On october 21st Hulu will get ninth season of Adventure Time...

On october 21st Hulu will get ninth season of Adventure Time. Is it possible that we are only two days apart from seeing the last episode?

I dont know, and does this promotional image confirm that the lich is the last enemy for the show?

No, this happened with RS' 7th season, they filled in the blanks as they aired

No, CN split the season again, so the lastepisodes are the "10th" season.

Please let this be true, I need my dosage of Ron Pearlman

So did Finn and HW get together finally?

The final boss is Finn's dad who's become a wizard.

It's actually sad to see AT now. It was once the most popular cartoon in the world and look at it now. Like a world champion boxer dying of cancer at the peak of his youth.

It's sad that its popularity has waned so far, but the quality is as good as ever.

Yeah, after a 2 seasons of dogshit, that completely destroyed the show. All my normie friends used to watch AT, they all slowly started watching less and less after breezy until they completely dropped it , and they don't even go onto reddit or Sup Forums for people to shout at them at how bad the season was.

Even them, with their normie tastes, watching horrible soap operas and sitcoms with no self awareness, they just slowly dropped AT. I don't think they were even aware that they dropped it, they just forgot to keep up with it and eventually just completely forgot the show. That was how bad breezy was And with AT becoming so lore and story heavy, I can't be assed to watch the two horrible seasons to actually catch up with good last few seasons.

>le Breezy is bad meme
Pleb taste. Breezy is the most criminally underrated and undeservedly hated on episode in the series. It's a beautiful allegory about growing up and finding purpose, chock full of symbolism and thematic depth. Too bad Sup Forums only cares about cheap feels, conventional linear storytelling, and waifus when it comes to cartoons. It explains why mundane shows like star Vs and loud house have achieved such popularity on here.

Kinda. They're in a casual relationship

>It was once the most popular cartoon in the world and look at it now.

Let's not go crazy here; Spongebob as well as Phineas and Ferb were more popular than Adventure Time was.

This, sadly. Adventure Time's dropoff was crazy to see. Still, I think it's been slowly picking back up, but if it were to go out like this that'd just be depressing.

As someone who doesn't frequent Sup Forums, what's the deal with Breezy? I remember it being a pretty dull episode but don't understand what made it so awful that it "ruined" the show.

It's been a while since I saw someone with this strong of a need to be a contrarian and being so smug about it.

They do all this buildup of Finn losing his arm only for him to get it back because a bee wanted to basically sex his flower. Of course that would lead into Fern and what not, but at the time it was seen as just horrible writing to an already slipping show.

This times infinity, Breezy is one of the most daring things cartoon network has ever aired. I remember when it aired thinking it was amazing, and then coming on here and being baffled by the negative reaction. This type of storytelling is not something everyone appreciates but it really is a stand-out episode, it's up there with I Remember You and What Was Missing.

Early AT did that all the time, though. End an episode with obviously unresolved plot thread/s only to address them much later on. Fern etc. wasn't directly foreshadowed but the thorn made it clear that it wasn't completely over either.

So he has the taste of a middle class Roman landowner with the power to hold important offices such as Tribune?

This basically. Isolated Breezy is a pretty good episode but after years of build up and foreshadowing to Finn losing his arm no one wanted to see it resolved so quickly and easily, so it was seen as a very cheap move to keep status quo intact, and to many it was the last straw in a show that had lost much of its quality over the years.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Breezy.

That's PB's uncle Gumbald, not Martin

Okay fag, why the fuck is Breezy so good? And don't act like AT was at it's best right before Breezy, even season 5 was starting to suffer from the relationship drama/Finn shitting that really ruined the show for many. So two slaps in a row and of course many would get burned.

Straight from the Amsterdam Animation Festival: Becky Sucrose composed a new song for the last episode of Adventure Time. The series finale will air in 2018.

This is just fanart

But it was really popular; not only did it have strong international appeal, it influenced many future cartoons later on.

>Gives an unpopular opinion
I love Atla and hate Lok, both opinions held by the vast majority of Sup Forums. Not every opinion that goes against the grain is for the sake of it. I genuinely think breezy is a great episode.


I hope so. Let the show die already

I'm open to actually not thinking Breezy was a piece of shit but the only people who argue for it say shit like this and I can't take them seriously in the least.

In the end it was still a pretty boring episode that I don't recall being funny at all, only thing I liked about it was Finn being depressed and even then they fixed that at the end anwayawy.

and we move to /mlp/

>Becky Sucrose composed a new song for the last episode
god damn it, i hate most songs in AT and SU, and with rebecca you have songs playing at important parts of a story/episode so that the song is tied to the event, and if you skip the song you skip the event

my issue with her music (and her show, has the same problem) is that it's all too floaty. The music just kinda drifts and does little else.

I just think most sound grating and obnoxious, but yea I think I get what you're saying

I used to really like this show but I can not pinpoint when I started to dislike it. I think it was around the time Finn got cucked by a down syndrome creampie and for like 2 seasons it was nothing other then how beta finn is around girls. That and the backstory/plot was weak and lead to nothing. Like when Gunter turned into a world eater and it was resolved the same episode and how it was resolved left really left a sour taste in my mouth.

>one episode completely destroyed everyone's enthusiasm for a show

When will this meme end? Could it be the fact that the show is 8 years old now and people just moved on? Could it be the fact that CN just completely changed their programming format and doesn't air anything but TTG anymore? If fucking SU can still get people wrapped in despite how terrible the last two season were what's the exception for AT?

S5 and S6 were definitely the weakest in the series, but they weren't THAT bad. Tho Breezy is one of the worst episodes, that's for sure. It did try to do something great but fell victim to its unfortunate implications and the fact that it undid a seemingly important plot point after so little time has passed

>for like 2 seasons it was nothing other then how beta finn is around girls.
I don't think you remember it all that well

>le le meme
>pleb meme (the word you are looking for is either capite censi or coloni adscripticii if you are really trying to equate them to a peasant/serf)
>"To be fair you have to have a high IQ..." tier rationalization that tries to make yourself look smart when its clear you have no fucking clue what you are talking about, are looking for depth that quite frankly isn't there, and are simply trying to be a contrarian
>gratuitous shots at more successful shows like SvTFOE or TLH for having "waifus" when you know damn well the only reason AT artwork took off in the early 2010s was because every talentless fuck was drawing those two underdetailed spoons spooning each other
This brainlet's post is exactly why this fanbase died a quick, painful, gruesome death. Like a handful of autists who are convinced that this show is flawless despite its status quos and filler and annoying side characters and will sit in the thread like some street gawker trying to convince anyone that walks by that its a product worth its value when it has the substance of a 3rd grade arts and crafts macaroni drawing. Sheesh, no wonder we lost the fandom war to Steven Universe.

Correct me, was it just one season or more?


>are looking for depth that quite frankly isn't there,
I'm not him but formulations like this are almost always bullshit because they imply that there is one "right" way to approach a piece of medium and all the other ways are inferior (the "right" way, of course, being the speaker's opinion)

Season 5 post-breakup until Breezy. It wasn't until Flute Spell where Finn stopped being a beta around girls.