Heavy CTR Landslide!! Shill distraction threads, Mods Deleting

Go to #reno on twitter

Go to #reno on twitter

If you are reading this you are the resistance.

Other urls found in this thread:


Twitter just deleted wikileaks retweeting that his name was on a stratfor book order on wikileaks

Our priority right now is compiling all of the info into a way that journos can get behind. Keep it clean, fact-driven, and politically correct.

#Reno is a must right now, but any other good tag ideas for when the MSM picks up the birddogging shit?



bump for great justice

Dude, nobody cares. Go to bed

go get a real job


Did someone get the full image of this, i accidently god the thumbnail

The wikileaks tweet got taken down about this

Yeah they seam to be on overtime this weekend. They are pushing the, hillary already won, line really hard to try to get you not to bother voting.

great catch, famo

This is so fake, holy shit.

Reminder; the claim that this is an assassination attempt is a non starter, he wasn't armed. He is merely a protester/birddogger at this point. If a Clinton campaign connection can be made, then it is newsworthy, if not, it is a case of SS overreacting and could be more harmful than helpful.

I care.

therefore your opinion is invalid.

Every Hildabeast supporter says "I do not agree with her policies but we cannot let a (insert ad-hominem) take this election from her.
>WTF If you dont agree with their policies, isn't that the ONLY reason to vote for someone?
>Please CTR help me out, why aren't policies important in an election?

Here's the full size to the thumbnail right there

This could be a case of a previous resident dying and not being removed from voter registration, something her next of kin would have to do on her behalf. The claim she "voted" is not evidenced by the fact she was sent a ballot. The same goes for people that are registered and move, states do registration independently of each other and virtually no one unregisters.

Go away CTR. It states she voted six time with mail in ballot AFTER HER DEATH

No, it states she was mailed a ballot 6 times after her death, that happens automatically.

I thought of that too. However. All of them registered to vote the same day. Which was after her death, and obviously while they were all still living in the same house. So that's not possible

>The claim she "voted" is not evidenced by the fact she was sent a ballot

That means that she infact voted by ballot. It shows when you voted, not if you were sent a ballot

No, that indicates HOW they voted

Not trying to debunk anything, merely being a good skeptic; If all of them were previously registered could that date just be the date the ballots are sent for people that registered in previous elections? And are you sure the vote history actually means that person voted and is not just tracking ballots sent?

why did mods delete the last thread we were using to sleuth?

this one

I see, in that case, keep digging, you may be on to something.

There was a second plant at that rally.

They were the person who yelled "gun", cueing Crites to pull out his "sign" just as everyone looked over. And in that critical moment of panic i bet the audience didn't even process what they saw.

That way it could appear to be a legitimate assassination attempt in person but also a way for the media to spin it completely to their advantage after the fact.

Those were my thoughts. If you yell gun in a crowd, it will create a panic. Add a shit ton of secret service/ police, the dude gets beat up and gets to play the victim like a good little leftist.

Think I managed to compile all relevant data we have so far in an easy to process tweet.



Such sleazy tactics... is this what the election is really coming down to?
