Why is use of smokeless tobacco rising? Should we try to stop it?

Why is use of smokeless tobacco rising? Should we try to stop it?


Swede here. Snus is a better alternative to smoking. It's still dangerous, just less so in comparision.

Currently, many young smokers are realizing that smoking cigarettes makes them feel like shit and is also becoming more and more socially stigma'd. As a result, people are turning to alternatives such as vaping and smokeless tobacco.

As far as we know, the rates of health risks from vaping and certain smokeless tobacco products (snus, snuff) are much lower than cigarettes. Western style dip that consists of fermented tobacco is not a good harm reduction alternative, but swedish style snus and vaping seem to be promising alternatives to smoking cigarettes.

Dip is better. I think it's strictly an American thing though.

It is. But Snus is the real deal and part of our culture.

>Try pinch of Skoal Wintergreen as a joke two years ago
>Still hopelessly addicted.

As a regular dipper, I seriously recommend never starting. It's not worth it.

Start vaping instead. Was smoking 2 packs a day. Quit vanilla cigarettes a year ago. Life's much better.

It's okay if you smoke weed along with it.

As the tobacco excites the cancer cells the weed calms them down, thus canceling out the effect.

It's called snus

The only people I've known to use smokeless tobacco are degenerates

wow this is totally new

Only Rednecks dip. I'm sticking to cigarettes.

Snus is just as dangerous dumbass

>falling for the nicotine meme

Do some research, you'll find that is not the case.

how do you deal with lukewarm vapor and no resistance when drawing? i cant stand vaping

>regularly using tobacco
literally retarded

I used to dip Cope straight for 3-4 years. Just transition to snus. I keep that shit in my mouth 3-4 hours a day and swap them out as they get stale. A tin lasts me 2 days.

Won't be near as much nicotine and if you don't have any for an entire day or two you can still function.

>le cigar man

swedish (pasteurized) snus has no correlation with mouth or throat cancers.

gg wp

You need to try many builds till you find the best one working for you. I invested like 1k usd in different mods and liquids. Ended up using "ipv 4s mod ve eleaf lemo tank".

swedish snus is safer than vaping

This is pure fucking propaganda bought and payed for by cigarette companies. Look up the statistics. On average snus-users die 2 weeks earlier than people that obstain completely from tobacco - this is fucking nothing.


you get my point, fuck

Part of it is a war against smokers and vapers in the military. Everyone I know has switched because of it. I use snus now.

I smoke in between 2-4 cigarillos a day and every weekend 2 big cigars since 5 years

Nick & Jonny is love
Nick & Jonny is life

Just mouth smoke.

Cigarettes are for morons.

Actually don't smoke unless it is a rare social treat.

>smoke two packs a day
>heavily addicted
>start vaping
>start craving cock instead of cigarettes

pussy pouches

>I smoke $10 of tobacco a day
waste of money

One package club cigarillos usually cost 12-14 euro and contain 20 which puts the price to 0,60-0,70 cent per piece.

Its not that expensive.

lol you gonna die if you dont learn to vape nigga. lol this nigga gon die.

Draw resistance is just a function of the air intake size.

Make the air intake smaller. Maybe even add a mesh.

If you get smart you could find a way to make "heavy draw" mouthpieces and sell them to vapefags for money.