Did you ever make any embarrassing Sup Forums related fanfics or art when you were younger?

Did you ever make any embarrassing Sup Forums related fanfics or art when you were younger?

What was it about?
Pic unrelated, it's Kevin Sullivan

I wish, but I never finished any.

this, i wanted to write a different ending for KOTH where bill got a happy ending but never got any traction

I used to write shitty Total Drama fanfitciton where the entire cast went to the same high school. It was full of cliched high school drama and shipping. It was basically a Devinatart user's wet dream.

Alright. I was hesitating to put this on here, but what the hell, here's my old story.
>Peanuts story
>The great pumpkin is actually an alien
>He has his own fucking space station orbiting earth
>For some reason NOBODY has noticed this
>He sends a pumpkin headed robot to crash land on earth
>Meanwhile on earth Linus and Sally are waiting for the Great Pumpkin again for some stupid ass reason
>Sally tryna make some moves n shit but Linus is on to her schemes
>Suddenly Linus notices something coming towards the pumpkin patch
>oh shit motherfucker, we about to get hit by an spaceship
>For some reason the spacecraft creates a fucking nuclear explosion that can be seen from the city outskirts and it doesn't even destroy the city
>So Sally and Linus, without so much as a scratch on them, look into this unearthly capsule
>The pumpkin guy gets up but projects this weird ass hologram head out of his chest
>He's telling them about how the Great Pumpkin is gonna fuck up Earth or whatever
>Linus: bullshit.rmvb
>He keeps talking to this guy about the apocalypse or some bullshit and suddenly the pumpkin robot wakes up
>Pumpkin robot has all this really weird tentacle tail shit with spikes come out of his back tail, think the Robot Chicken Peanuts sketch
>Sally pulls an awhellnaw.pcx and runs the fuck away from that shit
>Pumpkin robot ain't nobody's fool tho
>Shoots small little pumpkin heads in her direction
>Pumpkin head flies at Sally as she does her world famous sonic impression
>Sally commits a felony and breaks into Linus's home, using it as shelter
>Lucy is being a bitch as always and asks her what she's doing in her crib
>Sally tells her about the pumpkins and Lucy calls bullshit cause she a bitch
>She opens the blinds and somehow the pumpkin robo is looking straight into their family room like uncle phil would
>Lucy is scared shitless and wonders how she could have ever doubted her brother's doctrine about this mystical being known as the Great Pumpkin

More to come

Whole shit yes.
I was typing a terrible story that if I could sum it up in one word it was cringe. The fucking thing was my attempt to combine and make senses of every show I saw and liked at the time and take jabs at different philosophies I knew of while working out my own power fantasy. Thank the gods I deleted when I was a teen.

When I was 12 I was already drawing Ben in his underwear and Teen Titans fetish porn.

>The chapter ends here for some reason, we cut to a scene where CB is admiring the little red haired girl
>She's a fucking mary sue and is good at everything
>At one point she decked out someone who was talking shit
>CB finally works up the courage to talk to her and begins to say hello
>He gets fucking shot

>Wakes up in a hospital with a bunch of Garfield looking space marines surrounding him
>Leader tells him to wake up
>Suddenly some creepy ass guy walks in as a silhouette
>The lights weren't even on so he looked weird
>He turns on the lights
>It's fucking jaller from bionicle
Important note: I was a sucker for crossovers as a kid, even super asinine ones
Another important note: I used to draw jaller in everything for no real reason. Honestly he was so OOC and looked nothing like the actual jaller so he might as well have been an OC
>Only reason he's here is because some dumbshit made a multiverse portal but it fucked up badly and when he got in, there was no way to get back
>So basically he leads a secret organization dedicated to taking down the great pumpkin and their headquarters is based underneath their school
>He wasn't the original leader, some kid lead it originally but he got kidnapped by the great pumpkin and he is made into a cyborg
>Never seen or mentioned again
>Oh shit, red haired girl's a member too
>She was just a ruse to basically kidnap CB
>A red hair-ing
>Anyway heather begins to guide CB through the base
>Meanwhile that sneaky pumpkin head cunt is spying on them
>Somehow this jackass managed to make it past security
>Flies away to report more information to the great pumpkin
>He tries but Marcie captures him in a jar
>For some reason she isn't scared, in fact she is absolutely clueless and thinks it's a bug or some shit


Ages ago, when I was a wee lad, I drew some dumbfuck comic where Leonardo from the ninja turtles started working for the shredder because the mutagene started fucking with his head. It was really bad.

I drew Spawn/Kingdom Hearts crossover art when I was 10


I wrote three that I published over at Fanfiction.

>A bleach story meant to change the "ending" back in 2009 cuz I hated how it went back then
>A Lord of the Rings fanfic detailing the Nazgul and Orc march from Minas Morgul, from their perspective (still liked this one)
>And a Fable story about jack of Blades

The CRINGE from my idiot younger self is unreal.

No because even though a part of me wants to be a writer the majority realizes I’d be terrible at it and It’s too late for me to get good but if I could I’d probably dometginf with code lyoko

No I never did or understood the appeal of fan fiction. I've always had a hard time getting in to things that aren't canon no matter what it is.

>So anyway it shows Peppermint Patty intruding on the organization's property
>aka she's at fucking school
>The systems don't recognize her
>She falls into a trap door and is put into a small ass room with glass walls
>Jaller's head shows up as a hologram with this grin on his face
>Meanwhile up in space GP's getting real pissed
>Marcie capturing his robot henchmen is the LAST STRAW
>He pushes the doomsday button which causes his craft to shoot hundreds of his robot henchmen to Earth I guess
>Meanwhile Patty's scared, Jaller is looking straight into her soul
>Jaller talks about some dumb ass shit and he puts PP back on the surface
>scene cuts to Snoopy who is looking straight up into the sky and he sees some robot henchmen coming straight for him
>Snoopy: ruhroh.wl1
>He runs away from these assholes
>Meanwhile we got some lore time
>GP has been engaging in multiverse plights, at one point he goes to this utopian planet and changes their leader to the fucking master emerald
>I am not making this shit up
>The multiverse is explained, it's just all the shit I liked as a kid put into one big multiverse
>Because gp's an asshole, his planet is behind a BIIIIIIG portal
>think of it as the trump wall and think of his planet as Mexico
>After infodump it shows Roy
>literally WHO
>Roy is running from some shit and he knocks on Peppermint Patty's door
>She JUST gets home
>Hears someone at the door
>Open the door
>Get on the floor
>Roy's not walking the dinosaur
>He runs in but that isn't enough
>Pumpkin soldiers have PP at gunpoint
This next one is gonna get fucking crazy, trust me.

Isn't that just the ppg doujinshi?

>Meanwhile back in bonkle world, RIGHT AFTER jaller gets zapped into the Peanuts universe
>Inventor of the multiverse portal goes to save Jaller
>More pumpkin henchmen show up over at PP's house
>Snoopy is kicking their ass with a giant fucking robot shaped like his head
>Damn snoopy didn't know you made all these mechas
>Suddenly the inventor shows up
>She's all like "Aw shit son you gotta get outta here"
>Then everyone is teleported to the fucking utopian universe
>What, is this like the center of the universe or something?
>Jaller decides to play with Snoopy here for some reason
>Suddenly, oh shit, they're behind the Master Emerald looking bitch
>Somehow he averts his own curse and becomes his old self again for no reason
>Everyone is really confused but anyway Linus fights GP
>GP nears chances of winning but this madman Linus activates his hidden electric boogaloo powers and electrocutes GP with his bare hands, emperor palpatine style
>Everything is all good now, CB and Heather are an item, Jaller makes it back home, and everyone thinks Linus is a busta
>Until the real ending where GP somehow manages to infect an entire metropolis
>They drive a van in and ram into GP henchmen
>GP is levitating in the middle of the city like that one guy from hardcore henry
>Someone throws a fucking rock at his force field
>He got a rock
>Then Linus and GP engage in an epic sword fight
>They're even twirling their swords and shit
>GP is about to strike Linus but then this dummy electrocutes himself
>GP is fucking dead
>The entire city explodes in a nuclear explosion
>Linus, CB, Heather, and Snoopy look around before doing a zany high five
I can't believe I spent all this time recalling this bullshit to a taiwanese basket weaving message board. It was worth it though.
Maybe I'll talk about the abandoned sequel or remake, but they're more dumb than funny

Well, did he turn back?

I wrote a little in a sort of pre-formatted write thread about 3 years ago on Sup Forums. It was about being in a strange new land, striking out with nothing you couldn't carry on your back and in your arms, not speaking the language, and making something of yourself. It was a dream of mine, in cartoon fanfiction format, and people encouraged me to continue for a while.

Then I wrote myself into a corner and left of embarrassment. Turns out spinning a world is hard. It was a good time though.

I submitted Digimon fanfics to a site and BEGGED the site owner to put them up. Good god that was embarrassing. I have no recollection of coming up with plots, just some lame dialogue as overture to a real story. I was 12.

Hi Jason

Haven't read it but from what I've seen ya but now add about 30+ OC with backstory and middle schooler grade philosophy. Also anime bullshit.

Just some shitty Naruto fanfiction that I thankfully never published. I do sort of like the autistic world building though.
>Alternate History 'Confederacy won the Civil War and there's a weird old west cold war.' Not a initial bad concept.
>Border raids, Indian tribes being used as proxy armies, skirmishes, Texas Rangers and the Pinkerton detectives, greasy fat mexican banditos, zeppelins, and gold. Lots and lots of fucking gold.
>The United States, angered that the damned British decided to support the blasted Confederates, aligned with the NGF and the Von Habsburgs. The Confederate on the other hand, decided to become Victoria and Napoleon the III's North American lapdog. Basically Turtledove if Turtledove wrote cheesy but fun action novels.
>Sounds like twelve year old me should've just left it like that and had cowboy ninja but... He didn't.
>Instead he entered a goth-edge lord phase and introduced PAINFULLY uninspired supernatural shit that just didn't fit.
>Vampire cells and werewolf tribes stalk the southwest, preying on any unfortunate traveler dumb enough to not use a airship. Wizards fighting over supernatural minerals. Fucking aliens being fucking aliens. Oh! And both the Union and the Confederacy using the place as a dumping ground for experimental steampunk shit.
>And HP-inspired high school shit!
I cringe at younger me. Now I just write one shots where I just experiment with weird crossovers (SU and Draka) and weird ideas (Lynn Loud becoming a recluse after Lincoln was found dead).

I think they killed him. I dunno, its been about 12 years.

That's a real clusterfuck.
I unironically love the idea of wizards fighting over supernatural minerals in the Civil War era. Not even pussy ass Harry Potter teen wizards either, I mean like fucking Merlin or some shit. I'd pay money to see that made.

I made a shitty Sonic comic with a Sonic OC when I was 10.

I might still have it since I kept a collection of all of my sketchbooks ever since I was 10 years old. If I can find it, I may storytime it.

I skipped the Sup Forums fanfiction phase and started getting paid of licentious litanies when I was thirteen.

It's not entirely Sup Forums, but when I was about 12 one of my most ambitious projects was writing a long ass, novel-length crossover fanfic between Yugioh, Sonic and Small Soldiers of all things. Yugioh characters, both DM and GX, were gonna get transported to the Sonic world and transform into furry versions of themselves.

>Yugi was gona become a hedgehog, obviously, and become pals sith Sonic and the leaders of the heros team
>Joey and Serenity would become echidnas and were gonna have a subplot about protecting the environment
>Kaiba was going to turn into a bird and was going to fall in love with Wave, hook up and even imply sex between them
>Syrus was going to be a fox and would become besties with Tails, but in the end he'd help him hook up with Cream

The rest I have no idea what I was gonna do with them but I wanted as much characters as possible, like the autist I was.

The Commando Elite were going to be bad guys somehow and were gonna get real-size bodies to fuck shit up. Eggman was gonna recreate them as servants but end up turning against him, or something. All my ideas were vague and up in the air and though I thought I has the whole thing planned I really had nothing planned at all.

Which in the end turned out a good thing cause it discouraged me from writing past four chapters and ended up dropping it. That and eventually someone pointed out how shitty the entire idea was, and surprisingly, ended up agreeing with it.

I did have a friend who looked forward to it tho. Even did a few drawings of the Sonic-fied YGO characters. I lost them eons ago tho, along with the chapters.

It wasn't my only embarrassment from my pre-teenagehood, but it sure was one of the biggests.

>X-Men fanfic following the lives of two OCs as they entered an unspecified version of Xavier's school for gifted youngsters.
>One was a bullet proof Kentucky boy who shot and killed a member of the friends of humanity before entering the school.
>Other one was the rich girl he shot the man to protect, a charismatic and highly intelligent young girl with the power to shoot nearly invisible energy blasts from her fingers. .
>Entire story line was about violent self defense vs peaceful stuff on a smaller granule level.
It was pretty goddamn tryhard in retrospect.

No, because I'm not retarded.

When I was 8 I had about half a notebook full of a superhero comic I'd made about a duck and his friends and siblings adventuring on a pirate ship. Seriously thought it was a great and original concept and that no one had done the duck thing before. Cried when my sister told me that Howard the Duck and DuckTales already existed.

I wrote a really horrible x-rated x-men story in high school. this was in the 90s and we didn't have a computer, so I typed it out on a typewriter. I thought I had destroyed all the copies, but a couple years back I found a piece of one page of it in a stack of scratch paper at my mom's house (she cuts up old printouts and photocopies and reuses the back for shopping lists etc.) makes me wonder how much of it she actually saw or read, and if she knew it was me who wrote it. she has never brought it up.

this is gold.

i got to sketch a 5 page comic about Avatar: tla, it was about a training day where aang has to fight his teammates one by one (including zuko). He successfully beat'em but gets knock out accidentally by momo.
wish i could find it

Post the Lynn one.

Yeah, but it was always ten page messes of crossovers and self-insertion and non sequiter plots. All lost with the iMac it was on.

Use to draw spiderman the avengers xmen and the hulk in my own adventures. Remeber giving a spiderman comic book I made to my ski instructor
(no fucking idea why)

>kevin sullivan
I don't get it

I made a bunch of HTF fanart when I was 12

Also a bunch of lewd vore art

None of which have had saved, they're all probably 20 ft in a landfill by now

I'm imagining the Great Dolomite version of this and it's pretty great.

>The great dolomite sends all his hoes to earth to take over the earth and eventually take over the entire multiverse
>He creates the hoeniverse

>crossovers and self-insertion and non sequiter plots.
Are you me? The peanuts thing is only the tip of the iceberg but it's the only funny and complete thing that I ever made, the rest was never even written but I had a lot of ideas for them.