Is this character actually going to be relevant later on or is she just gone ?

is this character actually going to be relevant later on or is she just gone ?

If the show was actually running, we might know by now.

I hope she comes back, though. I ship Mystery Pearl.

Pearl need to have some fun

I want to believe that the reason for this big hiatus is because they are owning up to how bad S4 was. Questioning all of their decisions and plans for the future of the series, especially shit exactly like Mystery Girl/S.

Your full of shit, everyone knows gregXpearl is the best ship

Yeah but how long should this shit actually take?


IMO at this point they should probably have a 'when its done' mentality, for the entire rest of the series. If it's a huge success they can always go do a 'Series 2'.

Only in porn

That's what makes the ship so good.

>wanting pink dyke to show up again
this show has enough garbage episodes, we don't need more.

It's the gospel truth. It is best ship

Her last episode was good tho.

That's not PearlxDewey, Amidot, Cool Kids OT3, RonaldoxKiki, or PearlxPriyanka.

I'd actually really like a small character arc with Pearl and Mystery Girl that sees Pearl begin to come to terms with her relationship with Rose, and how it has affected her development as a person and interactions with others.

>not gregXmysterygrill
Pearl is made for cucking!

I liked everything in the episode but her.

It made Pearl's obsession with Rose shallow enough that someone of passing resemblance is all it takes to catch her interest.

It's ridiculous, that character won't be relevant. The character is ...nothing and probably is gonna appear once again as fanservice for fags and never again. Her chances of being Pearl's couple are zero.

Lauren Zuke was just doing her thing, baiting with and idiot ship and imitating other characters in a fanfic.

We actually KNOW the ship is very dead since Zuke was complaining about how there weren't representation in Steven Universe and all that shit.


It was her simply crying that Lapidot, her OTP got uprooted, nothing more.

> how there weren't representation in Steven Universe
First of all that's just blatantly wrong, and secondly why is she so obsessed with gay representation. First and foremost should be making the show good.

Zuke hated the show and the only thing she cared about was Lapidot.

It's ironic because her obsession with it destroyed the two characters in question and relegated them to pointless side detail forever.

most useless filler character in a shit tier cartoon

I don't. Pearl is just trying to fill the huge pink haired void in her heart and that shit is not healthy.

At least she finally taken an interest to interact with ordinary humans.

No, she is just gone. Like this shitty show's entertainment value.

Is Zuke a lesbian?

good to see a woman sexualized for an LBGT audience this time around. I don't like double standards, and I like seeing this show break them.

zuke is dead, so who cares. Plus I think you can only be lesbian if you identify as a girl and you like girls.

You're assuming the show will come back.

It was good because of Pearl, though. Yeah, the mystery girl inspired her. But she herself didn't really do anything except look like someone else.

She's probably a regenerated Pink Diamond, or even part of Rose.

If the show will ever come back

Another gem/human hybrid?

Since Zuke's gone, and Rogers-Cragg barely remembers xhe's a job (sort of) beyond xer cats and thrice-monthly Twitter tirades, who the fuck knows.

So Pearl is Star now?

No characters will be relevant later because the show is dead there hasn't been a single episode in almost a year.

She'll show up in the background for maybe two scenes in the final battle or whatever.

>is this show actually going to be relevant later on or is it just gone ?

Has anyone on the crew acknowledged what in God's name CN is doing to them now?

>"We were going to pair up Greg and Pearl but their relationship is complicated enough as is"
>Has Pearl go after a Rose clone instead which raises several unfortunate implications

Ditching a show
Don't cost nothin'
Cancelling shit
Don't cost nothin'
What will we do
With all this backlog?
Would rather air Teen Titans Go

There's definitely going to be an episode with her this season

If Mayor Whats-his-face can get another episode about him then Tumblr-bait-girl will get one too

I really hated this episode too. Felt really shoe horned in.

It's like anyone can put on a pink wig and pearl will be your slave forever due to her being extremely desperate.

People really exaggerate the relationship between Pearl and Mystery Girl, to be honest.

>The epitome of everything wrong with Zuke

You're living in a dream user
