Tfw Drumpfkins still think they even have a chance

>tfw Drumpfkins still think they even have a chance

Nice bait faggot. Shouldn't you be out driving niggers and spics to the early voting polls? Sage

You'll hang in a tree for november 9 with a rope tied to your neck.


Into the gas chamber you go

>CTR shills still trying to play the demoralization game

We are too HIGH ENERGY for that, you fool

some reality: he doesn't

Of course it's a phoneposter. CTR is running out of ammo.

Hillary as much of a chance of winning as me not wetting the bed tonight.

What makes you so sure, Hillary? Planning on rigging the election?

HEY HILLER! You've come to wrong imageboard!


how does it feel like being in the wrong side of history?

Man, the tears of trumposters are gonna flood this site harder than in 2012

>be Californian
>make a bait thread
> people fall for bait
Why don't you people leave these treads to die?

Ivana is with her now.

damn I thought all the shills had gone home by now

drumpfs won't dare show they face after the 8th. don't worry we won't have to hear them for long.

>drumpfs won't dare show they face after the 8th
No fucking way, they will stay in Sup Forums but will be unable to take defeat and instead will claim the election was rigged and what not

too bad Kek already declared a victory for trump

blah blah blah have some korean waifus


Thanks CTR for showing us where the autism is most concentrated.

How does it feel to spend any time here at all?