Tommy Jordan of Laptop Shooting Fame BTFO Spirit Cooking Retards

>Tommy Jordan of Laptop Shooting Fame BTFO Spirit Cooking Retards

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>you're too stupid to even argue with on an intelligent level.


He's not completely wrong. While there is some weird shit going on there, it's so weird that people can easily convince themselves it's fake.

And the reality is, if it was all consensual and legal and everyone was of age, I don't really care. Don't get me wrong, if I thought it would work on fence-sitters, I would still use it anyway, but I don't think it will.

Does this idiot not know all of this was revealed through Wikileaks?

This faggot didn't even bother to listen to the parts where Alex said that he and his guest both have sources pertinent to the investigation that confirmed that. He's had people on who were close to them and attested to stuff like this... Cuck just can't handle his demon idol to be implicated. He's lashing out.

This is exactly what I said would happen with this pedo and satan worship shit. No one is going to take any of it seriously. Which is fucking Fantastic for Hillary. It has to be some real fucking retards spreading this shit around giving ammo out to the left that can now point and go "look how fucking crazy the right is".

This is regardless of wether or not any of it is true. It just looks insane, sounds insane and will get no one respectable risking themselves to go after it.


no white people which is only 20 percent of america at this point. blacks were going crazy about it on my facebook


Also who the fuck is this guy? Three likes? yikes that a big audience.

Child fucking spirit cooker, detected.

>was probably in on it himself so wants people to stop looking into it

day of the rope is coming for scum like him

Jordan has always been such a Crowder-flavor cuck, only he is pretty smart when it comes to tech.

Oh yeah, I kind of remember that video. I thought he was based at the time.


Conservatives don't want to win elections. I'm almost convinced about that.

We need to make list of these people.

The day of the rope is nigh. Their treason cannot be forgiven.


So, instead of unfriending the other guy, he makes a grandiose, self-affirming, self-complimenting stand going "UNFRIEND ME, FOOL!" while acting in an extremely condescending manner? Sounds like a liberal, alright.

Additionally, he doesn't even deal with the issue or the supporting evidence that's going on? Man, he needs to get the liberal of the year award.

What a fucking tool.

Can these faggots not punch right for 4 days? Is it that hard?

>unashamedly Christian
>unashamedly gun-toting
>unashamedly Southern
>unashamedly criticizes Obama
>unashamedly spanks children
>unashamedly conservative
>has very successful tech business
>has incredibly strong work ethic

but yeah he does have cuck tendencies. He even has praise for (((Jon Stewart))). I still like him, but he's not perfect. This is just further proof of that.

Holy shit, can he stutter more? It's hard to pull off those badass lines when you sound like a fat autist.

>spanks children

This was a trap by Hillcunt, and you guys played right into her hands. If trump loses by a really small margin, I'm blaming you. I warned you. I FUCKING WARNED YOU!

Even if it is only art, it's fucking weird. Most people don't want to have anything to do with it.

He's not wrong.

Also traffic would decrease by 95% if anons actually followed advice in pic related


> "unfriend me if..."

I know. I've seen that shit on FB too. It's like, no, fuck yourself: why, if even though my views my differ from yours; which ultimately don't bother me, should ***I*** have to go through the trouble (even though it isn't really a huge task) to unfriend you? You fucking do it. If it REALLY, actually matters to you that much, then you need to message everyone individually and ask whatever question it is you're wondering about so intensely. Those people are such retards. And yeah, it's seemingly ALWAYS with pussy liberals.

>my head hurts from the stuff people say on social media, so go away; I can't be bothered to not be bothered by you myself

Just so you guys are clear, Tommy Jordan HAS endorsed Trump. Frankly, I suspect he even believes this story, he is just trying to distance Trump from it because he knows how crazy it sounds. He is willing to sound slightly cucky for the good of this country. He is a hero.