What exactly do I need to read to fully understand Final Crisis? Specially New Gods stuff

What exactly do I need to read to fully understand Final Crisis? Specially New Gods stuff.

If you're reading the Fourth World comics to understand Morrison's weakest work you're reading them for the wrong reasons.

Nothing. It's just a vehicle for a moderately interesting point on the nature of serially published fiction marred by the fact that Morrison thinks he's a wizard IRL.

If you really want to read his nonsense, start with the Invisibles, Flex Mentallo and the Filth. At least those stories deal with his ideas instead of his ideas about other people's ideas. And don't feel obligated to give a shit. It's all just silly.

I already read New Gods and Forever People. But can you just answer my thread? Not loking for a discussion over what is good or not.

God here we go...

Pink stuff

>Not loking for a discussion over what is good or not.
Then get off of Sup Forums and look for a rec list through google

Thanks. I read just a few stuff from Fourth World from Kirby and never got to read Seven Soldiers. But maybe I'm just stupid.

Thanks anyway, user

The Mister Miracle part of Seven Soldiers is pretty much a direct prologue to it.

Name a better Crisis.

Why do you give even remotely half a shit about any of the Crisis? Get better taste user.

CoIE is better and the build to and follow from IC is better than that of FC and as a result makes IC a much more enjoyable experience on the grand scale of things.

even in you liked FC, there's no denying it was very... idk, self-contained? It had little to no relevance to any books outside of Batman editorial
also the build-up books were wank, Countdown says hello


It is better, but it does different things and within those boundaries its better. Final Crisis is completely postmodern and directly adresses the meta aspects, fitting with Morrisons model of how fiction works. CoIE tries to find in-multiverse reasons for why the merge is occuring.

I personally like CoIE more, because it does way more interesting panel stuff and has a much bigger scale without losing too much streamlining. Yet I absolutely love Final Crisis, also one of my all-time faves.

He's reading Annihilator?

Honestly I think Final Crisis can stand on it's own as a story, but it is helpful to read the stuff posted, also a lot of it is pretty good.

Seven Soldiers is good stuff, check it out user

What's the reading order for Seven Soldiers? Is it just all the #1s, then all the #2s, etc?

you can do it like that or just read each miniseries on it's own. Just read Seven Soldiers #0 first and #1 last.

Try to find how its ordered in the collection.

As for more on understanding FC Seven Soldiers is only the really needed thing. As long ss you have a grasp on Fourth World as a whole you should be fine.

Personally I went in with it only knowing bare bones DCAU knowledge of Darkseid and FC is one of my favorite comics. Morrison really embraced the grandiose nature Kirby put into the characters and the New Gods truly feel as gods.

Final Crisis in my opinion is the best comic book of the 21st century.

It was written, like, six years into the century. Pax Americana is already technically superior. Other stories may come along that have better characters and metanarratives.

Hell, by 2030 we'll all be drinking our comics homeopathically.