Miracleman storytime



Why not storytime something good instead?



Watch as Miracleman doesn't do anything heroic throughout the entire story.

Please don't.


Ignore these shits.

Behold... I teach you the superman.




























I read Crooked World recently, gave me a hankering to read Miracle Man, so cheers for this.


Will post issue 2 soon - just going to make a coffee

This is a dumbass page









At this point it's probably worth noting that the colouring in this issue is awful. Issue 1 was even worse but luckily was recoloured by Eclipse when pulished as a trade. Unfortunately the same didn't apply to the other issues.

The colouring gets better though as the series goes on

Original B&W Warrior Marvelman version for comparison.

Note how this version doesn't look like psychedelic shit









At times the limited palette of color works wonderful for plenty of panels, it looks slick.


I still don't get why Kid Miracleman would suddenly go crazy right there.

I would agree, it's just in these first few issues that it can look a bit much, especially when compared to the B&W Marvelman version.

That's why I'm posting these instead of the Marvel reprints

The first issue was the worst though...

Check out pink Miracleman flying around a purple earth




Mr. Cream was the best character in this whole comic.












Oh, Mr. Cream, you are a bad person.







Bump. Thanks for making this board better.


My pleasure

Some info on why Big Ben is in the somic









