Mention one flaw

Mention one flaw

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The jews got away

Aaron has little to do, he's not even a religious leader.

Jews don't exist yet, they're just Habiru here

>40 years of wandering in a shitty desert
>most of them, Moses included, didn't even get to the holy land because they made God mad
I wouldn't say they got away.

But those poor egyptians lost their labor force. What about their right to build obnoxious structures without breaking their own backs?

They will find other slaves somewhere and centuries later the descendants of those slaves will pretend their ancestors were kings or something.

No flying pyramids.

Not enough Tzipora
This is the best song in the movie. Prove me wrong.

*kills your children*

Historically inaccurate, the Jews weren't slaves and the builders of the pyramids weren't slaves either. Pyramids were government sponsored public works programs designed to keep the populace employed during the season's they could not work agriculture on the nile

>Bible story
>historically accurate
Yeah, I'm sure a white fart didn't murder a bunch of egyptian children and some jew guy didn't split the Read Sea in two either.

you asked for flaws, not that they not be pedantic

*tips fedora* A fellow enlightened I see

>believing the Bible's bullshit stories, specially the Old Testament
I'm not some euphoric cunt and I do want to believe there is a higher power but come on niggah, you can't expect me to believe a book that has been ultra-edited, contradicts itself and can be easily proven wrong on many of its non-religious aspects.
Not to mention that it paints God as a fucking asshole.

Eh, for me personally, I know the Bible is pretty false - It's the equivalent of an anthology of works and then expanded upon by fanwriters and smashed together. You can find some interesting truth, and perhaps at one point it was more accurate, however it's still the most widely published and spread work of literature in human history, so there's merit in that.

The part of 'Deliver Us' when the little girl was singing.

Yes, I'm not saying the Bible is shit, I'm just saying believing everything it says is stupid.
Not to mention that every branch has its own fanfiction and headcanon.

Songs are weak.

Its bibical christfag shit. Its literally religious propaganda

"Playing with the Big Boys" fucking sucks.

That's some shit taste you got there, user.

I agree. It feels like a fucking goofy Disney song in an otherwise mostly serious movie.

The problem most people, who aren't fundamentalists, have with people pointing out "holes" in the Bible is the fact they act like their the first to notice. Also people who have their shit together generally don't feel the need to insert themselves in others business lecture them on their beliefs. The point is your average Bible debunker is someone who own life is a mess and desperately wants to validate their misery by proving the happiness others possess is based on falsehoods. It really is quite pitiful to look at a twenty three year old working a shit job to argue on matters of theology acting like they are some brilliant mind for pointing out the psychical improbability of a sea parting. All the while fervently hanging on to their own pessimistic nihilism and refusing to consider other points of view. O for that matter reflect on the deeper meanings of why people choose to belief such things instead of writing all of it off as "Stupid sheep and their sky man.". In short get control of your own life and ponder it's meaning, not hoping to reach an objective conclusion (spoiler alert their probably isn't one) but so that you can better empathize with your fellow man and help them find some grace in life.

>desperately wants to validate their misery by proving the happiness others possess is based on falsehoods

the fucking irony of this post

I liked Playing with the Big Boys

It's the weakest in the movie, but it's not trash

But I wasn't trying to act smug because I don't believe in the Bible, I'm just saying that complaining about historical/scientific accuracy in a Bible story (or any religious story for that matter) is kind of pointless.
Even is the "jews were slaves and made the pyramids" is really a lie, the whole story is based on that fact and if you are going to complain about that you might as well complain about all the supernatural shit that happens in the story not being realistic.
I personally realized long ago that arguing about religion is fucking pointless because it's not like any side has any evidence to back up their claims and prove if X religious thing is real or no. People can believe whatever the fuck they want as long as it doesn't cause them to shit other people's lives.
And I also believe that you can enjoy this movie even if you are an atheist or just don't believe in christian teachings. If you see past the religious background is a pretty nice story.

Old Testament God could really have stood to dial it back a bit.

It's not a bad song, it just doesn't fit with the rest of the movie. For that matter, the two priests don't fit either, it feels like they were made so silly and stupid because the producers thought the movie should have some comedic relief.

It's not on blu ray

*allows Satan to ruin your life because they made a bet*

I wasn't saying you were being smug but in your original post you were going against the other guy insulting you with "Muh fedora". The point I was trying to make in regards to you individually is that the vast majority of people who call you out like that are thinking of the the fedora because those are the people most likely to feel the need to point out obvious inconsistencies in the Bible. I'm not saying you're one of them just that without proper context that's how a lot of people view someone talking about atheism.

People think that New Testament God mellowed out because He became a father.

>has His son killed


Was he /our guy/?

this does my favorite things in musicals: songflicts.

This song might be one of the best examples.


Still, the scene's a flaw. Kills the tension the movie's been building with a wacky segment out of left field.


>people try to spin it as a positive moral in the end despite Job's family being killed

I mean, at the very least we got the priests to "disneyfy" the movie instead of a funny animal sidekick

What about the goat?

They were definitely meant to be comic relief characters, and I suppose the song fits thematically. They are trying to play themselves up as big badasses, but they were just charletans, which is on display with how lame the song is.

That said, that doesn't erase the fact that its still a very lame song.

This pissed me off to no end.

But user that's why bad things happen with an all mighty god! Satan's testing you and you gotta just stay strong and don't lose your faith otherwise, right to heck with you!

The cgi basket at the start

Rameses' singing

>thinks dying is bad
dying is literally your birthright.

Dying isn't bad, God allowing Satan to murder your family just to prove a point is.

its not murder if God consented to it. they cover that in Leviticus

Nah, according to fairly recent historical discoveries, the labourers were rewarded with virtually free-flows of beer and alcohol

BUt that's literally the worst song in the movie

that's not nice

You're right, your singing isn't nice, RALPH.

That song is beautiful, fuck you.

It can be beautiful and still be the worst song on the soundtrack.

why does that picture make it look like nani has a beergut

Well, I will say >opinions
I personally think "Playing with the big boys" and "Through Heaven's eyes" are the worst songs. And if "Deliver Us" only had the bit with the jews singing instead of the shitty mother and daughter bits I would consider the second best song.

>Well, I will say >opinions
You've been saying your own opinion, nobody is confused by this.

Yeah but in this case it's not something that can be backed up by solid evidence, it comes down to a matter of taste.

Because she's one of the few leading ladies that Disney allowed to have actual curves.

They're all good, but step aside. The real king of songs in this movie is here.

The best musical numbers get repeatedly interrupted by dialogues or shitty solos. Deliver Us is the worst offender

>kill off Job's wife
>kill off Job's children
>kill off Job's job
>lmao it's okay here's another set of wife and kids
Old Testament trivializes the lives of people who aren't the focus of God's attention.

>God's son dies
>does nothing but shake the earth like a turbonerd losing a chess match to a ten year old beginner
It was the most mellow thing God did in anger.

Why would he be mad? He sent him there to get killed.

>God literally kills innocent children
why is he so edgy, lads?

Women and children weren't considered people back then. They were just units of wealth, like goats and sheep.

Old Testament God didn't give a fuck about that mercy, consideration or equal love bullshit.
You either did what he said or he would vaporize your ass.

Yeah, like said. It doesn't make sense that earthquake even happened. Even stranger, according to Mathew, the dead rose from their graves.

I think God just wanted to make clear to eveyrone that they did kill his son.

So, Jesus showing up three days later was a curtain call?

Yes, God can be pretty dramatic when he wants to.
I mean, look at the Plagues, he could have probably come up with something faster and more efficent but he wouldn't be happy unless he got to shit on the Egyptian Gods.

The Egyptians weren't black enough.

Imagine if they had to make this movie nowadays
>if you don't make the egyptians black you are racist
>if you make them black you are blaming the blacks for the oppresion of the jews which makes you racist too
SJWs would implode.

make the jews black too. easy

How dare you imply blacks enslaved other blacks, you fucking racist pig.

How did Sanders get away with it?

Okay I know what you're saying, but implying having a fat belly is part of being curvy is stupid

I don't even think that's what it was supposed to look like

>it's like you have to obey Him from merit of being almighty alone

It was way, way too early from Dreamworks to peak.

It has a really great start when they are chanting the names and gradually dominating the screen with their tricks.
But by the time they start to actually say "playing with the big boys" the song drops pretty hard and it's easily the weakest part of the movie.

But that's just a testament to how great Prince of Egypt is if this is the worst thing about it.

It's a perspective thing.

The curved lines grants the illusion of a gut when she doesn't really have much of one.

Correct. The instruments in this are absolutely amazing, especially the horns.

Ou vey delet this

>the back and forths between Ramses and Moses
That alone puts it at #1, I always love when songs do that

they squashed her torso too much there

>Ramses never tries to attack Moses, when he's only armed with a stick
>no one calls God out for his shit

two big flaws right there

I've never seen it described this way until now but it's also something I love seeing


This was around the phase in the Old Testament where God was proving he's the biggest guy in town and other gods aren't shit. IIRC, in Abraham's time it was common to think that a pantheon of gods only had influence over a certain area, so if you moved somewhere you would adopt worship of that region's pantheon.

Was pretty fucking boring desu

>Offers Pharaoh 10 chances to let his people go
>He refuses or changes his mind each time
>The final time he still chases after them

Inb4 "hurr "Hardened Pharaohs heart meant he forcefully took away his free will even though God's never done that in any other event in the Bible."

1. His wife and likely his children all told him to forsake God or just assumed Job did something to deserve this
2. Have YOU ever fought the Leviathan? Do you even KNOW how strong its hide is, how big the beast is? How sharp its massive teeth are?!

Moses and Ramesses may not have been contemporaries. Other possibilities for the pharoah include Shoshenk.

I fight the Leviathan every day when I try to put on a pair of underwear.

Well, Prince of Egypt doesn't take the story directly 1:1. In the movie, Ramses' upbringing and his father's legacy hangs over him like a shadow

>old woman barely makes it out the gates
>kid stops to help her

Gets me right in the feels

truly a better time


Yeah it still means what it means, he also could have just teleported the jews away, if he wanted them to be free, there is no reason why the pharaoh should be of any significance