Woman are literally just sex robots that do not and can not think for themselves in a non self destructive manner

Woman are literally just sex robots that do not and can not think for themselves in a non self destructive manner.

Giving women the right to vote was easily one of the biggest mistakes the united states and most likely every country(in which it is allowed) ever made, they vote with their emotions and bring the entire country down with them. This current election is proof perfect of this.

If you have a gf or wife and don't control her every action especially when it comes to politics then you are a loser cuck plain and simple.

You don't say

But Sup Forums doesn't want to do that. Sup Forums, like the rest of western civilization, wants women to benefit from this weird hybrid of feminism and chivalry, simultaneously. They want men to adhere to our gender roles and be moral while women aren't forced to adhere to their gender roles, and women can do whatever slutty things they want. It's this very strange double standard that is absolutely destroying everything.It even seems like a psyop with how systematic it all is. But it's probably just people willfully marching to their decay as always.

You cannot restore any semblance of greatness or morality if women are allowed to continue being the way they are. You just can't.

>Sup Forums, like the rest of western civilization, wants women to benefit from this weird hybrid of feminism and chivalry, simultaneously. They want men to adhere to our gender roles and be moral while women aren't forced to adhere to their gender roles, and women can do whatever slutty things they want.

Most of us don't think women should even be able to vote. What the fuck are you talking about?

I've been on here for over 2 years. This place is a cesspool. I know exactly the responses I've received. You think the way I said you do.

>You think the way I said you do.

But you do though. I've communicated with Sup Forums enough to know that. This isn't the first time you've denied it, either. Do you expect me to just ignore everything I've seen here for over 2 years?

Protip: There's a reason why people hold the opinions regarding Tumblr and Reddit that they do. Same goes here.

There's threads everyday with Sup Forums talking about how trashy and slutty women are now and how they don't like it.

You're fucking low IQ as shit.

Women are a rootkit for democracy. They will be exploited to turn the will of the people into a system governed by social media likes and easily manipulated feelings.

Ideally, we could harness this for our own agenda.

>If someone has a different opinion than I say they do they're lying because Sup Forums is one person

What a dumb nigger

Not really. And when those threads are posted, they get bombarded with replies from people who start spamming meme insults against people that think like me and then everyone joins in. Wash rinse repeat.

It's not about Sup Forums being one person. It's about Sup Forums thinking the same in a pattern.

t. fat bitter virgin who refuses to acknowledge he's the problem

This make me so sad to think that humanity has not learned anything in 2,400 years

I've actually talked with you before. I made the exact same points as this other user about how many many people here don't think like this and there are plenty of threads to prove it. Now I see you post this again and other people are telling you the exact same thing. You completly refuse to acknowledge their existence and just whine about posts you've seen here "over 2 years" while ignoring all the other posts.

You might actually be a little insane. No joke.

>just looked at her twitter to see if its legit
>it is
>it's just as nasty as you'd think
>and she only fucks nogs

not the least bit surprised frankly

Listen man we're not allowed to agree with him. He is the owner of those opinions and no one else can have them. You're obviously lying.

Leaf wrong once again.

Agree completely. Females are property, made to be owned and used by men. Allowing them out of their natural place in society is disastrous.

I do not own the opinions. I am just one of the few sole communicators of the opinions. I know what I see, and I can always predict that people are go into denial mode before I post about this.

There are a few other people that think like me. I talked about it here . But this isn't about me. It's about how people complain about the current situation, and then they don't realize that they themselves contribute to the situation. You cannot fix a problem if you are doing everything possible to ensure it exists and everything possible to ensure nobody can even talk about it.

pol does not and should not be expected to be comprised of a homogeneous group of people with the same goals, ideas, life situations.

Just because the topics and patterns of discussion are similar just means that pol represents a functional niche in its user's lives. It is more of an outlet than a realistic representation.

If he pretend everyone that doesn't think what he says they think are lying then that means he can pretend everyone here has the same opinions.

He's a dumb cunt.

No. I've explained everything. People simply don't think the way I do, and the droves of people who insulted me here only proved my point.

I think people become more attuned to the communities or social circles they belong to when they are participating in them.

'What people are' is becoming a more complicated question as people are adopting more roles and facets.

However, there are some people that only have Sup Forums and they are pretty depressing. Kind of like women who only have feminism, men who only have video games and cucks who only have twitter.

Do you not think this will cause a revolt in them, to deny them basic autonomy? That seems equally disastrous.

>just looked at her twitter to see if its legit
>it is
Nope. It's a troll that shops some random camwhore.

I've seen pics of the actual girl before. She's generic as fuck. Can't remember her name.

I've been trying to go on Sup Forums less. I've grown out of a lot of things on the internet, and I prefer real life communication, but it's natural to say that people prefer their familiar methods of online communication. I don't know if I could mentally handle only going on Sup Forums for communication, that would be horrible.

Not really, looking at history. Women excel at adapting to oppressive rule and justifying whatever system they live under mentally. Women having a successful rebellion is about as likely as men having a successful rights movement.

We need white women on our side, were fucked when they double team white men with racism and sexism at the same time.

>Women having a successful rebellion is about as likely as men having a successful rights movement.

Men don't have a successful rights movement because the way men think individually and collectively stops that from happening, literally. Our nature is the obstacle there. Women did have a successful rebellion. Suffrage. Men let it happen, but women used sex as the ultimate bargaining chip.

Except it did cause a revolt in them. There are incidences of them in history going out into streets and defacing property, causing huge stirs, and so on because they were not allowed any political power to protest their treatment in any other way than actions akin to what you see with BLM riots now.
And the revolt known as suffrage?
Infanticide is another power move.


>but women used sex as the ultimate bargaining chip.

I would say calling it "sex" is simplifying it a bit much, that reduces it to just a pleasure and denying something "fun". They used halting the human race as leverage. If they will not breed, humans die out. If they kill their infants from forced copulation, humans die out.
Both parties cooperation is necessary. You cannot just use either one as property to be used for the other, when they are both "the same" and vital to each other.

lies. its her.

fucking 1920s

I really fucking hate the 1920s