I'm going to university to learn how to repair robots

I'm going to university to learn how to repair robots

What are you doing Sup Forums?

working on a astronautical/aerospace engineering major, going to be heading off to aberdeen scottland to study for a year or two after next semester. After that will more than likely go back to germany to finish studying or stay in the u.k. A huge majority of all this is paid for because of my sat scores/grades and my german passport. Hope you do good with your major mate

Awesome, you too m8.

where you going to uni in canada? or is it in usa

In the army as a drone repairer. At least I'll be employed for a while

Finishing my BS in Biology this spring and starting medical school next fall.

Canada, the course is free so I am doing it for the hell of it. All I have to pay for is my books and tools so shit why not.

that shit sets you up, drones have been rising in demand and need for skilled workers to work and repair them

Building robots to bend things and kill all humans.

Good stuff, I was just wondering. I worry about you guys sometimes.

sounds like you got a plan mate, sounds great especially if free

Working at a start up that makes robots that repair broken robots. Why?

become a robot sex slave

Lol why?

I make $20 an hour at Wendys and have a 16 inch cock.

Robots are the new oil feilds man, gotta put your dick in there while it's still warm.

It's like 500 dollars but I get two grants that total upto 1500 dollars for tools and stuff so I am actually making money off them. Canada is weird.

I'll be out in 5 years and then I just plan on sucking money out of companies who just start using drones and don't know what the technicians are worth. It's easy as shit desu.

Going to university to kill people learning about repairing robots.

Repairing them? Why not design and refine them?

Shit ain't hard bro. Learn about actuators, servos, couplings, controllers, zero backlash planetary gears, inverse kinematics and become a good CAD Chad in Solidworks and voila... you're the next Kuka lead product designer.

Let the peons figure out the electrics and various hardware/software intricacies.

You should just learn to build MiniTec, that fucking shit is in every fucking factory on the planet, have fun being a maintenance fag it is not fucking worth it.

I make $11.5 an hour and I shit with my ass cheeks spread apart.

fucking some woman whose husband is in class learning how to repair robots

>It's like 500 dollars but I get two grants that total upto 1500 dollars for tools and stuff so I am actually making money off them. Canada is weird.

Really? How long does your course actually last and will you be employable once you're finished?

Is it a specific type of robot you'll be trained to repair, or just mostly any type?

I've never looked into this field, but now you have me thinking....

>being a robot's fluffier

Voting for the biggest happening ever!

I'll look into that too, thnx.

Shutting down companies that make robots because they can't organise their finance for shit.

The course is 26 weeks and then I need my hours. The school will probably find me a job but I can always apprentice someone for hours. My title will be millwright, but I will specialize with robots and retarded shit.

And I feel like I should mention my wife is an African American who is graduating med school in a semester. Aka easy hire and we should be living comfortably in 5 years as long as everything doesn't go to shit like you half-retards predict on this board

My friends who work at Wendy's make $15 an hour. Are you a literal shit scrubber?

Went to community college and nearly aced it (had woman troubles, still got a 3.95)

Got a tech job sort of in my field - LAMP engineer when I was trained for networking. I have effectively combined both and it's pretty great. I learned most of my skills on the job and had to intuit quite a bit, which is really satisfying on its own. I do a combination of tedious and creative stuff - generally the latter to efficiently complete the former. I am also getting the LPIC-1 cert and requisite training paid for by the company. Bright future.

getting laid and working out senpai

Eating a chocolate bikkie.

Yoo me I make 19 but shit with my ass cheeks spread too. Doing it now

same but in freedomland. a professor likes me so he's going to pay for my masters/phd. currently on the masters path but aero eng too m8

>getting a psychology major
>not realizing r9k is beyond saving
have fun with that.

union plumber in a large west coast city

just broke six figures this year

feels good buds

I wanna get into medical (the whole 7-8 years) but wonder if it'll even be worth it

I am racist, misogynistic and misanthropic
what do?

no you're not

i build guns for a big company, but training my ass off to go into Army with 11x option 40 to try to be a ranger.

Become a meme politician.

Working with the AIs to usher in a new era of glory.

but they all get exposed for spending tax money, fucking kiddies or taking Chinese bribes

Everyone on Sup Forums isn't subjected to your miserable standard of living. Some of us have our own houses/apartments and don't have to tell mommy what we want for dinner every night.

Im building robots to repair robots to piss you off

Don't do it unless you're sure you really want to help people and/OR you couldn't imagine a passion other than med. You either got to cuck yourself into caring about petrolabbos or like the study enough to justify their BS. If you do it for the money you'll hate life, better ways to make dosh.

As for OP doing IT for a bigass company in a major city, shits cash

Killing myself in all likelihood.

Bachelors in Engineering

don't know where i want to go afterwards doe

here in austria people dont need a university degree to maintenance or build robots.
machinists do that.

making fun of uni fags who think they are smart.

I'm going to learn about white privilege and gender equality in the workplace

Learning how to repair you.

>going to learn how to repair robots
>when technology will have robots repairing robots in 10 years

Great idea

I go to university to learn how to make robots that repair themselves.

im a firetruck

Shit man this is what I always tell people I am. I thought I was the only firetruck. Honk honk to you

If your a white male, don't bother. Really. Everyone is trying so hard to be PC it's disgusting. My father is a medical malpractice attorney and always tells me his case load has gone up 100% in the past 3 years. All his customers aren't white but surprise they keep getting sued bc they fuck up with patients bc they stupid as fuck. Hotels would rather hire a 3.0 black medical student than a 4.0 white medical student. He's about to quit his job and retire early because these stupid fucking mongrels don't even treat him or his partners with respect. They blame all their failures on their attorney's not the fact they just learned ogooa booga 2+2 =4

I'm currently practicing to become a full time giraffe. Fight me fags

I make those robots "smart"

Ive done alot of construction inside car plants with bot lines. Though extremely talented men, bot enfineers are fucking miserable chain smokers that work year round for meh tier compensation and maybe take a week off the entire year. Droll divorcee fat fucks clinging to the only thing they have left, that plant job.

>I'm going to university to learn how to repair robots

no you're not, you just some lying little kid, underage, who doesnt know shit.

Electronic Technicians, the people that repair bots, are tradesmen. A trade acquired through apprenticeships.

If you don't know what an Electrical Engineering Degree actually qualifies you to do, you shouldn't be aiming for one, let alone pretending your getting one.