Male Call

During the war Milton "Terry and the Pirates" Caniff had a side strip for the enlisted men about a camp follower named Miss Lace. Assuming the image cooldown times aren't as fucked as implies, I'll drop a few of these.


The first strips refer to another character who was from an abortive attempt at the same idea but shut down by the syndicate.

Again, these were published in newspapers for the enlisted men so Caniff could afford to be a little spicier in his material. Also, if it's not obvious Miss Lace is a prostitute.

This bookends nicely with the enlisted experience depicted in Terminal Lance. War never changes.




Thanks for reminding me about the Steve Canyon collection I found at a half-price books in perfect condition for like $3. These are neat thanks op. Makes me miss old Sup Forums...

This is really cool

Thanks, OP

no problem, someone showed me a sample panel where they couldn't comprehend the slang and I found the collection





stuff like this gets lost to time easily




…and that's all she wrote. Thanks for putting up with the stack format otherwise this would have taken 4x as long to post.

these remind me of those Tijuana Bibles

This was pretty cool, thanks a lot!

Are Caniff's Miss Lace and Pett's Jane the OG Sup Forums waifus? They helped boost Allied morale during WWII

I don't get that last one

"Hi, Private Johnny!
Just telling you I'm still missing you in my nether regions.
I'm staying away from the eligible bachelors back home and you'd better do the same.
Food rationing is murder and I'm telling the guys who couldn't enlist for medical reasons to fuck off.
Come back when the war's over because I want to bone you senseless.
Yours, Bettie."

They intercepted this letter and the idiot in the helmet thinks it's a coded message about an attack.

>Tijuana Bibles
earliest recorded instance of the internet

Nice Legs on the T.O. is why you're reading this thread, someone posted it on Discord unable to comprehend any of it.
"Wrinkle your pinks" means have a seat (crease the skin behind your knees).

The overall joke is "I don't suck off officers, you have everyone else for that." This was a strip for enlisted men and a near-constant in this type of strip whether it's Male Call or Terminal Lance (and probably dating back to the ancient Greeks) is "lolfaggot fancyboy noncombatant officers" which you can see in M*A*S*H as well (those little stars on Frank Burns's cap are one of the reasons Frank gets roasted all the time).

fwiw I'm neither from that era nor military, I just have enough comprehension skills to figure this out and I assume there are enough of you here who can do the same.