Was Reed about to go Hank Pym on Sue here?

Was Reed about to go Hank Pym on Sue here?

To be fair this was during Civil war everybody was out of character during this.

Hank never punched Janet. Fuck off Millar, Austen, Whitley or whoever you are.

>making a fist in rage means you're about to hit someone

Also this, most of the tie-ins were dumb as hell, not to mention Stracz was really fond of his Nazi comparisons

This is like Cap making a fist and thinking about punching his gf in the face because they were arguing though. It's so out of character it almost feels like deliberate character assassination.


>Hank never punched Janet
>posts panel of Hank not punching Janet
Well done. The panel where Hank actually did punch Janet was an artist's mistake and people who cling to it as Hank's big character moment should read more fucking comics.

Ultimate Hank was a mistake.

Why do people always bring him up when NOBODY was talking about the Ultimate Universe?

This art sucks balls


I defer to this user Again: Read more comics.

Jesus, I never noticed Ultimate Tony had such a terrible hairline before.

Didn't Reed hit Sue when she was under brianwashing or something once?

If we're allowed to use alternate universes: Reed Richards is a child-beater.

Sorry; serial child-beater.

Yeah he slapped her when she was Malice but that was all part of his ruse.

>Days after this, Sue made a fist to masturbate Namor
Should have punched her.

He's a wife beater in every dimension, every timeline and ever reality.

Thankfully based Cap gave him a taste of his own medicine.


This. Civil War replaced everyone's personalities with self absorbed assholes.

>every dimension
>every timeline
>nothing but Ultimate Universe pages
Wew. I'll post the page that you're supposed to be posting.

Always disliked this fight. I thought Cap was going to fight smart to compensate for their different power-sets, but no, Cap simply punches harder than Giant Pym.

>Wife beater - a man who regularly or habitually hits his wife or female partner.

Explicitly incorrect. 616 Hank is not a wife beater. In fact, Ultimate Hank is the only one that IS.

And for good measure, here's Janet forgiving Hank in the same storyline in which he initially hit her.

Fuck Millar. His idea of a character trait is something either violent or sexual.

Same as it ever was.
Same as it ever... was.

>shoots a dress



I get the feeling you've not actually read Trial of the Yellowjacket.

Reed had the patience of a saint.

Why are all your posts from fucking ReadComicOnline?

Why are all your posts from a dumbass?

what comic is that from?

Gotta admit. I hate shit like this, usually, but the 'paying attention to me' got a chuckle out of me. Pretty good.


>hitting your kids is fine
>Hitting your spouse is going over the line
Aren't adults more mature than kids and can actually understand what it means to get hit?

implying there's anything wrong with beating your child.

holly fuck. and some people on Sup Forums still deny that sue is namor's slut.

>complains about defiance
>disciplines his children with goofy big ass elongated arms