When did quips become the defining characteristic of superhero films?

When did quips become the defining characteristic of superhero films?

Why do you keep making this thread?

When Sup Forums bitches about it enough.

>Avengers 1

Why is DC isn't getting bitch at by the fans?

they're COMIC book movies they're SUPPOSED to be funny

DC doesn't have fans

first time I've ever made it. Maybe lots of people have a similar question

I dunno, I don't think comicbooks are comedies. I mean some are but most aren't.

I've read a lot of comicbooks over the decades and this very specific kind of quippy dialog really wasn't a thing until a few years ago.

silver age marvel is quippy as fuck what are you smoking


I didn't watch that movie until a few years after it had come out, but after i saw Ant-Man i thought i'd give it a go, and Avengers was terrible. What the hell was with making that one agent some kind of smarmy "badass" all of a sudden?

So the MCU is an adaptation of Silver Age Marvel? Then why are there so few silver age characters and stories?

Comic book movie fans are happy scraping the shit because they've never seen a miracle

will we get cinematic universes for golden age and bronze age and modern age? I hope so, quips are getting really dull

mugga I was clearly responding to user's assertion that quippy dialog wasn't a thing until a few years ago

fuck off with your weak-ass bait

When it appeals to shallow normies and casuals and Marvel thinks that's who their target audience is.

That is because it is their target audience

Have you ever read a comic book?

With Die Hard.

When did shitposts become the defining characteristic of Sup Forums?

When were they not?

Comedy is easier than respecting your characters

May 8th 1963

Comic books aren't usually comedic despite the name

They couldn't have Spider-Man back then so everyone was Spidey.

But is the winner. Whedon is the one to blame for all of this.

yeah I've read a lot. Most are pretty serious stories until recently, there were a few quippy characters as opposed to everybody like in marvel movies

what of it?



It started with Whedon.

I think Winter Soldier is the less quippy Marvel film.

Ironman was before Whedon, but he probably made it much worse

Define quips. Because I'm fairly certain you're using the word wrong.

Winter Soldier and The Incredible Hulk are the ONLY non-quippy Marvel films. There have been what, about 15 movies in this franchise already? I'm not saying they should ditch all humor, but some tone diversity would be nice from time to time.

You forgot static cameras ala TV shows. I don't think that I can't enjoy a Marvel movie, but I think that they're more spliced 30 minute episodes into one big mash that I'm apparently supposed to pay for. It's like telling me to go to a theater and put in some coin to watch another episode of Brooklyn 99. I just wouldn't do it.

Fucking love that show.


when having fun was a thing

and neither are they super dark and edgy with undertones of tryhard

Tell em I'm eating.

Also, this movie just needs a laugh track to be perfect.

user, Iron Man had quipping and that was years before the first Avengers. Fucking Batman and Robin had quipping. You morons have no idea what the hell you're talking about, the shit is almost as old as Silver-Age camp.

I'd like to know what the fuck you think COMIC Book actually meant.

People are also forgetting awful cinematography as well.

Yeah sure you did...

I'm not saying it's AWFUL, but it's clear that it wasn't made with the cinema, but the BLU-RAY and BASIC CABLE PACKAAAAAAAGE in mind.

Try learning English

causing or meant to cause laughter.
"comic and fantastic exaggeration"
synonyms: humorous, funny, droll, amusing, hilarious, uproarious; More

Well how about that. another fool who doesn't read and wants to seem like he does.

So you're contesting his claim, taking the stance that superheroes do not in fact quip in comic books?

Not all of them. In fact it's even the defining trait of some of them that they quip a lot, while others don't.

Acting like quipping is the defining trait of their dialogue is spreading false information.

Hel, Thor 3 came out and it's a fucking quipfest, while the comics are much more serious. Especially Thor himself.

"Comic books are supposed to be funny"
Again. What.

Comic books are a medium. It's not a literal definition of a comic. So what's a Stand-Up Comedian? A comedian that never sits down, you piece of shit? What about manga then? Manga are comics. Are manga meant to be funny by definition? Should be.

Fuck off. I don't know what the fuck you're on, but I swear to God you're right there with people who cry in a corner when people walk out the the theater grumbling about a movie that they don't like. Fuck you. You are in the CENTER of the reason as to why Marvel and so many adaptations have failed to get what makes up the very core of the source material.

You're brainless. Piss off. Any review of a movie or series you'd write up would probably measure right up there with IGN's feedback on God Hand.

But he didn't say it was the defining trait of their dialogue, just that they do, in fact, quip in the comics.

And not all of them quip in the movies either.

>reeee if you don't like the MCU you are from Sup Forums!!!!

jesus christ, are you really this delusional?

> I have never read a classic comic book in my life and sincerely believe Nolanshit is what comic books have always been like and should be
and stay there you fucking casual

Quips are something you can legitimately blame Stan Lee for. He wrote the dialogue for practically all early Silver Age Marvel comics, and those set the standard for everyone (no, not just Spider-Man) cracking wise all the time.

or maybe it's even older. who cares, I like quips anyway.

>the MCU is pure cringe
I believe it.

When they began to trigger people

>No one mentions Blade
Fucking idiots

some mothafuckas always tryna ice skate up hill

>bendis having anything to do with movies
He hasn't written anything, has he?

Oh wow, I'm a moron. It is amazing what your brain is conditioned to expect under certain circumstances.

More like if you care about the MCU at all you're from Sup Forums

Get the fuck out of here with your live-action filth

>Do you expect me to talk?
>No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.

This is the first quip. The quip that started it all.

If you want to blame someone, blame Bond.

>I did enact Julius Caesar: I was killed i' the Capitol; Brutus killed me.
>It was a brute part of him to kill so capital a calf there.

wtf I hate Shakespeare now

>being this desperate

>they're COMIC book movies they're SUPPOSED to be funny
what are the marvel netflix shows then?

Bad jokes.

>Marvel hires Whedon
>Avengers is a massive success
>Whedon then hired for Avengers 2 and to make sure all the other phase 2 films fit his tone and vision
>then fucks it all up in his own film
This is why phase 3 is fresher and is actaully starting to break free of that mold and allowing the film makers more control. No Perlmutter is also a big help

>phase 3 is fresher and is actually starting to break free of that mold and allowing the film makers more control

>Civil War mostly a serious movie despite the shoehorned in airport fight
>Doctor Strange darkest film yet
>GOTG v2 most emotional
>Homecoming most different of all of them

What the fuck are you talking about? GOTG v2 was a Janes Gunn film through and through and Homecoming was a John Watts film.
>herr dey still have joke doh
He said breaking the mold, not bursting it

>Yet keeping calm the knight just quipped, "Why should I shy away? If fate is kind, or cruel, man still must try."
wtf Gawain

>a movie as bad as the comic, with or without CGI airport
>Iron Man feat. Spider-Man
Yeah, pure kino.

The fans and critics have spoken user.

I just watched the opener and I forgot he kills a thug by throwing an plugged in appliance into a bathtub and then puts on his suit jacket, smiles, and says "Shocking". This is before the opening credits even roll.

Maybe Goldfinger really is where it all started.

They're a staple of a lot of genres. Adventure movies, buddy cop movies, comedies, action movies in general..

>Demetrius: "Villain, what hast thou done?"
>Aaron: “That which thou canst not undo."
>Chiron: "Thou hast undone our mother."
>Aaron: "Villain, I have done thy mother."

Oh snap!