Episodes that would have an even more split reaction if they aired today.

This really never sit well with me

It's okay, because specifically Lisa won't be a barely sapient idiot later in life. Good end?
What the fuck. It even shows Bart horrified by his future before ADD claims his attention and he fucks off to headbutt one of his relatives

I didn't like how Bart was shown to be doomed as a stupid failure forever.

The part where Lisa interacted with the other female Simpson's was sweet though.

And yet Homer's half brother turned out smart and successful despite still having the Simpson genes.

And Homer father was a very competent soldier.

The dude went broke twice and never was shown to have a successful marriage.

He was a terrible father/husband and incredibly senile post army years though.

I only ever saw two episodes with him and the second one ended with "I'm rich again!" after he invented a baby translator.

The whole gesture on Homer's side was nice in a way. It was just undercut by a lame joke

I believe there was a cutaway joke in the more recent seasons where Homer mentions that Herb became broke again.

I don't really care that the show doesn't have tight continuity, I just wish they wouldn't go out of the way to contradict themselves so often.

The only he went broke the first time was because Homer and then he got rich again selling baby translators. As far as I know he never showed up again but I wouldn't put it past the writing staff to ruin him off camera for the sake of a cheap gag

Lisa is the writers' narcissism personified. Just listen to the commentaries.

And Homer british half sister is just as stupid as any of those guys.

oh man, I don't want to rage tonight


>written by Ned Goldreyer and directed by Susie Dietter
Dunno if that should explain something. But the asshole considers it the best episode he's ever written.

>Zombiempsons! dare you

Good thing this was retconned with the "crayon in the brain" episode.

What about Homer himself being a genius but only stupid because of the crayon?

a genius with 105 IQ

Neither of those things have anything to do with general intelligence. Senility is a tragic disease that strikes anyone regardless of previous standing, so bringing it up in this context is pretty poor taste