Why is the current Action Comics run so bad compared to the other Superman book?

Why is the current Action Comics run so bad compared to the other Superman book?

it's a lead in

It's alright

I don't think it's bad.

Jergens vs Tomasi

I don't think it's bad, but Superman is better because it's Tomasi writing it and not Jurgens

The current Superman book isn't that great desu

To what

We all know EXACTLY why


discount john byrne is partnered with dollar store greg capullo

Superman would always have protected those people.

The difference is old Superman would have seen them onto the repatriation bus.

This, Jurgens is Ok...just ok. He usually does not bad but does not good, sometimes hits a jackpot for an issue or two and later gets boring as hell for a couple of issues and goes back to being just ok.

>compared to the other Superman book?
Kek, it is actually look decent in comparison to Tomsai's run.

>Illegal immigrant defends illegal immigrants in assault on America

But I like it

can we just admit both superman books are bland and tomasi/jurgens both should have left after reborn?

>tfw I'm not the only one who doesn't like either of the current Superman writers


The other Superman book stinks too.

ur mom

Your missing the point of why it pisses people off. Portraying a working class guy who is upset that illegal immigrants took his job as a murdering psychopath who shoots up his worlplace over being replaced with low paid illegal aliens (something that has never happened) is completely missing the mark of a legitimate problem and scapegoating people like him as simply a racist and a bigot. It shows Jurgens is completely out of touch but still feels the need to stand on his soapbox and use Supes as his mouthpiece.

>current superboy book isn't that great desu
fixed so it says what we're all thinking

>african city literally described as the worst place on earth

It's not.

You didn't mean what I wrote. The African city and race shit has nothing to do that he made a straw man out of the unemployed working class and painted THEM as the bad guys for losing their jobs to illegal aliens and painted them as murdering racists. If you don't see why that's shitty you are as big of an out of touch asshole as Jurgens.

Action is your generic pre-Flashpoint type of comic with Superman fighting people.

Superman is about Clark and his family.

It's about variety. There are some people who just don't give a fuck about Jon and Lois and only want Superman punching Doomsday, and there's a book for them.

I care about Jon and Lois and I still find Tomasi's run really lacking.

Illegal immigrants also arent replacing white peoples jobs. Theyre replacing unskilled labor. And it doesnt matter that the issue even exists, the issue is that it could drive a man to murder innocent people (which could happen, because most morons ARE more upset at people trying to better their lives than the corporations who rule them like slaves)

in short, >>Sup Forums

>Action is your generic pre-Flashpoint type of comic with Superman fighting people.
>Superman is about Clark and his family.
>It's about variety. There are some people who just don't give a fuck about Jon and Lois and only want Superman punching Doomsday, and there's a book for them.

I agree with this and it's why I love both books. Like Action slightly more because it moves the bigger continuity forward more than Superman.

I mean, I'm not commenting on the quality of either book, just saying that they're meant to provide multiple types of books simultaneously.


also pretty sure that issue showed Africa as the bottom of Earth civilization and Supes also stopped a radical leftist from burning down a 1 percenter's house but Sup Forums wouldn't be able to get triggered if they read past that page I guess

Kill yourself Jurgens

The point of the issue was to show the lowest points of civilization. The working class guy wasn't a completely unsympathetic character but circumstances took him too far. Like another user mentioned right afterwards it showed a lefty about to burn down a rich guy's house. The point of that wasn't to say "Haha all Drumpf supporters r racists!" it was to show political extremism and frustration causes good people to do awful things. The fake news terrorist in the next issue annoyed me but Sup Forums just used the first issue as an excuse to get triggered

Don't expect people here to be able to read even the slightest nuance. They perceive everything as a personal attack against themselves.

Resorting to violence does make you into a bad guy. No matter what motivates you.

It would be a strawman if the issue was about, how all white men are evil.
Since the issue isnt about that you are making a straw man about that portrayal, because obviously it is bad to depict a white man, who has reasons to be angry, and gets pushed by an alien influence to violence, as snapping and becoming violent. That would never ever happen, am I right?

The victim mentality of a lot of people is so ridiculous

He's not totally wrong.
Obviously there is more to illegal immigration than that, but the immigrants that were threatened in that comic (that were never described by a trustworthy source at illegal, so they might be legally in the USA) barely spoke a word English.
If someone can be replaced by anyone not being able to speak the language, He might look to get better qualifications.

>a working class guy who is upset that illegal immigrants took his job
How fucking shit at your job do you have to be to lose it to a guy who can't even speak your country's language?

>Theyre replacing unskilled labor.
which is a problem, Jurgens, because that is what used to be the WORKING CLASS

It’s not bad but I do think the Pz payoff wasn’t great but my theory is that all the stuff superman did in Reborn retconned most of his plans so he was forced to take action

The problem is with the businesses that hire undocumented workers. If labor laws were actually enforced and the government supported unions that protected and improved conditions for workers, the working class would be fine.

But we can't do anything that might hurt the "job creators" so lets just round up millions of people, deport them, and build a magic wall that keeps them from coming back. Because that's a realistic solution.

>"I won't do this shit job for this low payment"
>"I'll do it"
>"Fuck, he's taking MY JOB"
Like that.

New Super-Man is the only good Superman book these days
Jurgens has been boring for decades and Tomasi is mediocre and overly sentimental
I fucking hate SuperLex and I hate Jon
Supergirl is the worst its ever been
Superwoman is cancelled
it's the shittiest time for the Superline in decades

>The fake news terrorist in the next issue annoyed me but Sup Forums just used the first issue as an excuse to get triggered
Agreed that this was completely fucking retarded. This really exposed him as ignorant.

>Showing Africa as a shithole isn't strawmaning
>Showing ONE fucking worker being an asshole is
I suspect you user

It worked for Israel.

Seeing as Israel managed to do it, I'd say that's a realistic solution.

Why are you defending corporate kikes screwing over the working class? You don't need to speak much at a factory job, so we should be ok with citizens being replaced with foreigners?

>>"I'll do it"
That IS the same language you jackass. Did you even read the comment you replied to?

"Yo lo hare Don Patron!"

>>Showing Africa as a shithole isn't strawmaning
But this is reality. In reality laid off workers aren't going around shooting Mexicans with automatics.

>Why is the current Action Comics run so bad compared to the other Superman book?

Now that they got rid of superbro, the fact that you're left with the old boring ass superman is starting to sink in.

How's that working out?

You really just exposed yourself as "everyone I disagree with is Sup Forums!" incarnate

>I care about Jon and Lois and I still find Tomasi's run really lacking.

No, they just vote for people that condones this kind of actions

People immediately started to trash talk this book the moment when that ONE page of illegal immigrants is shown. But still not one person in this thread is actually talking about the storylines.

Trump condones gunning down Mexicans with automatics? I thought he didn't even have the balls to kick out the "dreamers"

Because only about %1 of people here actually read comics.
They only read threads about things that trigger them or maybe one offending issue to complain about it.
This days I prefer to buy trade paperbacks of comics I like so I just wait for the most part. Sometimes I find this threads just to see Sup Forums get triggered until I have my hands in the actual thing and read it wasn't at all like they said.

Dan Jurgens is a shit writer.

Yes they are

Sorry, but Communism doesn't work.


Doomsday Clock

Only Sup Forums would be mad that Superman is saving a group of non-whites