Well Nigas

DEATHWATCH series is receiving a Comic book release

and its Adam "Daddy Issues" who's writing
A Space Marine nigga that isn't from Nocturne and the Salamanders Chapter

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That's an Imperial Fist. They recruit from Terra directly, and not a world that's been isolated from the imperium for millenia before it was rediscovered, so they're one of the space marine chapters where having multiple races resembling what we have on our world now makes sense.

Neato. Hope it's a good read

I will give it a try, however I would like a comic about a new space marine chapter.

imo each series/games from 40k should have their own unique space marine chapter with their own culture,heroes,goals and antagonists.

Also in very different places of the galaxy, so everything would fell new.

The only reason for the lack off diverse races in models and stories in the 40 k is because GW was lazy at best or closet racist at worst since the lore leaves room to have as much diversity as wanted without seem forced. Also because they spend too much fucking time with the smurfs of ultramar.

the autistic US SJW's are trying to push GEEDUBS to add more Diversity in 40k, and geedubs made a wall of text on FB saying that they will look at it

>Games Workshop blatantly Ignored it because they knew that its was a TRAP

There is any chapter that use the "one man army" strategy? That split their space marines each alone in specific places where they face dozens to hundreds of enemies by themselves instead of fighting as a team?

Wasn't PETA also shitting on them because some models wore animal skins

The Iron Snakes do something like that.

Yes and They made fun of it like True Gangstas

Yes, but they just laughed at them saying all his models were wearing synthetic skin.

Raptors. Now fuck off realismfag

Has there been an iron hands comic yet? I would love to read about my lads shitting on the enemy with nuts and bolts

I mean of course that guy isnt from nocturne, the people on nocturne aren't brown or ebony but fucking midnight black skin with red eyes. Look like fuckin demon niggas.

Nobody likes the Iron Hands, not even other Iron Hands.


I love the iron hands and so does

Tell that to Ferrus's face. Oh yeah, you CAN'T


you can, you just have to ask fulgrim and bile first

Iron hands are awesome, they are the best representation of the 40k universe, a bunch of sociopaths that hate the fucked world where they live but are forced to keep protecting it, plus all the crazy mechanic parts they use

They're weird son, don't go near them... They'll make you take drugs.

Don't worry they will bring him back, they just need to find all the parts of his body, put together and use some space elf magic on it and he will be good as new.

Bile seems like a cool guy though. Wonder if he'd ever consider working with Dark Eldar

He was never good. Oh well, whatever.

Good, i've really missed 40k having comics. It's a shame this one isn't done by Adbnett though, i loved his old Titan story.

I'm sure there's been times where he and a Homuculi exchanged notes and stuff.

What are those two black gentlemen doing there?

For some reason I keep thinking that Fabius Bile will help to save the universe one day, like bring back a dead primarch back to life or create a virus that will kill the tyranids.

>having multiple races resembling what we have on our world now makes sense.
So, no problem with every other fucktard being white uh?

>Wonder if he'd ever consider working with Dark Eldar

He did study with the Homunculi.

Nah, most of the time the characters are showing ultramarines from Ultramar that are pretty much Europe from the future, a party of the human territory colonized by europeans that is a little more organized than the rest of mankind

It's going to be so funny when GW explains "where are all the other races?" the same way they explained "what happened to the Squats?"

Depends on what chapter they're from. There's no actual racial segregation in 40k; Most Space Marines resemble whatever race developed in the thousands of years of isolation on singular hostile worlds before rediscovery during the great crusade, so you aren't going to see a lot of race mixing simply as a result. Some chapters recruit from multiple worlds, particularly crusading chapters. You'd probably see a good amount of diversity in the Black Templars, for example, but Baal is a world where the race is predominantly Caucasian in appearance, so you aren't gonna see a lot of dark skin in the Blood angels. the White Scars, on the other hand, are basically space mongolians.