshit that is the Democratic Party. His knows their allies. He knows who's hand is in what cookie jar. The fact he had the balls to call out corrupt election policies beforehand wasn't just a tactic to fall back on should he lose, but it brought to life real shady practices that can and will happen. Hillary is on a fucking recording saying as much about ensuring the outcome of a Palestinian election.

What happened to looking past Trump for the remainder of the election? That lasted like 2 days.

She's been out of ammo for a while. Luckily for her, most of her supporters repeat the same mantra about racism, sexism, and islamophibia. She could have just stayed on vacation after securing the nomination for what little difference it made to her triggered supporters.