Recommend some good websites to discuss politics. Preferably not lib circle jerks and relatively active

Recommend some good websites to discuss politics. Preferably not lib circle jerks and relatively active.

I've had enough. The meme spamming kekposters have won and taken over the board.

I have the same dilemma. Bump.

TRS forums. You do have an invite right goy?

try facebook...


I heard is good. it's mostly the same shit as Sup Forums anyway, so you'll feel like at home :)

also, r/the_donald . again, same shit

go to if you want something a bit different... they don't talk current stuff, though

I find better discussion in most news sites comments sections than I do on Sup Forums but it's not as nice to browse.

Nah, fuck stormfront I want a balance discussion not a Circle Jerk.

tfw been looking for an invite for the longest time
tfw im even on the trs discord and people still ignore my requests for an invite

slug is a bully

His is full of Hismemes and I kind of want to get away from that.

Red dit frog was a mistake, it's making catalog look really cancerous
certain chan isn't really all that better, just a tiny bit. Though they have kek posters and it's a circlejerk.

I'll look into this.

/r/the_donald looks exactly like what I'm trying to get away from.

Stormfront is a meme.

The hot new garbage is Ironmarch and therightstuff.

Ironfront is pretty good, judging by your pic you want far right discussion it's the place too do it but at times it seems like it's empty or boring. Really starts making you appreciate Sup Forums wackiness after awhile

What's a good alternative to Sup Forums? One of the other chans?

I miss the old Sup Forums and I wabt to believe it will return to normal post election, but I'm not stupid. Too many Redditfags now.

People falling for obvious bait, shitposting being the norm. Everything being labelled a damn happening, no faggot giving source. This place is beyond saving.

But I don't want to go to bloody stormfront or another meme site like that.

once the election is over things will change

Nope, if Trump wins these r/the_donald clowns will settle here

8ch Sup Forums
Krautchan Sup Forums

Infinichan is pretty much Couped by (((Mods)))

sorry satan, youll never hang with Mike and Spencer at a pool party


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Wew arent we mr fast and furious

Tell McCree to get off his monster girl loving weeaboo ass and send me an invite then.

I know Ironmarch is top tier LARP but not all of them are bad guys.