JSA Storytime: Zenith

Good evening owls,

Let's see where we get to

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marvel solicits are literal ass

and not a good ass either

Hey OP, did you grab these new ones?
The only thing I'm interested in is a few of the reprints

oh shit early Morrison

>When the rereleased it as an Omni, it was a hyper limited 1000 copy book
What the fuck 2000AD?

Nice, Zenith!

Oh, no, I have the Quench rips, huh


work reorg=really, really tired OP for the foreseeable future

Wasn't there some rights controversy or something?

It's sorta neat how much of future Morrison stuff you can see in this. The Invisibles is the big one of course.


Avengers weekly. 3.99

Phoenix/Jean Grey shit, 4 issues in one month. Also 3.99

Inhumans oneshot. 4.99

Gwen in fucking Champions. Jesus just put her on main earth already, you fucks. I know you want to.

ahhhhhhh dat 2000AD lettering

>Phoenix/Jean Grey shit, 4 issues in one month. Also 3.99


Can anyone tell me if Greg Pak's Batman/Superman is worth the 27 issue read, or is it just pretty standard mediocre cape fare?

I'm just checking which New 52 titles are actually worth the time, I think I've read all the worthwhile ones

spotted in the wild on twitter today: a defensive Ed Piskor

It's mediocre shit.

Also, it did help pave the way for the ruination of Earth 2.

It was pretty mediocre IIRC

I remember liking the arc where Superman has black pants, a silver belt, no shirt, and a Selina on his shoulders tho

we Lovecraft now?


this really makes me want to run äch bin wieder da

he should just wear that all the time

so what's good in DC solicits


I didn't really get 20th Anniversary issue interview.
is it setting up or hinting at something
St. Cloud was becoming Lloigor or edging to give himself powerboost. Does Zenith really not give a damn?
Kind of sweet of him name a song after the Chimera.

Maybe Derleth

>so what's good in DC solicits
Shaggy and Fred are alive!

And Scooby Apocalypse is probably ending with #24

Two deathstroke issues in January. A TITAN/DEFIANT DIES TONIGHT
The annual has art by Cowan

Yeah, that was a thing.

new 52 had some very good daddy Superman between this and Kuder's beard desu


Rest in Peace Viv, now Waid can no longer fuck with you

Though nothing will compare to daddy Bruce in the amnesia arc

I respect him for doin' his thing, but I don't think of it as exactly mass appeal/hip *young* audiences, you know?

So it's agreed that it's Joey again right?

so how are you owls today

my day involved a fruitless miserable search for the superglue followed by a trip to the craft store out of immediate necessity

I hope not, Joey can't keep suffering if he dies

I opened up the Atomahwak storytime, looked at one page and then immediately ordered a copy. That shit looks fantastic

I can see why his response was dismissive (well, just obnoxious really) because the wording was 'No X-Men fan is gonna buy this' but there was definitely a kinda indie pile-in. Dude WANTS your book to sell, man.

Nazis, that's what

raise your hand if you played original Wolfenstein 3D on "I AM DEATH INCARNATE" difficulty

That's why it's just his physical body while his consciousness is in some other body so he can angst and suffer about his dad fucking up his life yet again

Oh man I've been waiting for this for awhile

Pretty good.

I've finally found an Argentinian to team up with to fansub Nafta Super.
You know, that gang show that took a lot of riffs from the DCU.

Finishing up the first episode.

I get the love for weird X-shit but that cover is both true *and* actively offputting

I was not as into that as I expected to be. That one space African thing some creator has been posting looks incredible though.

Also TV watching, so gonna drift in and out here.

I feel like this is probably not going to change my generally negative opinion of Morrison

should I have a beer or not have a beer

I have literally zero knowledge/expectations here so plz no spoil

How long can a story in an issue of 2000AD be? Is the average 5 pages per issue?

Zenith would have a beer. How are your braces btw OP?

the first cbr here is 117 pages, which we are not doing all of tonight, lol

put in a new tray yesterday so sore but much less miserable than initial conditions

It's usually 6 but it can be up to 8 or 10 (they run regular one shot Future Shocks which are 1 to 4 pages) and sometimes one story can be a double.

It's not that neat when you realize that it's beacuse he basically writes the same thing over and over again.


Also, this means it's generally (but not always) the antithesis of decompression. Some of the good 2000AD writers/artists have a great handle on using limited space.

is this /d/


Cool, I had heard about their "four pages for a story" trial contest for writers.
I think I've only read Mazeworld and Button Man, and the latter was technically not a 2000AD thing originally

Just got New Gods #1 in the mail!

Thank you Justice League movie, for making eBay sellers believe there's a market for these things. When there's still not.

We get way more /d/ than this, I promise.

well this is going to suck

this is increasing the /d/ already

That's the Future Shock thing, yeah. September to March each year and anyone can submit.

Arthur Ranson is one of those artists I would say knows what he's doing with limited pages. Never really feels confined by it.



But men don't need absorbent pads with WINGS

OHwshit what happen

I was fine with solicits but Guggs Xmen hurts my soul

I was expecting her to be an initial sacrifice, honestly

Alright, thanks guys, I'll cross it off my list

he got really defensive over Higgins seeing that "can I lick your ankles?" cover and being all "there is no fucking way I can sell this to my X-readers"

Is it just me, or did Greg Pak lose his mojo a while ago? He's been crap for a while, his Totally Awesome Hulk is a waste of time

aaaand here we go with the occult backstory

or, in other words, WE HISTORY CHANNEL NOW

I seriously can't believe that they are selling the LEGACY #1 as a hardcover with their previews magazine and primer pages included for $40US

Power move. They're sharks.

I fucking lost it when I saw that

I seriously can not wrap my head around the thought process at Marvel.

He's always been all over the place.
He wrote Action Comics and Batman/Superman at the same time, and the former was pretty good but the latter was mediocre.

oh shit parental backstory


Vaguely relevant 2000 AD page, because we that tonight.

how are you owls

BTW we are OFF tomorrow, on Thursday, then off F/S back Sunday


Pepe on the left.

Hahah. Classic.

ahhhhh, the 60s

any Britfriends here tonight? probably not, it's ass o'clock in the morning there

Damn, and Mage comes out tomorrow!

And the second trade of Hero Discovered.

That Avengers stuff is hitting me just right, I’m pretty hyped. I know it’s dumb.

Higgins? Also lol he faved my tweet raving about that cover. Also pretty sure it s a variant

Poor Matt Furie

oh fuck, I'll have to go to my LCS Thursday, then

Oh yes.

retailer who posts more openly than many about stuff on Twitter so is an interesting follow for that perspective

At least 1

My knowledge of UK politics of the period is best summed up by this:



What else do you need to know?

I assume that a basic level of furious rage at Tory policies is the backbone of all Brit comics work of the period, and we can pick up nuances from there

I love how Delano turned the outcome of the 1987 British General Election into a demon stock market crash


I wasn't alive for Maggie but it's some legacy. Especially where I am, specifically.

I mean later you can just sub out Tory for Blairite, really. And then back to Tory.

but unfortunately I can't point out any real inside jokes unlike Etrigan roasting Sam Donaldson, in this material

I also have no idea how well/detailed/whatever Morrison is handling Welsh cultural politics here

All I know about that in a fandom context were US people completely failing to understand US concepts of 'minorities' applying to Torchwood, lol



And, in response, the original is lost to the sands of time, but:

>jennyo was talking about how all most TV shows are racist (not enough black people!!!), including Torchwood... which is of course set in *Wales*, not downtown NY. And the Welsh are probably grateful that there's someone beside Daffyd representing them on TV. Except Jenny doesn't care about people who've been oppressed if they're white: "I must honestly admit I don't give a shit about Welsh people, and that I will probably from now on hope that the Welsh are, in fact, further oppressed." Dude, you couldn't make it up!

Plaid Cymru is the Welsh nationalist party