How is a song about abortion where the woman sings "I'm a baby killer. Baby killing makes me horny" feminist...

How is a song about abortion where the woman sings "I'm a baby killer. Baby killing makes me horny" feminist? Unless feminists are just being more honest now?

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Feminism is being able to recognize sick-ass songs.

The same way "Tweet your abortion" was a thing

Any stigma placed on abortion like: "Hey, maybe don't be a lazy idiot and use contraceptives because abortion can actually fuck up your body" is seen as part of the patriarchy

Brrrap brrrap!

>use contraceptives

You must not live in the US, because the same ones who say you shouldn't get an abortion are the same ones that freak out over birth control and condoms.

You assume that people are getting abortions because eh whatever, its easy, but thats not the case or the point of the song

They can't sell an article about being receptive to the meaning.

And of course, they're only concern during a late-term partial birth dismemberment abortion is any potential damage to their vaginas.

If a man tells a feminist to not step on a landmine, these harlots would rush to the nearest mine field.

Are you living in the 15th century? Because that's where that ban on birth control came from. Birth control was synonymous with infanticide. The catholics just kept the habit nominally while the rest of the world used birth control to AVOID infanticide

I don't understand what this image is trying to convey

>You assume that people are getting abortions because eh whatever, its easy, but thats not the case or the point of the song

My girlfriend gets a dozen abortions every year because I hate condoms. And the government pays for it! Life is sweet.

It's not but you clicked on it so the article was a success. Thanks for feeding the machine OP.

It's an obvious parody of how bad the subject matter is like pic related. Fuck off Sup Forums crybabies



>brother knocks up pastor's daughter summer before she goes to college
>pastor has repeatedly preached against abortion
>they quietly seek an abortion
>girl ends up miscarrying
>they never speak of it again and the pastor goes back to preaching against abortion
>brother marries girl
>she has to ask my wife how birth control works

This shit really is bananas.


>>they quietly seek an abortion

And by "they" I mean the Pastor and his wife pressured their daughter into getting the abortion. Damned if they were going to let their daughter ruin her future by having a kid out of wedlock before getting her education. Better kill that baby quick.

I honestly hate those people and told my wife he never should have married into that horrible family.

I think it's mocking usage of the word "science" in modern parlance. Like the "Fuck Yeah Science" type people who equate it with pictures of pretty scenery. That image is specifically referencing that Bill Nye the Science Guy Netflix series though. Which has a song by the Crazy Ex Girlfriend akin to that one.

That pregnant nurse looks kinda hot

Who cares? It's mostly Tyrone ' s unwanteds that get aborted anyway.

Lurk moar it's a redone version of the pic of stalin looking down on modern lgbt communists.

>white supremacist: "all black women should get abortions"

>lefty: "wow, that's really racist, you nazi"

>white supremacist: "it's a simple medical procedure that is not killing anything and does not cause harm to the woman in any way, shape, or form, and it helps her express her power over her own body as a female in this society"

>lefty: "th-that's r-right, I guess. carry on"

modern feminism is an illness, nothing new here...

I keep re-reading that title trying to comprehend what the author thought it would sound like.


It’s intentionally worded in a way that sounds outrageous and ridiculous. That’s how clickbait works.

>a song by the Crazy Ex Girlfriend

Is that where this is from?

The scarecrow from the wizard of oz could learn a thing or two from you my 14 year old friend

Okay, and that doesn't change the meaning of the version of it we're looking at.

Nobody involved n the process of the publication of that article understood that the song is the only argument agaisnt abortion in the episode.
I don't blame them, for the episode is so much of a case of women-can't-do-nothing-wrong that they didn't see that the song was satire, not an honest anthem, for that song fits as a hones hanthem of the episode too.

I can't recall her name right now, but yet. She's the creator/star of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and she does a lot of songs like that.

If you had watched the show, you would know that Bojack Horseman is the penultimate feminist. He believes so strongly in the cause that he offers to pay for multiple abortions out of his own pocket.

Who is the ultimate feminist then?

Is that true? I feel like almost all of the people outraged at articles like this will never actually read the articles in question. Have you?

Condoms are $10 a pack you stupid fuck, just go to a drug store and buy some

>hey dude read this clickbait!


No fucking way. Bitches best be taking their cunt pills because I ain't wearin' no jimmy hat.

If you wear the right ones it literally feels no different you massive faggot

Diane obviously. Men are only good for paying for abortions. Only women can actually have them.

>taking joke posts seriously
You're dangerously new.

Why not? If all you read is the title all you are doing is arguing against what you imagine their arguments to be,

it's satire.

if you want honesty, look back to the songs about men going to world war 1 and how fun it was going to be. play that shit with footage of u.s. troops in vietnam or iraq dying, then you'll have an honest song.

>feminists are evil cunts
At least they're being honest now


Unfortunately, the creators have said this was supposed to be in support of abortion, saying women shouldn't ever be made to feel bad for it. Until then, everything in this show was clearly satire, not taking sides, making fun of everyone.. but for THIS show to try to do a fucking issue is wrong already, even if it wasn't an issue this fucked

on tonight's very special episode of black horseman...

pew pew!

>He doesn't know what SJW did to bill nye

It also was pushed to be mandatory for the Irish and Blacks before sterilization became the next big deal. At least in the states.

why is this an edited picture of joseph stalin as albert einstein?

Modern society is very libertine and believes not in the future but only the immediacy of now. Your pleasure is the only thing that matters and anything that stops you from the pleasure -- like a child -- is a great evil.

If those ugly bitches don't wanna have a baby then why don't they put it on adoption?

Or better yet, give it to any men. Us men will raise it better than any cumdumpster and we'll make sure it will be strong, assertive and independent before it hits seventeen.

That's almost guaranteed. So give it up, plz?

More like modern society is very much opposed to giving to the undeserving. If that fetus wants to live, it can go get a job instead of literally sucking the blood out of its hard working host.

>hard working host

Who's that hot pregnant chick?

People tend to care about the future more and act more responsible when they have children,that's why feminists push for abortions so much because no emotionally mature adult would ever be a feminist

>hard working host
And this is how I know you've never worked a day in your life, user.

user why are you taking an obvious joke so seriously?

>if people are inconvenient just kill them

>two week old embryo

Go back to your placental breadlines, you prolife communist.

I hate anti-abortion hypocrites. It's shameful. I'd absolutely make my daughter carry that baby to term.

It's current year.
We are in a post-modernist society. We don't know what's real or serious anymore.

No, you're just an idiot who can't take a joke. Kinda like the OP

Is that a Jojo reference?

sure is Sup Forums up in here

>Anything I don't like is Sup Forums
buzz off, womanbaby

its something that is clearly supposed to be parody since it takes a classic stance and pushes it to absurdity.
And OP takes it seriously as if it were real life. of course its Sup Forums

I wasn't aware these people were keeping you from buying Condoms.

Sup Forums-Feminism and clickbait

I don't know maybe try reading the article instead of stopping at the fucking click bait title for fucking once in your life

>clearly supposed to be parody
feminists really are that fucking stupid, so I'm gonna assume the article is not a parody.

the point is that feminism is garbage. nothing more.

so fucking gold

gonna go watch the whole show right now

I think that's from Metalocalypse

No, they push for "condoms almost never work" and "any premarital sex will ruin your life" to be taught in public school instead of any kind of real sex ed.

I...I'm going to have to remember that one.

Frisky Dingo you fucking plebs.


>Outright avoiding facts in favor of your own kneejerk reaction
>Generalizing an entire group of people based on said kneejerk reaction
Yes, clearly it is the feminists who are stupid. don't know much about feminists do you?

The irony is that at the end of the episode she tricks women into thinking it was empowering to abort their child and she herself decides to keep her child because she always wanted one.

So the fact the article makes this claim helps say the truth, that femenisim is in itself hypocritical and a joke.

Bojac Horseman is a mix of Regular Show and Rick and Morty but uglier than both, or like a Non science-worship Rick and Morty.

Fetuses are not babies.

>very much opposed to giving to the undeserving

Then explain all the poor people having a ton of kids and gibsmedat?

It's funny because Diane is a hypocritical nutcase who marries a stud for his body, is embarrassed of him to the point of lying about being out of a warzone for months, and flat out preaches to a restaurant about wasting water as she then wastes a glass of it. And Carolyn is so constantly dependent on men, from Bojack the asshole to Rabbitowitz the married asshole, yet so self-servingly determined to succeed on her own, that she leaves a great guy who loves her and wants to see her happy, just so she can reserve the right to have double digit miscarriages, delaying single motherhood.

But yeah, the vapid pop star dolphin who can't even spell abortion and sings a song about tearing a fetus out of the womb strikes a blow for women everywhere. The future is female.

Okay, let’s assume that I believe you for even a second. Does that mean your such a pansy ass cunt that you let social pressure prevent you from having safe sex?

>marries a stud for his body
She probably married him because she gets to live a cushy life on his dime and pursue her hobby of feeling important.

>is embarrassed of him to the point of lying about being out of a warzone for months
She was embarrassed by realizing she's full of shit even by her own standards.

We're getting rid of all that, making America great again, or haven't you heard? Healthcare, public schools, social security and all the other commie welfare you have come to depend on is on its way out.

You have to go back.

You have to go back to the womb so we can abort you properly.

its clickbait you retard

The abortion song smells like a counter-strawman satire, presenting and exaggerating a strawman to show how absurd it is...except that there really are pro-abortion people who talk about how wonderful getting abortions is.

>Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Shit dog I remember that show I think I jacked off to it one time

A woman made that shit? That's hilarious

Will Bojack be ruined by soapboxing?

>except that there really are pro-abortion people who talk about how wonderful getting abortions is.
Yeah, not really.

Obviously the episode was a fucking joke. Any article saying that is clickbait trying to be as offensive as possible, like "the Holocaust didn't happen but it should have, we must murder all disabled, senior citizens, and nonwhotes everywhere, Hitler was the greatest hero of all time" articles used to abound, and later writers admitted they only wrote them to get clicks. In fact, articles used to be written by bots trying to insert as many offensive buzzwords as possible, and many probably still are. It's called SEO and while Google has tried to take steps against it it still happens. It's why you should ignore online "journalism." The writers don't believe any of that shit, they only want your outrage clicks.

In fact, they shill their BS shit on Sup Forums, twitter, tumblr, and reddit to get your outrage clicks. It's a standard part of the industry now.

Just like this very thread, you gullible dumbasses.

pretty sure the creator already confirmed he was gonna start soapboxing like mad next season, so yeah

Yeah, and check the extension. Why is a Colombian website writing English language news about an American cartoon?

t. europeans
Being against birth control is a very real thing in the US. It was (and still is in some schools) taught in sex education that birth control was bad and abstinence was the way to go.