Today I will remind them

today I will remind them

She wasn't the moon at the time, so no he didn't.

>His semen could be making up a large part of the moon RIGHT NOW

she was a little bit moon at the time, that's how she wound up the whole moon

Yeah, so as this guy.

Why was Sokka the best Team Avatar member?

He was the only one who wasn't a whiny asshole.

Can someone remake that with the better template?

I didn't know Sokka was a brony. I also didn't know bestiality was allowed in the 4 natioms

Best reply.

Don't you mean team Boomer-Aang?

Man, those where the days, Sup Forums was hilarious.

Sup Forums is still hilarious, you just grew up and cynic'd up.

9000 hours in paint.

You tried.

Still my favourite meme

Perhaps I should just show you?

I tried very lazily.

Neither did they have sex.




I guess everybody is too lazy to contribute these days, I'll stop here.

that's rough, buddy




Is the Rick and Morty copypasta the best of the past year? It's already iconic to me.


Underdog, proactive, wasn't a total dumbass or asshole, goofy but with heart, righteous, determined.

Dude was just a swell fella.

Yeah, it's been circulating too.

wanna see more of big sister sokka

"so, now that I saved you from the fire kingdom and a certain death, lets fuck."
>"Oh, uh, yeah totally, just gimme a minute tho, I-I'll be right back, I just gotta, the, um..."
>turns into the moon
lol, she wanted to get out of fucking him so badly that she turned into the moon, that's what happened bro. take those nostalgia glasses off.
