Fixing Captain Marvel

How come marvel doesn't want to turn Monica as the new Wonder Woman?

She actually had a better solo title. Was a leader of the avengers until Grunewald took her out. Is black so the diversity quota is there. Is definitely 10 times more interesting than Carol.

Did Marvel think we couldn't handle a different gender and minority at once or something? What gives?

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Marvel sees her as nothing more than a joke.

Yeah but her name isn't Captain MARVEL.

Because Carol's a far better character than Monica.

>Was a leader of the avengers
Oh shut the &&&& up about that already Monica!

What's Monica's personality?
What's Carol's personality?

An angry, violent, sadistic fuckup with tons of trauma issues who tries really hard to be a hero and against all odds usually manages to do more good than harm.

>Carol: An angry, violent, sadistic fuckup with tons of trauma issues
>Monica: tries really hard to be a hero and against all odds usually manages to do more good than harm.

Monica: is in theory superpowerful but constantly jobs and screws up whenever given actual responsibility
Actually they have a lot in common, no wonder they're best friends.

Does anybody have the panel where (a) brunette woman is in the hospital, talking to the current (?) captain marvel, a white female, and says something along the lines of, "no matter what anybody says, you'll always be the best" at which point the brunette realizes who she's talking to and says something to the effect of, "oh, I thought you were gene."

That's an edit from Carol's war.

So it's not cannon or anything?

>Nextwave Fags keep crying about their c-lister not getting attention

If anything, NextWave turned Monica into the Al Bundy of the Marvel Universe.

They should get married so Carol's name can be Carol Rambo.

Dont they both have energy absorption powers as well?

Marvel keeps pushing Carol because they realized most of their popular heroines were tied to X-Men

And Monica can constantly joke about Carol taking her name twice.

figured that out yourself, huh

Its canon you faggot. Stop calling it cannon in every thread I check.

Because Monica is just someone's grumpy mom who has a running gag of being on both ends of name-reuse.

Clearly Nextwave needs to reform.

>the artist can't even draw women standing flat on their feet

They probably think young readers wouldn't identify her because she's so old, and everyone knows that young girls don't look up to older women as role models at all.

Seriously, there's so many weird cosmic level crazy you could do in a series about a character who can physically convert to into energy and fly at the speed of light.

She was the original woman Captain Marvel tho

Sad but true. Last panel.

Hehe Fisk has no time for low budget Heroes