Garfield for Thu. Oct 26, 2017

Another day, another Garfield.

The ride never ends.

Other urls found in this thread:




the greed, the greed never ends








We need an edit for rolling somehow

Do all women just want the B?

WTF is with all the buxom bitches in this strip? It makes it look like a lewd edit.

dat redhead


>be Jim Davis
>supposed to draw your shitty cat comic today
>don't want to draw that fat bastard of a cat today
>want to draw nice titties

It was very likely drawn by a PAWS Inc. guy (not Davis)


>not using a thought bubble
It could have been glorious.

Who can't relate?

I wonder if we could identify this unknown hand

That would be cool actually

wait is this real?


love this edit but i think the lettering needs a minor nudge to match the rest of the strip

cup needs to say cat seamen

that would be "explaining the joke", ruins the funny

He said 'to' twice

>literally no change in the panels besides the text
does this even still count as a comic?


fucking saved
is there any more of this?


it's Garfield, not a Kelly comic

Kelly is such a hack

with the crying lady liberty and all the text, I can never work out if these are supposed to be ironic or not


Then why do people seem to take him at face


This is great. Thank you.



dracula's accent is too thick, it took me far too long to figure out what words were actually being said


>it took me far too long to figure out what words were actually being said

You're the one who's too thick

>cream uff neck zoop
this doesn't even sound like a vampire accent

That seems likely, everyone in that image who aren't Jon or Garfield don't even look like the same art style.

Sexy wimmens is a hell of a drug.


what the fuck this is literally sexual harrassment

Second panel girl for me

Kelly actually makes a very good point in this one.

Let me help you work it out: they're from The Onion.

Hey chicky chicky boo

is there a single female in existence that would respond positively to being called that?

That's it I'm calling the police.

Without garfield please

I would if I saw his smugass cat by his side

Well, the ones in the comic didn't even react positively, so I'm gonna guess no.


agreed. I'd just assume it's a crazy homeless guy and chuckle at the pure ridiculousness of it.

It's so weird to see a garfield comic this well drawn with weirdly sexy women.



I've never seen this before, and it fills me with an indescribable glee. Thank you for shitposting today, user.


Who is making these incredible things?



People are idiots who will believe any source if it validates their opinions.



Because you're retarded


Specifically me?

Just a little bit. They only did a few pages as a joke







Damn she's bangin






This comic is shit



It's the green and purple colouring in the last frame that really brings this whole strip together.


Lazy fucking cartoonist. Only had to draw 3 frames.