Elon Musk: Robots will take your jobs, government will have to pay your wage

Computers, intelligent machines, and robots seem like the workforce of the future. And as more and more jobs are replaced by technology, people will have less work to do and ultimately will be sustained by payments from the government, predicts Elon Musk, the iconic Silicon Valley futurist who is the founder and CEO of SolarCity, Tesla, and SpaceX.

According to Musk, there really won't be any other options.

"There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation," says Musk to CNBC. "Yeah, I am not sure what else one would do. I think that is what would happen."



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Hes right.

The problem is that UBI would have been an awful idea 100 years ago but it will be a great idea 100 years from now. And figuring out where that crossover point is will get tricky

should be fun desu. I hope it comes soon because otherwise I was born too early

when this happens the common man will truly be free

>no other option

how about extinction of the goyim

As soon as ubi becomes viable (((they))) we send de-population stuff into over-drive.


i don't understand how people can't see that this guy is evil

retard detected



It doesn't take an iconic Silicon Valley futurist to come up with this revolutionary prediction.

Good thing you are importing all those Mexican peasants just in time for them to become completely idle, unassimilated and living off the government tit.

this please

don't fall for this, this is just something globalists say so that you don't fight against all of your manufacturing jobs going over seas. don't accept what has been taken from us as being normal and an inevitable step towards "progress". there are other options, it's called nationalism.

whats the point of living at that point though


Rise up and kill these cocksuckers. Kill all the weak men and take their women. Become kings again.

Forgive a pleb like me but what is UBI?

Musk has a record of not delivering consistent enough to suggest he is no good at predicting anything.
UBI is economically incoherent and a transparent attempt to create permanent castes of extreme poverty and extreme wealth.

Oh nvm you mean Universal Basic Income lol

Fucking retards.

This is what's going to happen, anyone that says otherwise is delusional. The only reason we are allowed to exist right now is because we are producers for the jews, once they have robots to produce for them they don't need the goyim anymore.

Or they'll just shift into other areas of work.

>Greatest capitalist of our time
>pushing collectivist agenda

Just lost all respect for this man

Question: would Musk give up all his property and submit to owning whatever a bureaucrat thought he should own? Once in that state, would Musk feel particularly able to criticize the government upon which he is now totally dependent?


Read pic related, and then answer me, what would be the point of living at that point?

the future must be one where money isnt a fucking issue, how hard is this to understand? why are commies so stupid that they want their control state anyways?

At that point, the only people we'll need in society are scientists and engineers. Everyone else is a waste of resources.
Either we'll have to figure out human genetic engineering to boost intelligence, or start sterilising everyone with an IQ below 120.

Why in the fuck would we even need money if robots can do everything, then?
>when this happens the common man will truly be free
topkek, no he fucking won't.
If (((they))) are still in control when we get mass-produced killbots, civilization is doomed with no chances of going back--the people would become expendable, or even pests to be wiped out because we use resources. Why keep billions of redundant meat sacks alive when you can have the whole planet to yourself?
Think about this. Whoever is the 'elite' once we hit this breakthrough will determine everything from that point on. And as it stands now, we're fucked.

dumb meme, there will always be work for those who are truly smart
changes in times just separate those who are actually skilled, and those who aren't

if you eliminate the 99%, the 1% becomes the new 100% and fractions off.

This is how I know you turbofaggots have no pussy game. You have to keep around someone uglier and stupider than you so you look better by comparison

Universal Basic Income, free money for everyone, a strategy of the economic illiterate

He's sort of right.

But Elon. Will the robots take the CEO's job?

What about the job of the entrepreneur?

What then happens when the government itself is run by the robots?

What happens when calculations are done in which humans simply are just living for pleasures sake, they don't provide any 'utility' for the system.

What happens when they are exterminated, or perhaps the 'payments' just stop coming?

>robots take over production of all things
>basic living wage provided by all
>people start getting rich off of clever service schemes and the production of entertainment.
>Everything is swell.

This is literally feudalism, the end of property, and the end of class mobility. Anyone who promotes it is deeply evil and is trying to trick the middle class into killing itself.

Our left wing parties are pushing a "universal income" here.

Because in the coming decades we are all going to be jobless.

The income is like 200-300$ a week. It wouldn't even pay the average rent in my country.

cannot see any of that happening without massive genocides across the globe

It's true to a certain extent though. As more jobs get passed out of country for cheaper labour, eventually automation will be even cheaper than that. Now you have twice as many people out of work. If you've spent any large amount of time out/away from work, you know this will be bad for humanity. Usually people just end up as lazy shits, and especially when this is supplemented with gibsmedats, people become even lazier.

what really needs to happen is a massive culling in population...


Bro Nat actually addressed this point two years ago.

ubi can work in a meritocracy if coupled with strict regulations on reproductive rights.

Basically if you don't work and produce more than your ubi, you can't afford to raise kids. Therefore you are not allowed to have children and offenders are castrated. You can also elect for a castration.

There would be exceptions, of course. Needing soldiers, for example, or making sure the underclass numbers are maintained at a certain point.

This is the grand scheme. We are prepping for a communist revolution just before our eyes. Thanks Soros

The danger is what happens when Nueral networks become better decision makers than people?

What happens when you train a neural network through an English class, and it creates a film with metpahors, red curtains to show passion, references to big history, and a catchy soundtrack?

He's a subsidy baby. Without our taxes funding his projects he'd be broke.

Likely they haven't figured out that you can't pay a UBI with taxes and you need monetary policy reform before you can do any good with a UBI.

Nah, poor people should be exterminated and the programmers smart enough to make these robots merge with the AIs to form cyborgs.
Mate even China is acknowledging automation will happen.

Jobs are not the source of wealth, production is.

Production that requires no work would result in greater prosperity, not poverty

These would be the same engineers who are bone ignorant about anything outside their specialization, but not only think they are geniuses, but also that nobody else has any right to breathe?
And the scientists who don't understand enough about science to see why the replication crisis is a problem? Remind me why AM needs the four hundredth guy who signed on to a completely meaningless and non-falsifiable paper? Remind me why AM needs even the real scientists?

(((Ludwig von Mises))) Institute.

i fell for that too, then i grew up

We already knew this, in fact it's a technological inevitability. Eventually everything will be automated and no one will have to lift a finger. Or more accurately, no one will have to pay anyone to lift a finger.

The only thing that remains to be seen is if the ones who create the automated empires of the future will feel like feeding the rest of us or not.

>will be sustained by payments from the government
Also UBI is just that, it's basic income. You'll still need and have to work if you want anything more

>greatest capitalist of our time

a lot of ppl credit Bill for his technical mind but he was an even better businessman

Didn't musk waste millions redoing the mistakes of the spaceshuttle "we can reuse it!" program?

I mean i like money as much as the next jew or catholic, but there's a few nuts and bolts missing in his head.


It's not there to pay your rent. It's there to kill your ability to do anything for yourself, least of all improve your living conditions.

This guy is always saying shit to get himself in the paper. Good self promoter.

They'll make up bullshit jobs to keep us occupied and to stop us killing the rich and each other. They've done that to a large extent already. Like a lot of the jobs women do.

Like what?

which is why both tariffs and a low minimum wage that give disincentive to businesses to replace their workers with foreigners/robots are necessary. that, or somehow regulate which technologies are allowed to be used, which seems like a stretch.

I mean they kind of have to unless they want to fight 99 percent of the population

If it's so obvious why that video is wrong,refute one point from it

musk is one of the most annoying futurist faggots alive today.

eveyone will maintain the robots man! we totally will need 8 billion people to maintain robots


Seriously, it's a bad idea. Sup Forums will redpill it and it'll try to gas the kikes.

You're not thinking like one of them.
UBI does not help you in any way.
What it does is legally justify banning any "black market" (which would then include "white market") business. See? Because we gave you this, you are violating our ability to provide this if you do that, so that is de facto illegal, without the bad press of an official ban. This is one of their favorite templates.

It is disturbing. It is a incredibly common thought in tech circles.

when robots are better at doing everything humans do human will no longer be economically viable for that work, as long as the long term cost of the robot is less than the human

Cool thought experiment Elon but what will really happen is the brutal oppression and slaughter of millions of people haha

Somebody doesn't know about Pet Man, Atlas or the Cheetah.
Imagine a Cheetah coming after you.

What a great response.
How will they ever recover.

yes so disturbing! so much more disturbing than robots taking all the jobs and everyone starving in the streets and dying

This. Once we become dead-weight they will do anything to get rid of us


The goal is to not have to work. Humans work to get what they want. If they can get what they want with less or even no work, that's *desirable*.


As Elon and his faggot friends take us step by step to basic income, most of the steps will involve policy that will strip us of what little remaining wealth we have and then abandon us! Cool!

Would they have to?

If I were smart enough to automate the production of a complicated product entirely then the thought of someone wanting what I have would've already crossed my mind.

A wall of bodies versus a wall of automated weaponry. At least there would be enough land to go around again.

lol any retard that thinks this is possible is well, a fucking retard. You could only have a Universal Basic Income for so long before the system is completely overwhelmed by breeders. It will get to a point where the government keeps borrowing money until they need to kill off half the population or a full-on financial collapse.

>develop robots that can replace humans
>elites kill off 99% of the population that no longer needs to work

Fuck corporations. And once Milton Friedman's UBI comes in they'll scrap everything else and make bananas cost the average size of a monthly payment of said UBI and you know it

Just because science isn't perfect yet, doesn't mean you should dismiss it out of hand.
By its very nature, science is a self-improving system.

What is the argument?
The *GOAL* is to not work.

They can only get what they want with a universal basic income. Otherwise their will be the 1% that owns all the robots and everyone else that dies because their labor is not as good as the robot.

Elon's cool but I dont have to agree with him on everything. For instance I wouldnt propose to a woman after knowing her for two weeks.


We're still far away from having robots that do anything other than produce shit.

A robot can't repair a broken AC

A robot can't talk someone down from jumping off a building

A robot can't make the snap second judgement on whether shooting will save the lives of innocent people.

All the above cases and hundreds of thousands more still require the human mind to interpret and act as it always has.

Robots will however take agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, low level office work and service jobs that don't require ingenuity.

I'm more afraid of sex bots and the social change they'll bring than robots stealing jobs.

Yeah, we know faggot
That's why we're trying to postpone this shit by voting for Trump

>ends the car
>yeah he a coo goy

We need to stop this second industrial revolution before it starts. Ban AI research.

By shooting your constitution in the head

Are you being serious with this post? What makes you say he is evil? The guy is notoriously known for warning people about global climate change/trying to implement multi-planetary travel/clean energy/etc.

The world will truly be equal.

Everyone get their equivalent $100 week to spend on what they want

Utter rubbish. You don't have to be on a factory line just to live in a world in which capital makes everything cheaper, easier, and more efficient.

Your argument is logically equivalent to "we shouldn't use cars because they make buggies uncompetitive", or "we shouldn't use the internet because it makes mail services uncompetitive".

It's rubbish - we want *MORE PRODUCTION* so that we can make and have *MORE*.

The idea of UBI is to give everyone enough money to survive. If people don't have to work just to eat and have a home, they can use their free time to help society and follow their passions.

Plenty of people will squander that, but they will always just be leaches on the system and never advance their life. People who decide to work anyways, pursue education or start companies, services, invest, produce art, etc. will all be able to grow their wealth and buy bigger things if that is what they desire.

nice nipples

>all men have 500 IQ so can be easily retrained
That's when I stopped watching. Most people are too stupid to work any other jobs.

Capitalism used as a goal instead of a tool.
>sustained by payments from the government
>won't be any other options

You might as well do away with the system of money and do things because we want to help each other instead of just for money.

If we had a source of unlimited free energy ((they)) would destroy it because it prevents them from controlling our lives.

Weird way to justify slavery.

>It's not there to pay your rent. It's there to kill your ability to do anything for yourself, least of all improve your living conditions.

I know.

The people here were pissed off at the mere mention of it but they were deadly serious this was coming.

When people said "We can not survive without jobs on 300$ a week" they said "Oh but you will have multiple casual jobs"

They told us work contracts wouldn't exist anymore and we would only be in our casual jobs for a few years at max.
That the days of having one job your entire life were over. Instead you might have 100 jobs in your life.

These people are fucking insane. We have to all stop them.

Robots will bring more production. BUT THEY WILL TAKE THE JOBS. That is why we need a basic income. What part of that do you not understand you fucking retard.

Ah yes, the environmental Jew.

>Most people are too stupid to work any other jobs.
>but they can work the jobs of handing out basic income real good!