Just saw it. Ask me anything

Just saw it. Ask me anything.

Spoilers obviously. I'm gonna do a quick rundown of it as a first post.

I read spoilers already, but tell me Why is everyone okay with Surtur free, more powerful than ever, after obliterating Asgard?

Not explained. He kinda just blows it up and it's left as such.

>movie starts in Surtur's throne room. Thor is fighting him after Surtur explains that ragnarok is coming, and he has the destiny of showing up in Asgard and burning everything once he gets his hands on the eternal flame. the fight is awesome. fire men, a fire dragon and the immigrant song. It felt like Thor.
>thor manages to get home with Surtur's skull, as he's saved by Skurge, a doofus now guarding the bifros because heimdall had differences with Odin (Loki) and bailed. nobody knows where. Skurge brags to two women about the automatic guns he found in texas and called Des and Troy.
>thor goes to confront Loki, knowing he's not their father, after that they go to earth, meet strange and he opens a portal to their dad, currently in norway
>odin explains he's going to die, that this place is very peacful and to remember it. He then explains that his first born, Hela is trapped and will come back as soon as he's dead. She was his greatest general but wanted to conquer more so he had to trap her. Odin then dies. Cue scene of "kneel" and the hammer being destroyed.
>thor and loki try to use the bifrost to flee, but hela kicks them out in the vaccum of space, and gets to asgard where she kills the warrios three and takes over after a cool fight scene against the army. Skurge becomes her executioner.

You too?

Gotta say, felt like I was watching an Incal movie at points what with the colour, crazy designs, and dark sense of humor

He blows up with Asgard after killing Hela and destroying the city’s foundations

>thor gets to Sakaar, is sold as a gladiator by walkyrie to the grand master. he accepts to fight hulk to gain his freedom. loki has arrived weeks ago and has become a favorite of the grand master so he mingles pretty well

>from then on its thor trying to escape, meeting aliens (Korg), trying to convince walkyrie and hulk to help, while hela explains that odin was a power thirsty mofo and they fucked up a lot of folks before odin decided to stop at nine realms, and life is mportant. she then uses the eternal flame to revive old asgardian warriors loyal to her, and Fenris her giant wolf. she confirms the infinity glove is a fake "like most things in this room"
>thor and friends get to asgard to fuck up hela, who's busy chasing Heimdall, who lost the bifrost sword and is trying to smuggle asgardians out of the city
>huge battle on the bridge, Thor fights hela in the throne room, loses an eye and decides that someone better than hela or loki must rule asgard. he sees his father in vision, who tell shim that asgard is the people, not the place. also he's the god of thunder, so no need for a hammer.

>Loki brings the gladiators from Sakaar in a big ship they use to take the asgardians in. Thor ssends him to the treasure room to get the skull of surtur. the goal is to revive him and destroy asgard, because Hela takes her power from the place, so she can only die if asgard is dead. Loki does it.

>Thor and friends take their refugee people and leave for earth. Thor is new king, can use badass lightning without a hammer, and Loki didn't betray him this time!

>credit scene is them being accosted by Thanos' ship (at least i assume. we don't know who piloted it)

There's stuff I left out, but ask your questions.

I really hope the dragon wasn’t Fin Fang Foom

Fucking Coran Coran the Golem Man. Besides the vampire and rock/paper/scissors jokes, the man’s gags were marvelous

You forgot the Stinger with the Grandmaster

It wasn't. Just some random black dragon that chased Thor. It was great to see.

They use the Immigrant song twice in the movie, and it was for great fight scenes.

Well I guess all he wanted was Asgard destroyed. Destiny and all that. Still kind of underwhelming coming from Surtur of all people though. But hey, Dormammu was just as disappointing

Post Credit scene:

True, but it was just the GM being goofy. Nothing special.

>the part where Banner fucking dies

I was not ready for that.

He's not really dead tho. Hulk took over so he's fine.

Was it good?
List cape movies you like/dislike to give an idea of your taste.

how were the action scenes? That is more important than anything else.

Hulk v Thor
Thor v Hela
Thor v Surtur
Hulk v Fenri
Thor v Fodder
Loki v ... omething?

How was best gurl Valkryie?

Truth be told, I didn't find it funny. or sad or anything, because I saw it coming.

This movie has far too much of "setting up a serious or heroic moment and making a joke". It made the jokes unfunny after a while.

This movie treated hammerless Thor better than the comics have been.

Odin and Thors one to one was nice. Which made me realise Fem Thor is just the God of Hammers. Hue.

I know, but still, I thought he wasn't going to hit what he hit if you know what i mean.

Yes. Yes, it was. It was less JJ Abrams and more Jodorowsky/Moebius.

They're all pretty great. Thor and Hulk's the highlight since you get to see Thor fight more strategically than usual since he doesn't have his hammer. You get a good, brief knife fight with Loki and Valkyrie. Hulk and Fenrir is just Hulk vs. a Pretty Big Wolf that's just a souped up better version of the Gamma Dog brawl from way back when. Hela's fights are all pretty cool except her last one.

I'd say it was but had too much humor. Great action, bit of a spotty cgi sometimes, but the designs are perfect and it was indeed a lot of fun.

Great action, all fights were well shot. Two stand out a lot. Thor can just btfo an entire group with his hammer-fu.

Hela uses spiky stuff like swords and knives she just spawns out of nowhere, and it looks really cool.

>Allfather Thor who realises he doesn't need Mjolnir
See now this is when I would have enjoyed synergy in the comics, Whor can keep it at that point

>Hela was basically this jackass

Well, wasn't expecting that.

That moment when the Tunnel scene music from Charlie and the chocolate factory plays.

Really took me out of the movie.

So how is Thor getting a new hammer? Also does this mean Thor has access to the Odinforce now?

Its just him using his Thunder/Lightning powers. Not Odin force.

he doesn't get a new hammer. The whole point is he doesn't need a hammer to channel his power anymore. No word on the odinforce.

How is Surutur more powerful than Hela when THor could beat him

with the eternal flame he is at full power, which he only gets at the end

Right but I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't get a new one at some point. Not that he needs it, but more because of branding
He get supercharged by magic flames

The Avengers 2 Black Widow gag was fantastic. Hemsworth really sold what could have been a cheap callback to a genuine character moment where this well-meaning muscle head completely missed the subtleties of what made the taming work at all.

I mean without Mjolnir Thor can't fly, and the whole 'worthy' property helped him loads in combat too, so he should get some weapon with similar properties.

Well smart money says they'll forge a new hammer modeled after the Ultimate Universe version. After all, a lot of the MCU pulls from Ultimates

>no mention of the sister thing or grandmaster sting
>fenrir? surtur vs hulk?

calling bs.

The GM sting is just him doing quips.

Hulk vs Fenris was short, looked cool, but it's just Hulk punching a wolf.

Hulk just jumped on Surtur's head and started punching him but Thor told him to stop because they wanted Surtur to fuck up Asgard.

I had a few issues with Hela.

>her power is drained from Asgard, even though, as the godess of death, she normally has her own realm
>her abilities amount to creating spiky things and throwing them, instead of a touch of death. She brings bak her army from the dead, but had to use the eternal flame to do it
>she dies

She was nerfed. Great cheesy moustache twirling villain, but she could have been so much more.

Yeah, I really wanted her to cause more havoc on Asgard, even if there was an in-story justification for why she just doesn't turn it into a necropolis.

>i'm the goddess of death !
>no death powers, she's just really deadly i guess

>Sif dies

How enjoyable would you say you found the movie?

In this universe, its a mercy for Sif.

Sif wasn't at all in the movie. She killed all the other warriors three but Sif wasn't there.

At all.

That explains the blunt execution.

I'n glad they aren't trying to stick with status quo shit. Feels like it is all leading to something

Very much so.

Great visuals. Neat story. Good characters.

Only problem I have is the humor. Too much of it.

Very enjoyable. Quite madcap which is its detriment at times if you're looking for a darker story, but there are some good emotional bits that Thor has with Loki and Hulk. It has the flair of GotG 2, but with better pacing and structure so you don't have that midpoint lag.

This leaves a few possibilities open.
Either they just drop her completely out of the story.
Or they want her to show up in something else, as she did in SHIELD.
Maybe some kinda girl team film.

Was Skurges Last Stand bad?

so, where's the soul gem?

Only thing that's disappointing for me was
>Korg's voice
>The warriors three only had a few seconds of screentime before they got killed off. I was expecting they'd be resurrected at some point but nope. Their death was Derek Reese-tier if anyone still remembers TSCC.

Still, Catt was looking fine for someone in her late 40s
Jeff Goldblum was just well playing himself


Okay so. They introduce Skurge as this kinda braggy, goofy dumbass who's in charge of the bifrost. He uses that position to get stuff from other worlds and display them for girls to see.

When hela shows up, she gives him a enviable position as her executioner, thing is he's a good guy who just wants to be valued.

So as the final rages on, he tries to flee once he realizes the fight is lost, so he disguises himself and jumps in the ship with everyone else. The ship is attacked by hela's zombies, and thats when he takes his guns and starts blasting them to save the ship. It's meant as an epic thing, but idk, it kinda felt like an after-thought. Like they wanted to emulate the big "he fought at gjallerbru" thing, but there's no epic voice over, no long stand, just a slow mo of him jumping off the ship to finish the job and getting stabbed by hela.

Also, she ported to Earth.

Also assuming ported to Vanaheim since she did kill Hogun who left for there during T:DW.

So why did she need the Bifrost again?

Fandral just chumped out. WTF Chuck. At least Volstagg took a few knives. And Hogun was pretty badass. Surprisingly.

I always knew in my heart that they would fuck up "he fought at Gjallerbru" scene.

Hogun died in Asgard.

As for her porting to Earth, it seems like she was just freed from her prison.

She didn't have the power to teleport offworld.

god, why did they even bother if they weren't going to make the effort to do it right


I realized when watching the movie, but they basically treat Thor as the one and only God of Thunder. It's not the hammer that makes him a god, it's himself.

The Hammer is just a hammer. Just a tool. Which means once again : female thor loses legitimiacy as the "one and only thor".

Because that's what makes sense and always has, but for some reason Aaron and his fans wont listen to reason and at least admit that she isn't thor, just using his powers.

Which is fine if she was just doing that. But they're trying to pass her off as the one Thor.

Kinda cheapens her imo.

Janefags once again BTFO. Also kind of hilarious that Portman thinks shes took good for capeshit. There are very few actresses that can say no to roles once they hit a certain age

>Yes. Yes, it was. It was less JJ Abrams and more Jodorowsky/Moebius.
what do you mean by that?do you mean aesthetics wise?If it has those jodorowsky touches as you said then I am cum

Not him, but the whole thing is very fantasy, veru sci-fi. it was like seeing a Kirby trip.

The opening sequence is Thor fighting fire people and a dragon. then you move to simonson-looking Asgard, and then Kirby Sakaar. It's a fucking comic book movie in the ridiculous sense of the word, and that's a compliment.

The characters and tone will make or break it for you.

Depressing really, I'm mostly burnt out on capeshit movies but I actually was kind of excited for this one

I mean, it's a pretty good movie I think. I liked it, enjoyed myself, think it works great on its own. Even had actual character development for everyone, which is more than i can say for those movies usually.

This movie was actually developping a Thor who's closer to Odin-thor from the comics, than the one we have in the books right now.

Ok, but who won? Thor or Hulk? I hope Thor... I'm tired of Hulkfags!

Hum, Thor almost kicked his ass through an unexpected lightning power up, but the GM used a remote to put Thor out of commission and save Hulk's ass.

From what I heard Hulk is winning during the first round, then Thor has a vision of Odin and goes into full Thunder God mode turning the battle. But unfortunately Grandmaster fixes the fight by activating Thor's restraint collar, because it looks bad on the champion

We all knew it.

Hulk. They gave that away in the trailers any way

Honestly, in my opinion, they're fine at the time but you won't remember any in any detail once you leave.

Why did Valkyrie chick and Hulk's arcs not come to a conclusion?
Also, if Asgard isn't a place then what is it?

Thing is, Thor himself never even acknowledges any of his comdrades. He never asks where any of them are and doesn't seem to care.


It has two sequences I know I'll like to look at again. The first fight especially. The rest though...

But it did look nice !

>If Asagard isn't a place then what is it?
What are you talking about?

Walkyrie's arc is that she's running from her problems. She used to fight for a symbol, a throne and the person on it, and ended up losing everything. But Thor is all about the people, not the symbol of a throne. So she eventually accepts to come to Asgard and help take down Hela, getting a new purpose in life : to protect her people, instead of a throne.

Hulk's arc is kinda non existent desu. Banner has a small one of not wanting to turn back and he eventually does because the situation asks for it.

He was definitely underused desu.

Asgard isn't a place. it is the people. So by the end he takes them to Earth, obviously to build Asgardia.

Except Thanos shows up.

You know how Odin at one point says "Asgard isn't a place, it's a people" (or something around those likes) and they repeat it like five or six times afterwards?

I already saw it, so why would I need to ask you anything?

>Asgard isn't a place. it is the people
Now that I think about it, Hela getting from power from asgard is a cool idea, in the sense that she's taking it from the place, while thor is taking his motivation from the people of asgard.

It taps in that idea of what kind of ruler both are. What their priorities are. hela wants power, and is all about the symbol and location of asgard, giving no shit about the people.

Thor though, is ready to get rid of the place, if the people are safe.

That's why he deserves the throne.

Hela's fights are pretty garbage because they gave her a really stupid power. Her best one is fighting hand to hand with Thor.

The movie took a lot of visual cues from various Thor runs across a wide variety (and some straight up stolen dialogue) but the emotional weight and context is completely different. It stands alone as an action comedy movie and that's not bad. Certainly better than either of the previous two Thor movies.

>Walkyrie's arc is that [...]
Sure, but she's also the last surviving Valkyrie (at least the last of those that were sent to fight Hela) so I was expecting her to die doing what's right or at least land in a good blow. Instead she's just there. It makes her Loki-induced flashback feel kind of pointless.

on a scale of Best MCU Movie Yet just how Best would you say it is?

I get that. it's kinda true.

I'm just glad they at least gave her an arc with a bit of completion and an actual motivation.

Speaking of her flashback, is it just me or they implied the chick who died in front of her was maybe her lover?
I know the actress said Wal is bi, but looking at the scene it looks like one of those "you interpret it how you want" type of scene as to please everyone.

So the Soul Stone wasn't in this at all?

If it wasn't in Guardians 2 and it's not here, where is it supposed to show up? There's only Black Panther, Ant-Man 2... I think that's it between now and Infinity Wars Part 1, right?

Was Daryl ever mentioned or cameo'd?

He meant their culture, meaning so long as Asgardians exist and survive, it doesnt matter where they call home. Its not a hard concept to grasp

It was a joke. I know what they meant, they repeat it over and over. That's why I pretended to ask for clarification.

>allfather thor in present day
>spawns a family of thunder gods
>when he intervenes with midgard the avengers know shit has gotten real


How's Miek? Does he look like the Sakaarans from GOTG?

Well they said Warlock wouldn't be in Infinity War, but they never said he wouldn't be in the sequel...

Do we get the World Serpent?

He's barely there. Just a funny side kick with no dialogue.


Might as well post my opinion here, since this thread seems more lively.
Just returned from cinema after seeing it. I kind of don't understand the praise to be honest. It simply wasn't that good. The first half an hour or so(basically before they reach Saakar) were genuinely bad with awful pacing. Rest of the movie was better and I appreciate how much more comic book-like some of the moments were, but it still just wasn't that good. And there was way too many fucking jokes, some parts which could be genuinely great scenes with much gravity(Asgard destruction, the last sequence with the ark, even the opening dialogue with Surtur) were ruined because they just had to put a fucking joke in there.
To clarify, I'm not some muh greyness DC shill, I liked the majority of previous MCU movies, but I feel they struck a much better balance between comical and serious writing. This one went way too far on the comedy side in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but I would put ir rather in the "meh" part of the MCU.
Hel was a total waifu material though and I'm not a guy who often considers movie characters as such. Would serve and drown the galaxy in blood on her side

Did Banner have any good anything?

Banner felt like a completely different character to me to be honest. I mean, spending two years in Hulk's ass might do that to you, but still.


I'm not even shocked. Of course Miek gets nothing. At least we still have Planet Hulk.

>felt different
Different in a good or bad way? Elaborate if you can pls

Not him but : talking on prison archetypes :
Hulk was the big brawly guy who beats everyone into submission the first week. Banner was the skinny scared nerd who is afraid being anal raped by everything that moves.
Which didn't mean he wouldn't take part. he actually did all he could as long as it it didn't involve turning into the Hulk again. But he was definitely freaking out 24/7

Kind of hard to tell, since there wasn't that much of him in there. Mostly in a joke way, like everything in this movie. Man, they really fucking overdone it with comedy this time. For now I would say rather in the bad way, especially in the first half of his appearance, while in the second he was better but really didn't have much reason or motivation to really be there. But don't take my word on it, I've literally just seen it 2 hours ago and haven't focused that much attention on Banner, would have to reconsider and rewatch to form a proper opinion.