Cut out the therapy shit and this is a good episode, yes?

cut out the therapy shit and this is a good episode, yes?

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The therapy part was the best part of the episode. Was good to see the deconstruction of what is supposed to be seen as the infallible genius of the series.

The Pick Rick memes were the worst part. They alone put this show on MLP tier of cancer.


no, but it continues to live in Sup Forums's head rent free

Not really, the main reason why people didn't like it was because it didn't make sense and was way out of character just to make Rick out to be some kind of badass. If Rick want to fuck off he would portal elsewhere and being Rick he would had gave no fucks and make up an excuse to get on Beth good side. As a scientist Rick have no reason to ever experience what his life as a pickle would be like nor would he be such a dumbass to put himself in so much danger. The series went from science fun to magic. Seriously replace any newer episode with the setting having magic and it would had work out the same. The writers had forgotten their own theme and just writing whatever the fuck they want. The therapy part was honestly the only good shit to come out of it. Rick got called out for being a fucking retard by some random person.


The whole episode was a disaster that cemented Rick and Morty into nothing but the animated equivalent to Big Bang Theory.

Not really, Imo, it is either this episode or Vindicators episode as the worst episode in season 3

It's a good episode with the therapy stuff, you're just weak

It's the only episode of the season I legitimately didn't like.

The self insert by the author and then making herself smarter than Rick was the worst part of it though yeah.

The whole season is a revenge from roiland about being forced to apologize for his opinions about women.
He choose women on purpose to make the show fail.
The first episode of season 3 serves as an ending for the show in case of it being cancelled.
He is a genius.

>he's a genius, guys!!!!

Your show was shit from episode 1. If you think there was at all any change from season 1 to 3, you're delusional.

The therapy stuff was okay. The picture of the hotdog in regards to poop eating was funny.

I'm sure the whole women writers thing was Harmon's idea, and theres no way the show will be cancelled, it's Adult Swim's most popular show ever, no other [AS] show comes close, they'll try their damndest to make sure they at least keep Roiland for his voice.

>le randumb murdering edgy gorefest is good

It was okay

Never understood why they still do that, its fucking shit and adds nothing

Because many fans will eat it up regardless of what it is

The Pickle Rick stuff (at least, in the episode itself -- not the memes and misogyny that have been flying around since that episode because Sup Forums is a bunch of dipshit parrots) works towards the show's credit, in my opinion. The point of the therapy bit is to show that Rick does what he does because dealing with constant chaos and danger is easier for him than mundanity or even the slightest responsibility. The fact that he tried to pull off the whole pickle thing (rather than just outright refusing to go) underscores that by showing that Rick doesn't have to just avoid mundanity and responsibility, but he has to justify his doing so in the eyes of those around him. Normally, he does that by ranting about how intelligent he is, the inherent nihilism in a multiverse or just verbally bashing people until they agree, but apparently that didn't work on his family at this point, so he was willing to resort to this.

Not really. They went to fast into the action, which was kinda dull. Also they managed to do a boring B-movie parody, which is honestly impressing.

Really, the setup of the episode was fantastic. As much as it became a meme, the inital Pickle Rick reveal was fucking funny. Morty's stare of it being too fucking retarded even for Rick was the perfect reaction. They should just have built on "Rick trying to pathetically survive as a pickle", not the action shit.

The therapy shit was the entire god damn point.

The pickle shit and the fighting shit was to show that despite Ricks knowledge he's a goddamn immature idiot who thinks so highly of himself and would rather put himself and others in serious danger than attend a goddamn 1 hour meeting with his family.

Cut out the pickle parts and it's a good episode.

How can the pickle rick memes be the worst part of the episode if they weren't in the episode at all?

its a great episode until he is don fighting the rats
the whole russiam embassi part sucks because they cheaped out on the animation, you see rick enter, get shot, a room with a guy sitting and talking, rick builds a trap, more guy sitting and talking, rick builds another trap, sitting and talking russian frees the though russian, russian and rick fight but we dont see most of it, instead we see more therapy and sitting russian.
Add to that therapy and i wish the episode ended after rick fought the rats, a five minute long episode would have been better than that disaster.

>getting upset over gore

The whole point of the pickle thing was to show Rick was terrified of being analyzed. In fact, the whole thing is a metaphor.

Rick couldn't go to therapy because he was LITERALLY IN A BIT OF A PICKLE. Of his own making no less, which is exactly what constantly happens to him.

The therapy shit made the episode. It turned it from mindless Rick antics to thoughtful reflection as to why mindless Rick antics happen. The worst part of the episode is that it sets up the climax of Beth's arc, but doesn't have particular payoff unless you use it to stack proof that the final episode is about clone Beth.

The therapy speech at the end had no weight because all it was was a writer mouthpiece explicitly explaining what is wrong with Rick, only for Rick to brush it all off 5 minutes later. It’s all tell and no show.

The pickle rick part was shit as well for its lack of jokes, the entire episode was dull

They didn't brush it off, their negligence towards the kids appears again in ABCs of Beth.

I enjoyed it.
But I don't really understand the irl obsession with it.

It was enjoyable I think but it's nothing to obsess over.

>John wick but he's a pickle

It would have been mediocre without the therapy stuff. The action scenes were at least slightly clever.

i liked the episode
its funny that rick made himself into a pickle
and that one other guy he teams up with is funny
its a funny show :)

:^) nigger

Veggietales is great

You could honestly make the whole show about a wizard and his apprentice, just change some of the scenery and objects. The story telling mechanics would still work. This show has nothing to do with actual science. They just name drop a sciency sounding word here and there to make it sound smart. R&M is just Jimmy Neutron for teenagers.

>wanting to listen to a show explain itself

God I hate you low IQ retards. You could actually appreciate the philosophical weight of the underlying themes of the show, or the psychoanalytic characteristics built into the characters, but instead you just want to be spoonfed buzzwords in order to feel smart even though you cannot understand even the simplest themes of the show without being told. Go back to reading capeshit you fucking pleb.

The therapy shit is the cornerstone of the whole thing, so not really.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

No, the violence was just unnecessary. I like to see grandpa and grandson adventures and not this shit.

>literally in a bit of a pickle
ba-dum tsh

Is hating Rick and Morty a bigger meme than Rick and Morty at this point?
I guess it was inevitable. Especially with that fanbase.

Well, yeah, even after the show itself flat out stated what it has been showing for 2 seasons at that point...
People still fail to catch on that they shouldn't be emulating or adulating Rick, because he's a horribly broken person despite (or because of) his super powers.

Hey, I hated it from the start! I was the original hater, thank you very much.

Quite the opposite OP. The therapy section is what makes the episode good.
I believe the term I look for is "deconstruction" and that's what therapist had done here.

It makes me wonder: was "wubba lubba dub dub" supposed to mean something at the beginning or did the writers just make it mean something to make fun of Roiland and mess him up? I feel like it was originally just "stupid catch phrase that means nothing" considering Roiland's other works.

it wasn't brushed off. Beth's negligence is a major plot point in several episodes afterwards and the entire Froopyland episode is about beth accepting that her father is an asshole and she's not a nice person.

I wish this were true. Would be hilarious.

>The first episode of season 3 serves as an ending for the show
In my mind, this is already the case

this but also cut out the therapy parts too

The episode is fine, the series is fine

It's faggots that made the show cringey

I actually liked it until it escalated into an action movie and rick started showing his mary sue. That part was pretty boring and even a little cringy.

Between this and the Galaxy Defenders or whatever the fuck they were called, the season did WAY too much Rick-wank. I like episodes dealing with bizarre shit, not fellating him to the point of being some god-being.

It's thanks to this kind of bullshit you have neckbeards worshiping the ground he walks on, and making admitting to being a fan of the show an embarrassment.

They raised this kind of culture around the show, by making Rick 2cool5u. The way I see it, that makes them directly responsible for the cringe.

No, It spawned this monstrosity.

fantasy is for children user

This can't be real.

too real. I have an R&M poster up in my place and I'm almost tempted to take it down rather than explain to every houseguest that I'm not one of THOSE fanboys