Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Kathy Bates


Attached: muaaahhh.png (211x311, 118K)

At first I thought John Lithgow played him best, but then I saw Darkest Hour and was reminded why Gary Oldman is literally the best character actor drawing breath. He's a fucking chameleon in that movie.

I think I could do it desu

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theee allied campaign has always been celebrated for it's exsellence...

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

John Boyega

a nigger or a jew
Next question?


John Lithgows churchil was better written and equally acted.

Good makeup artists =///= Good acting

They're pretty close. But it's also a different time in Churchill's life. Lithgow was a good choice to play Churchill in the twilight of his political career.

Churchill delivers "We shall fight them on the beaches" naked screaming and actually firing a Tommy gun at the sea.

kelsey grammar

Gary Oldman in the one currently on air?

You didn't watch Darkest Hour with Gary Oldman?


Why do people worship this useless cock. You know he was obsessed with Islam his thought he would convert

>he would convert

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No, he was obsessed with Orientalism. Of Islam he said "No stronger retrograde force exists in the world".

>Churchill hated Muslims
>Hitler loved Muslims

Damn...has Sup Forums been wrong this whole time?