Mindblow? This is what the world really looks like


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I'm gay

>American education
I though state of Canada would fight Common Core to death but it seems they are to busy importing ISIS.

Yes, projecting the surface of a sphere onto a 2D rectangle will result in distortion and lost accuracy.

Anyone who isn't a bumbling retard already knows this.

bc the map usually doesnt recognize sphere

total area 2,166,086km2
total area 17,840,000km2
Now look at the map you're all use to, notice anything?

The further you move from the equator, the more distorted it becomes.

Retarded leaf poster.

Go drink some more vodka, facts are for pussies........

So Greenlands bigger than South America? No, It's smaller by a factor of 8...........the links are there, follow them.

So, basically, Europe sticks out of the planet, while the rest struggle around massive fucking missing holes in the surface?

It's because you're looking at the world on a 2D plane. This one is more accurate.

It's not mindblowing when everyone knows this since middle school.

Are you a literal retard?

You guys ...

Must be true.


It's an old story.

No, and I like your map. I'm just trying to make people aware. I had no clue until my mid thirties.....

That is not how the geode "Earth" really is, that is a representation of gravity strength, the Earth is almost like a ball.


>I had no clue until my mid thirties.....
Holy shit.

Really? It looks like a map of elevation because over in Asia, it sticks the hell out in which I guess is the Himalayan Mts.

wtf is that webm supposed to represent? the elevation of the world magnified x5000?

it's accentuated

real answer OP (you are a faggot): Mercator's projection is the most used not because le evil whitey wuz gunna make tah south small
because it keeps distances real to the sphere thing

you know before you sorry nigga gucci ass came by with his SMOORTFOOON people had to use paper and ruler to move on a map

a map that you can directly measure and draw lines upon is very useful

>but greenlan iz still so big
that's why poles have their own reference system, polar projection, to be used when you navigate among the penguins and icebergs

I know right? And guess what, I still don't know everything. If only I were Russian.......I'd know it ALL! lol cheers Comrade

american education

holly shit south america has the same size as north america.

>Japan pats Japan on the back, more news at 11

makes me want to eat a tangerine


>thinking there is a right way of projecting a 3 dimensional sphere into a 2 dimensional square


Damn, we live on one ugly hag.

naaahhh mannnnggg
the earths flattt mkkkayy?

>Earth is a potato

the world is a lot smoother than represented in that fucking webm

Did not know that Brazil is larger than Russia. Thanks straya chap

>talking shit about education
at least we have schools.

and if i'm so stupid and you're so smart why don't you stop peddling coke for ten seconds and explain it to me.

No, this is.

>I had no clue until my mid thirties

Who the fuck decided that that would be a better system than polar coordinates?

Nice map.....thank you user. Cheers

No, no it's not.
Reality's closer to a potato than a ball.

why don't you just look at the globe to see what the real map looks like? You realize the flat map is just the globe simplified?

Like I said to the other guy, I also still don't know everything. I guess now I have to say if I was from Sweden orrrrrrr Russia I'd know it ALL. Hahaha cheers Sweden

>implying the Hawaiian islands have a far greater area than Cyprus
yeah nah this new map is patently wrong, just in different ways to the normal 2d projection.

thats not earths shape

If the earth were the size of an apple its atmosphere would be as thick as an apples skin

It would also be the roundest object... on earth

>the Mercador projection isn't accurate
Well hasn't this been known since the early 20th century? You can't put a sphere on a rectangle without having distortion.

landmass 16,636km2
landmass 9,251km2
You were saying?

>This is what the world really looks like

i was just pretending to be retarded sempai

I don't think simplified is the right analogy. I'd say more like manipulated, to make Africa and South America appear to be much smaller than they are.