Elon Musk: Robots will take your jobs, government will have to pay your wage

Computers, intelligent machines, and robots seem like the workforce of the future. And as more and more jobs are replaced by technology, people will have less work to do and ultimately will be sustained by payments from the government, predicts Elon Musk, the iconic Silicon Valley futurist who is the founder and CEO of SolarCity, Tesla, and SpaceX.

According to Musk, there really won't be any other options.

"There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation," says Musk to CNBC. "Yeah, I am not sure what else one would do. I think that is what would happen."




>kills of people's job with his shitty murder-cars
>it's ok bro you'll be sustained by the government
>proceeds to evade taxation


cuck detected

either a basic income is instituted or their will have to be mass genocide of the masses


it would also solve illegal immigration as they would not get a basic income

Very few people worry about what happens when robots take all of the shitty menial jobs. Sure the Chinese basically function as robots, but soon enough they'll be out of work too.

I say let those who lose jobs and relevance to robots die off, the robots weren't made to serve them.

Its only a matter of time till the robots take your job too tho.

Civil war in 30 years! Time to bulk up

Careful kid. Don't cut yourself with that edge

How long will they wait before they start rolling it out? When 20% of the population is unemployed? 30%?



When the elites start to fear a war. Trump election will speed up the process.

when they are facing the guillotine, not before then

most people would go mad if they sat at home doing nothing. there's only so much someone could do with basic income.

he's not a 'futurist' for believing in this, it's pretty much a fact that in a couple of decades robots will surpass humans in basic jobs like garbage-removal, flipping burgers and other mindless repetitive shit.

i believe that humanity will adapt, somehow.

maybe i'm exagerating but i feel like western society is being divided on a lot of fronts and most young people know that an uncertain future awaits them.

there will be somekind of revolution or breaking point in the near future.

I will start my own euthanasia clinic with my basic income. Business will boom because most people simply can't deal with not working.

How will any government be able to tax those coroporations?

Actually it's far more likely that low-level medical and legal work will completely disappear first.


Enter the caroussel

>most people would go mad if they sat at home doing nothing.
I wouldn't say that this is the case for the majority of the population, especially when you consider how many people are unhappy with their current jobs. There are also tons of people who live off of disability/welfare, who seem like they don't want to get a job anytime soon.
The hardest part of the transition would be for people who already have full time jobs that they actually like.
New generations born into a world without a need to work to survive would have the easiest time adapting.

>there's only so much someone could do with basic income.
Hopefully with an increase in automation, efficiency will increase and there will be a decrease in the prices of products across the board. There will also be an increase in net revenue for companies as well which could be taxed.

>it's pretty much a fact that in a couple of decades robots will surpass humans in basic jobs like garbage-removal, flipping burgers and other mindless repetitive shit.
Of course. But it's not just limited to "mindless repetitive shit". Apparently a fair amount of white collar jobs will also be at risk, as time goes on.

>most young people know that an uncertain future awaits them.
Oh absolutely. It's already they way with social security.

I'm from Russia, I don't give the fuck about robots, in some factories we have an equipment supplied by General Electrics in 50's, and that eqiupment produces the electricity for big industrial regions, also robots won't work at our regions where winter is 9 months and average temp at winter -40C. Only Russian men can work at such conditions.

will they be as whiny as the white triggered nigger?

>This is how the elite think.

Guys, all that really matters is keeping our guns. What's wrong with UBI? Who do you think Musk thinks is going to pay for it? He's a rich businessman - he knows the math that makes this possible.

I'm serious. Vote Trump. Take it easy. Everything will be fine.

>believing everything someone says just because they're good at one or two things
this is, believe it or not, an actual logical fallacy, the name of which escapes me at the moment.

This is what I've been thinking for a while, and ultimately what the point of automation is. The "problem" is that when automation is implemented anywhere, some see it as a way of making more money for themselves instead of reducing work for others. Also, until every job can be replaced by automation, who's to decide who gets paid and who doesn't? I'd be nice if we can get to the point that universal basic income is possible without reducing our society to a communist shithole, but then we should still maintain some element of open markets where people can choose to work for more money and a better life.

how many fucking time are you going to post this thread?

>two ss's

Wow, you really know your Logan's Run.

The corporations that own the robots are not going to give up their profits without a fight.
>mfw capitalists end up creating the conditions for a socialist utopia

>some see it as a way of making more money for themselves instead of reducing work for others
The solution is simple: those people need to die

Musk doesn't dare say it or think it but there will be a vast culling of the herd, so to speak once robots dominate the working tasks.

No big boss is going to keep all that vast open farmland as a food source for plebs. They will change it into something else because they no longer need to feed people.

Wasians like Musk can't entertain such thoughts because only the need for cheap labor makes race mixing an acceptable idea. He won't make the cut no matter how many ideas he comes up with. Way down deep in his heart, he knows this.

UBI fundamentally will not work. It's a snake that eats its own tail.

>Automation allows reduced labor costs and increase of supply to meet demand

>Cost of goods takes limited currency from population and is transferred to corporation

>Higher taxes on Corporations to support UBI

>Redistributed back to the population

>Finite currency pool causes decrease in demand of goods and services, money is spent on commodities only to meet basic needs of the individual and family unit.

>Cost of goods/services is lowered to normalize, quality of goods drop, profit margins narrow.

>High corporate taxes mean less corporate profits

>Corporation can no longer manage cost to produce low-quality goods/services and is dissolved

>Less money for government to tax, UBI payout becomes smaller

>More corporations dissolve as costs are higher than income.

And that is if the companies operate only within one country. Corporations can simply move to a non UBI state and not sell or operate within the UBI state. UBI state crumbles as there is no tax revenue, the UBI state can no longer meet its most basic function.

Automation can meet the basic requirements for both manufacturing and service-based jobs, so no industry is safe. Automation must only be allowed when a job is simply too dangerous for a human.

The only option is to move to a moneyless fascist state a la The Federation from Star Trek, or revert back to feudalism where the people produce their own food in exchange for land and protection, and the current capitalist economy, as well as the democratic state is dissolved.

never seen a worst actor in my life.

got money out of nothing from CIA

says utter bullshit

promotes fake happenings

he is the epitome of american dumbness

The idea is that people will work other, low-end jobs or become entrepreneurs. Of course this assumes that AI doesn't completely replace humans in all occupations.


Work forces people into small, confined spaces and makes them fight to build and maintain a pecking order. Social interaction in general revolves around this fight for social power. Those who bemoan worklessness are like heroin addicts bemoaning the prospects of being clean.

Serotonin ties our minds and metabolisms together - being high on the pecking order causes your body to release large amounts of serotonin, while underlings have low quantities. The losers and rejects are programmed to die - ill health is caused by low serotonin.

In a world where there was no work, everyone who felt their were losing the social game would just retreat from public sight. The bullies would soon have no targets, and they'd turn on each other. The police would break up the fights, and soon public life would cease to exist. What do you think happened to the mall? All the other public venues?

The only people who can be happy in these circumstances are autists, schizophrenics and psychotics, who're defined by not sharing an emotional reality with others - Bundy thought people in America didn't notice each other.

Kekism and meme magic is sociopathic, psychotic madness. No one even knows what sanity is anymore.

>Also, until every job can be replaced by automation, who's to decide who gets paid and who doesn't?
From the ideas I've seen proposed so far, at some point when the unemployment level is still relatively low but climbing, everyone starts getting a check for the same amount of money.
Maybe this would result in the work week shrinking from 40 hours to 20 hours, and so on. And over time the amount of UBI would increase as the average hours worked per week continues to decrease, along with wages for the majority of jobs.

lmao illegals get plenty of benefits and free shit already m8. dems would absolutely give them UBI

Illegal immigrants wouldn't exist if we had a fully automated labor force that could do menial jobs for pennies an hour.

Find me a robot that's going to accurately dig, grade and lay complex culvert pipping into agricultural environments.

Entrepreneurialism cannot work within an automated economy.

Cost is too high to outfit a factory for production.

Humans will not spend money on luxury goods/services. UBI will be enough to pay for commodities and rent because their costs will normalize to the exact amount of the UBI payout, because corporations will need to account for high taxes and will still want profit generation. Fixing costs will further devalue the currency and it will spin out of control much faster than letting the market adjust itself.

It simply wouldn't be worth the emotional, physical, and financial strain if you weren't already set up prior to the creation of the UBI state.

It's from my understanding that UBI isn't necessarily supposed to be the long term solution, but possibly a way to transition to a new type of economy/system based on abundance, once the majority of jobs are automated.
