I got the exact electoral count right in 2012 for a university assignment

I got the exact electoral count right in 2012 for a university assignment.

This is what will happen Tuesday

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This is actually his easiest path to victory

Thanks for correcting the record!


looks pretty reasonable to me congrats

>New Mexico

Hey there hill-shill.

>red NV


>b-but early voting doesn't matter!

yeah, if he doesn't get pennsylvania, he has to get either Florida or Nevada, Eastern Time Zoners will be up late waiting on them results in this scenario.

>b-but 2% higher hispanic turnout matters!

Oregonian here, you are delusional if you think Trump wins here

those early voters are just people who would have voted on election day, it's not an influx of new spics.



fuck off shill



My dad works at Nintendo. He was talking to Luigi during lunch, and Lugi told him that this will be the electoral map.


>not counting the fact that Killary will lose two of Washington's votes to faithless electors

I agree

Imagine the liberal butthurt if he loses the popular vote but still wins the electoral vote

Oh no! A picture implying I'm a hillshill without any evidence to back up your claim! How'd you know that's my only weaknesssssss...

Even PA possibly CO if we include "Shy voters"

All it takes is 1 faithless elector to fuck up Trump's victory.





That would cause a civil war though.

This is what I concluded as well. It all comes down to New Hampshire, if he can flip New Hampshire this is how he'd win

You're fucking delusional. Nevada is not going red this year, and if you think it is, then that just goes to show that you know nothing about Nevada. Las Vegas is going to keep it blue for sure.



I am literally acknowledging that Trump will win. Government officials who work in DC but live in VA are not too thrilled to know that Trump will "drain the swamp." The only support Trump has in VA is in the Appalachian region.



the increased hispanic vote doesn't mean much, Trump has energized the rural whites to come out.

Trump gets schlonged by Latino turnout and Hillary's ground game.

Why is Mississippi so light red?

There is zero evidence of any rural whites being energized.


Yep, believe it or not, a bunch of rallies and a blowhard on TV news is not a replacement for legitimate campaign infrastructure and an active ground game. Trump and Sup Forums are going to learn that the hard way.

The most likely outcome unless he flips Colorado or something.

I'm a Nevada dem voting trump on Election Day then switching parties. My bet is I'm not the only one

>white vote has increased more than Latino vote
>black turnout is down bigly
Uh oh.


>active ground game

Definitely a lot of Hillary For Prison shirts I'll give you that.


prove it cunt

Most likely outcome unless the Hispanics in NV fuck Trump.

>le bigly isn't a word meme

Go eat your mother's cunt

>North Carolina

I can tell you're a retard. But you just don't want to hide it.

not that it's not a word
he uses the term "big league", not "bigly"

>voting for Hillary


What are minority early voters?
What are aggregates?

"Voter Fraud" and record turnouts for Latinos.

Suck it.

>standing up for themselves

Yeah right.

Obama had record turn outs for Latinos, but he still didn't win Texas

Holy fuck, nervousness intensifies. I didn't realize it was so close.

>ID: Dem
hillshills can't get anything right

If you think those states are going to have a problem with minorities you're a fucking retard.


>ME 1


hahaha funny shit OP

But they hate Trump because he wants to "deport them all" right?

These aren't high IQ people. You and I both know this.