No this doesn't look suspicious AT ALL

No this doesn't look suspicious AT ALL

Yes, OP. Everything's Trump.

Can't be Trump. Kingpin's intelligent.

Why does this man have no neck?

Trump ruins Political commentary cartoon, cause he already a cartoon.

>Kingpin's intelligent.
Is he though? He loses to a red guy and a man child dressed like a spider all the time.

>it's a Sup Forums gets triggered episode
You have to go back

You mean that man-child that lift a fucking trunk.

And a red guy who is also a lawyer.

You first, neogaf.

Wow someone's poking fun at the US president, stop the presses, this has never happened with any other president ever before

>talking about Sup Forums shit in Sup Forums
You really have to go back

Kingpin comics have always been political in nature, you goddamn pleb.

What... what am I looking at here?

Reminder that Sup Forums really is like Sup Forums, looking for the littlest thing to be triggered about

This has been a plot point since the start of the Kingpin series

Are you baiting or what

>Are you baiting or what
Of course he is.

>not triumpant.
They missed a fat chance there.

How old is this?

All it's missing is a crying statue of liberty

>yes...YES....The world's biggest cheeseburger is FINALLY MINE!

Wasn't Jameson mayor of New York for a while?

Is it ok if I don't care people are making fun of Trump, but more angry that these people would only suck Obama's dick or at worst ignore him?

Yeah kids, it's totally ok to let the government grab for more power, it's not like people you hate might one day take the reigns and strangle you with them


Back where

Just sit back and be amused by how dems screeched so much about MUH RUSSIAH that it brought attention to the ties Obama and Hillary have to Russia.

>Nigerian Muslim birth certificate mustard burger gaffe gaffe gaffe gaffe broken promises war on [whatever] drones thanks Obama

I need to up my game, all my stuff is old.

>My favorite kind of monstergirl constantly used for one of the worst fetishes that exist
I know why, so don't try to explain it to me like I'm an idiot.

Please note the "these people". Nobody forgot that Fox News exists, calm down.

Wait, Kingpin is Morty's real dad????

It's because snakes can swallow animals whole so it's natural to make the connection that a snake girl can swallow things whole.

in continuity can anyone explain how this is possible, did they even acknowledge Born Again.

yeah. the real Fisk would never wear a suit that ill-fitting. he's strictly a tailor-made guy. I bet its Matt Murdock in a fatsuit again.

Stop being such a pathetic little bitch. A stiff breeze would trigger you.

Must have run as a democrat, you can be a serial rapist or war criminal and the media will still sell you as the non-nazi

This is the same public that was okay with Norman Osborn running SHIELD, Tony Stark throwing people in to gulags, and Carol Danvers arresting people for crimes they literally have not committed yet, why are you surprised by this?

You guys freak out over a black dude in office and try to assassinate him several times thinking hes a martial law antichrist dude and now that you got the purest of reactionary candidates you could get to the previous president in power you still run around complaining and thinking its all against you. what does it take to please you guys?

What? It's just a lying corrupt New York billionaire from the construction business with ties to the mob who pretends to be a man of the people sticking it to the powers that be? What's suspicious about that?

Better than fucking de Blasio.

he openly said what he was doing during Secret Empire. while the capes were busy scrapping with each other and hatching failed plan after failed plan to instantly solve everything, he provided food, medicine and shelter to all the civilians he could and asked nothing in return but that they remember who it was that looked out for them

>Fisk triumphant!
I know that this is done for exposition purposes, but I REALLY don't think that the Daily Bugle with Robertson and Urich in charge would do the headline like this or have that picture.
It would be more like "Admitted "Former" Kingpin Wilson Fisk elected Mayor", with a picture of Wilson Fisk in a prison jumpsuit.

He actually ran as an independent.

Remember when Spidey grabbed Fisk by the mantits and slapped his shit?

shut the fuck up blondald drumpferskin


OH SHIT! Rhino is going to be a president!

Hands too big.

I really wish Trump's opponents brought up his mob connections more often. Even the supposedly biased liberal media barely covered them and instead focused on more minor scandals.

You don't have to be retarded to not see lots of media making Trump references and "Literally Hitler" accusations

We honestly have a group wanting to villify another side simply for what they believe in and they call us the fascists

>One minor side harps about Obama

>Mass Media sucks his dick

>Nothing but positive interpretations in mainstream comics, television, and movies

>News stations either apologizing or advocating for him

>Internet retards like you accusing anyone who doesn't like him for being racist.

The contrast is frightening and the hypocrisy even more so

Might have something to do with people being accused of being a nazi now if they don't vote democrat and faggots in masks attacking people with bike locks for not being a leftist like them

For the record, Soule says he's been planning this since he first took on the book in 2015.

>I really wish Trump's opponents brought up his mob connections more often.
That's already part of the overall Russian investigation. All that money laundering is certainly going to play a big role.

user, we're not vilifying YOU, we're shitting on Trump. If you take attacks on Trump being a shithead idiot personally, that's on you.

There's nothing hypocritical about it, Obama doesn't go out of his way to attract bad press and Trump does. Obama's good at his job and Trump isn't. The only frightening contrast is with the presiddents themselves.

I like how he makes this claim AFTER the fact as if that makes it believable

>Obama was good at his job

>Gave in to Iran
>Signed a shit bill that's getting repealed
>Race relations worsened under him
>Couldn't even get most of the shit he wanted done with a democrat majority house and senate

>Signed a shit bill that's getting repealed

And he's your president, and it's hilarious to see you call a man who built a billion dollar company and became president in spite of retards like you crying about him on the internet and on tv about how he's the antichrist, an idiot. He most certainly smarter than you, a fat fuck in his parents' basement typing away on an image board

ACA has already been repealed retard, the argument now is about the replacement

>>Gave in to Iran
You mean he secured a historic peace deal with Iran? Sounds good to me.

>>Signed a shit bill that's getting repealed
Obamacare can be improved but it's better than what we had before. Also, Trump couldn't even get it repealed so now he's simply sabotaging it.

>>Race relations worsened under him
Debatable. Race relations didn't really worsen, people merely started paying more attention to the way things already were.
What exactly did Obama do to "worsen" relations in your mind? Say that maybe cops shouldn't shoot unarmed black guys?

>>Couldn't even get most of the shit he wanted done with a democrat majority house and senate
Obama still did more than Trump. And guess what, Trump also has a Majority in Congress and the Senate yet can't get almost any shit done because he is in fact a terrible dealmaker and doesn't know how any of this works. His only "achievement" is nominating a Supreme Court Justice, which pretty much every President does.

>“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

Such a smart man

>ACA has already been repealed retard

Are you retarded? Trump only ripped out subsidies which only affects the really, really poor.

You mean the man-child whose likeliness he owns the rights to and every time Spider-Man gets an upswing of popularity, Fisk gets to make tons of cash on Spidey Memorabilia?

Or the red guy he's constantly fucked over but can never be reached in a court of law?

I don't have to pay a tax penalty for not having insurance anymore so I don't care.

>You mean the man-child whose likeliness he owns the rights to and every time Spider-Man gets an upswing of popularity, Fisk gets to make tons of cash on Spidey Memorabilia?
That's only in Ultimate

>Oh wow, this speech was so just proves that the man who built a business empire and outmaneuvered a political juggernaut while spending next to nothing (Trump had the cheapest campaign on record, Sanders had the most expensive) is stupid

Goddamnit it Garrison

If every creator, in every entertainment field, wants to bring up contemporary politics, then why shouldn't we?

First of all, you're wrong, the tax penalty is still in effect.
Second of all, why the fuck do you not have health insurance? Are you a fucking idiot?

So conservatives are so irrelevant they can't even manage media worth paying attention to?

>not having health insurance
It's not like you didn't have options, there were a lot of subsidies in place to help you afford them.

"I'm healthy so I don't need it"

Yeah, and Marvel Legacy is "Act 3 in a plan thats spanned years"

>>Nothing but positive interpretations in mainstream comics, television, and movies
But that's wrong. Plenty of media criticized and made fun of him for any number of reasons.
Especially for the whole drones and invasion of privacy things.

>who built a business empire
First of all, his father built a business empire.
Trump built a BRAND, and he is admittedly very good at promoting his brand, but that doesn't mean he's a genius businessman.
Keep in mind, in the late 80s and 90s he was in serious trouble because of all his bad decisions and bankrupcies, 8 billion dollars in debt. He seems to have recovered somewhat but nobody knows how rich he actually is because he refuses to release any real information.
Why do you think that not a single American bank is willing to lend him money and has to rely on Russian banks? Other than his long history of being a cheapstake that doesn't pay people what they're owed that is.

The drone thing seems less effective now that Trump built up that hefty civilian death toll already.

I think Trump's problem is less about being an idiot and more about being willfully ignorant. The dude admits that he barely reads, he'd rather spend his time watching Fox News for several hours a day.
He's also very stubborn, so he'll never admit he was wrong.

>Trump had the cheapest campaign on record
"On record" being the main words of that sentence, komrade.

>And he's your president
Didn't stop "the nigger in chief is literally dumb as a baboon" comments for the past 8 years.

The daily bugel is still a newspaper? I thought they went digital

everyone needs to go back to Sup Forums
its a comic, a fucking picture book for children
jesus christ, people, stop acting like every little thing in the funnys is a personal attack.
fucking hell

Only in Bendis' books

Suspicious. It does. What human being has a head that looks like that?

>help you afford them

By making your premiums only cost 10% of your annual income and still not actually do anything.

All in all, he perfectly captures the image the world has of Americans.

Well, the big plot point of his series he'd been building up to since he started was Daredevil trying to make it legal and acceptable for heroes to be able to testify in court without taking their masks off and revealing their identity. Kingpin becoming mayor soon after that plot point, especially when he was pissed off and trying to get that shut down when Soule got to that arc, feels like it was a logical follow-up after a development like that.

I don't see any reason why he'd lie about that.

Trumptards either don't realize just how badly Trump is ruining America's image or they don't care. Oh, and there's also the ones who just love pissing off our allies because AMERICA FIRST and don't realize how the world works.

I bet you could storytime President Luthor and people would still get triggered screeching to lay off Trump.

It's a hard line for most Americans to see the difference in

> Before Trump
> Europeans to Americans: "We hate you! We hate you! We hate you!"
> Anno Trumpi
> Europeans to Americans: "We really hate you! We really hate you! We really hate you!"

Over the years, Americans have just become desensitized to hate from Europeans.

Europeans didn't hate America during the Obama era actually. They liked Obama.

>still not actually do anything

>and he's your president
user, shitting on the president is a fucking American past time.

People called Clinton a horndog, Bush an idiot, and Obama Nigerian. Trump is just a thin skinned pussy, as are his supporters.

user all the president's job really boils down to is don't whip your dick out, don't talk shit, and don't start a nuclear war.
The rest is just details

This. They liked him so much they gave him a Nobel Prize before he was even sworn in. I don't think it was deserved (and in point of fact neither did Obama) but the world loved him.
Of course this was seen as a sign of globalism and thus he was worse than satan.

Did you guys know Osborn taking over SHIELD AND Luthor becoming president were both written by time-travelling leftist gay Jew shills who wanted to make fun of Trump?


>its a comic, a fucking picture book for children

>a fat fuck in his parents' basement typing away on an image board
You say that like it would be possible for user to become president despite there being an age requirement

Speaking of grab for more power...or at least a grab for deregulation.

It's worth noting that the following bills have been introduced in the the legislature and terrify me.

HR 861 to Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency. I hated Walter Peck as much as the next kid but this is an important agency.
HR 610 - Vouchers for Public Education. This dismantled free public education.
HR 899 to Terminate the Department of Education. But why?

HR 785 - National "Right to Work". Goodbye unions and employee protections